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Messages - Countess

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: Hottest Kisses on DS
« on: March 02, 2005, 07:42:27 AM »
IMHO, the hottest kiss never took place on the screen but, to this day, is scorched into my brain - the imagined kiss between Julia and Barnabas.  Yeah, a hopeless romantic I am... [9341]  On the down side, I always felt sorry for Alexandra Moltke coz every time Roger Davis kissed her, her grabbed hold of her head like a melon and fired away.  Afterwards, she was always trying discreetly trying to tidy her messy hair. LOL.


Heather, you are TOO much!  [bigok] Those images are hysterical.  And true.  I always believed Barnabas would only realize how much Julia meant to him only when he risked losing her to another man.  Or, in this case, men.  You are just so talented.  Thank you for sharing. It made my long, tiring day a little brighter.

Countess(trying, unsuccessfully, to wipe the silly smile off her face) [rofl10]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: More Storyline Speculation
« on: February 25, 2005, 10:22:11 AM »
Well, cousins, I can't let this hot topic go by without throwing in my two cents.  I'm impressed by all the great story ideas submitted by all.  I admit that I liked the Adam storyline (loved those scenes with Julia in the lab tinkering with dials and knobs, and beakers of weird-colored potions) and the Leviathan storyline as well.  I enjoyed watching the Leviathan curse infect the members of Collinwood one by one...until Liz was ready to blow Julia away.  Keep in mind that I was a kid when I first saw this.  The idea of a sea monster is interesting given Collinsport's coastal location and the family business being dependent on the sea.  Although...wasn't the Leviathan serpeant a sea serpeant?  I seem to recall the creature leaving behind a slimy, wet trail of what appeared to  be seaweed after it killed Paul Stoddard.  While gothic horror depends on the viewer/reader caring about the characters, such a non-human creature threatening the Collins family creates challenges for each one.  For instance, new allies or enemies are forged, relationships are tested, personal strength is challenged.  So the introduction of a "threat" shifts the dynamics of the family.  Let's not forget that in the most dire circumstances, Barnabas always managed to fall in love ???.  Hey, let's not let imminent destruction wreck a hot kiss! ;D  I could see Barnabas or Quentin falling in love with a mermaid - gives new meaning to getting some tail 8) 8).  So, I guess no subject is too weird if we concentrate on the characters reaction to it, the interplay between characters and, most important, that it be well written.  How about Data from ST transported to present time Collinwood.  Couldn't you just picture Julia opening his head and poking around inside? [ideab] [ideag] [ideay]  One thing I always questioned about time travel - when Barnabas and Julia travelled to 1995 together - did that mean that 25 years in the future both would have still been alive (and hopefullly together ;))?  If one or the other had died in the intervening years, they wouldn't be able to travel to 1995 because they no longer existed, right?  Unless they swapped bodies like Vicki did with Phyllis Wick since Vicki didn't exist in 1795.  Opinions cousins?

Countess(who is stumbling off her damned soapbox at long last!) 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Sam Hall on DS DVD
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:30:48 AM »
Thanks so much, Victoria.  I loved your website and I will check out the dvd collection.  Thanks again!  The cousins on this board are the nicest people!  Does anyone know what Sam Hall is up to these days?  How about Matt?  Any projects on the horizon for either of the Hall men?


Current Talk '05 I / Sam Hall on DS DVD
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:13:01 AM »
Hi Cousins,

I just visited Craig Hamrick's website DSonline, and I wondered if anyone could tell me which DVD contains the interview of Sam Hall by Jim Pierson.  Mr. Hall is a bit of a mystery man and I'm curious about the man who helped shape DS into an enduring show.  Can any cousins help me out?  Thanks!


