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Messages - Ben

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Needs his own blood pressure  cuff to check his blood pressure when he sees sweet young things.
He'll also need it every time he tells someone who he really is.

And thanks, Birdie, for that image of him having to go to the pharmacy to buy Depends.  I can picture the end of a scene where the pharmacist has just told the old man that they're all out of Depends.  Tight shot on Q/P's face while he exclaims (urgently), "I need my Depends!", (agonizingly) "I need my Depends!", and then (sorrowfully) "I ... need ... my ... Depends."

Cue music.  Cut to commercial.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re: Today is Dom's birthday!
« on: January 18, 2003, 07:36:14 PM »
Happy Birthday, Dom!  It was great meeting you at last June's Fest in Anaheim.  

Hope you have terrific day and a bright year ahead.


Current Talk '03 I / Re: Jan./Feb. Sci Fi Schedule- 1897 Continues
« on: January 04, 2003, 10:47:57 PM »

That's the schedule that's on Sci-Fi's Web site. And a while ago Shadowgram reported that DS would be on Sci-Fi throughout 2003. So, there's really no reason to worry that Sci-Fi might drop DS anytime soon. :)

That's reassuring, MB!  So now I won't feel guilty chuckling if Sci-Fi once again preempts DS on that most ironic of days, Halloween.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: heck of a show today
« on: November 22, 2002, 08:53:25 PM »
And finally, the 3 of them arrive back at collinwood, none the worse for their ordeal, cept for Laura being exhausted, probably from watching Shaw tote nora the entire way, and the foyer is filled with smoke....gotta love it!

I haven't been able to follow the show these last couple of months, but I was talking last night with a friend who has, and I just knew this ep -- one of my all-time favorites, too -- had to be around the corner.  I was telling him how I LOVED how the actors so nonchalantly ignored the smoke in the foyer.  I imagine that everybody must have been gagging during the commerical breaks!  And I can just hear all the laughter  erupting on the set after that day's taping.

Imperfections like these strengthen our great endearment for DS.  Where else can you find a show like it??  I'm reminded of a comment made in one of the DS books by KLS (or Lara Parker), in which she recounts that flowers arrived one day on the set with a card that read simply and earnestly, "Dark Shadows, I love you!"  It was signed by Joanne Woodward.  KLS mused that Woodward must have been laughing.  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 15, 2002, 09:20:13 PM »
I like to think somewhere up there, Mr. Patrick and Grayson Hall, Joan Bennett, Louis Edmonds and Clarice Blackburn and are all having a good laugh together again.

I'm sure they have given him a raucous welcome.

I'm just beginning to appreciate the incredible intelligence, humor, and energy it took for Dennis Patrick to create Jason McGuire, the DS character I loved to hate most.  We were blessed with his wit and warmth at past Fests, and now we will miss him terribly.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Post Fest...One Year Ago Today
« on: September 19, 2002, 06:05:45 AM »
On Sunday morning during fest weekend, I met some good friends in the courtyard.  We got doughnuts and coffee from Krispy Kreme, sat down and talked ... I recall looking up at the Twin Towers for a few moments, admiring how beautiful they were

Robin, I remember that Sunday morning with you and the rest of our group.   John in SC took some neat photos of us and dramatic views of the towers.

Until the 2001 Fest, my only encounters with the WTC had been fast and fleeting.  As a lifelong Chicagoan, I never imagined that I could actually stay at a hotel, attend something as carefree as a Fest, AND find an oasis of sorts -- of all places, in Manhattan!

I never imagined that Sunday morning in the courtyard, with the two mighty towers guarding those of us strolling in between, could be such an escape from my daily grind in a smaller city.  Tranquil New York?  No way! 

I also recall, now naively, being impressed with the security procedures in the WTC tower lobbies.  Everyone entering -- employees and visitors alike -- had to show some kind of ID to get through the security turnstyles.  I remember thinking how elaborate, necessary, and effective that had to be.  

Like VAM, I remember quickly establishing a morning routine at the 27th floor fitness center, easily the nicest and largest one in any hotel I have seen.   The river view as I pedaled on my Life Cycle was spectacular.  In the days immediately after the tragedy, I recall seeing footage of debris consisting an entire interior wall behind a glass case housing wall clocks that displayed the times around the world -- nearly intact!  This appears to be the wall at the entrance to the fitness center, which must have "surfed" some 20+ stories down from the 27th floor.

I wish I could remember more of the posts from that thread at this time last year, but I do recall remarking that the kind and supportive outpouring transformed our members from a group of fans into a family.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Oh No.....not Betsy Durkin!!!!!!
« on: September 07, 2002, 07:47:53 PM »
I would still never cast her in a DS role beyond a friend to Carolyn and even then it would be a walk on (and right back off again).  

Yeah, but something tells me that you just might be tempted to have her get hit by a car or something before the end of that episode ...

Poor Betsy could not evoke the understated mood that AM so capably did.  Had she done so, at least it would have been debatable whether she adequately replaced AM.  Even though I am no fan of Anthony George, he at least brought enough direction to the Burke Devlin character to attract a following to defend him.  

To the poster who found BD "shrill," just wait till Kathy Cody arrives.  I always felt that she epitomized "shrill" better than anyone.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows University
« on: September 02, 2002, 05:55:26