Please God, just send her a MAN!  Any man!  The poor girl must live in a perpetual state of sexual frustration!  All this passion to give to Barnabas and the dope lusts after every barely legal cupcake who drifts his way.  Stokes, Roger, Quentin, the Jennings Boys (loved that Heather!), I don't care.  Any or all will do for this love-starved doctor! [coolbrows] [coolbrows] [coolbrows]


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: More Grayson-art ;)
« on: February 22, 2005, 07:49:28 AM »
Terrific drawing of Grayson, Heather.  And the Orbach's ad was well done and funny.  Could you design a  set of identical, sleeveless, shapeless shifts for Vicki too? LOL.  No really, I am an artist and make a living through my art.  While nobody is throwing HUGE bucks my way, I'm quite content with my career.  I get to call the shots and if things don't go well, I have no one to blame except the bleary-eyed person who stares back at me from my mirror every morning.  You have tremendous talent and I heartily encourage you to follow your dream and not allow anyone to discourage you.  You go girl! [crowdhappy]

Countess (who never stopped drawing since she was old enough to grasp a Crayola)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Julia's fate in HODS
« on: February 22, 2005, 07:31:09 AM »
Good point about the missing B/J scenes, Julia99.  We'll never know to what degree Barnabas might have led her on.  While I struggled with how DC could have killed off Julia, there was never any question in my pre-teen mind that Barnabas survived at the end of the movie by turning into a bat and flapping his way back to the DS studio in NYC.  Yeah, I know it makes no sense to be in denial of the former and crystal clear on the latter.  I claim the "twinkie defense" - too much sugar consumed during the movie must have addled my mind.   [crazy]


'What an unfortunate time for my Viagra to kick in', thought Jason, 'and how could I have failed to notice what a find looking lad that Buzz is...? [naughty]'


Current Talk '05 I / Re: Julia's fate in HODS
« on: February 20, 2005, 06:47:08 AM »
Ouch, Mark!  But you're right.  Julia was NOT a nice person in HODS.  Still, she was my Julia, and I was just a kid so I couldn't really assign any logic to the fact that DC killed my Julia.  Interesting point about Curtis wanting to kill off Barnabas as originally planned for the series.  How lucky for us that Barnabas caught on with the audience because, honestly, how long could we have been subjected to Vicki's mantra - "I don't understand!"?  Given the low ratings of DS before Barnabas' appearance, I doubt the show would have been around very much longer.  So next time I watch HODS and Julia's being throttled by old Barney, I'll keep repeating to myself -" bad Julia, alternate universe Julia"  and maybe I won't want to throw something at the tv. ;D  Good info and interesting views, cousins.  Thanks!


Current Talk '05 I / Julia's fate in HODS
« on: February 19, 2005, 07:52:34 AM »
I apologize up front if this subject has already been addressed, but I didn't find it in my search.  Was anyone else left in utter disbelief at Julia's fate in HODS?  I kept waiting for her to reappear, that she was just unconscious.  I was shocked when the movie ended and STILL no Julia.  Weeks later, I bought the HODS paperback and scoured the pages for Julia's re-emergence, only to read the shocking words "Julia, all too plainly dead".  How could that be?  Your thoughts please, cousins? 

Countess (still waiting for Julia to regain consciousness...) :'(

Current Talk '05 I / Re: SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: February 19, 2005, 07:45:29 AM »
Had to laugh reading the posts about Collinwood's lack of snow, rain, etc.  When I was a kid and watched DS faithfully with my best friend, we had pondered this very question and arrived at a conclusion that, to this day, satisfies me - at Collinwood it's ALWAYS Halloween!  Although specific dates are mentioned throughout the run of the show, to me there was always a sense of suspended reality.  Collinwood and its residents existed in their own world with, apparently, their own weather.  Could you imagine how BORING the weather forecasts must have been?  But the mood of the show felt like Halloween - dark, gloomy, stormy and a bit chilly with a good chance of dangerous lightning and absolutely no rain. [Wolfie] [Witch_Potion_Animated]. Ah, does it get any better than this?


Mrs. Johnson:  Miss Hoffman, Mrs. Stoddard asked me to tell you to stop flashing the neighborhood.  Seems you're the cause of quite a few car accidents on Route 5.

Julia: (sniff) All I care about is jump-starting the heart of that old fart in the Old House!  Now go away!

Jason:  Go ahead, Willie, pull my finger.

Willie:  Shut up, Jason.  It ain't funny anymore!!

Maggie:  Damn you, Willie Loomis!  I specifically asked for diet Coke!

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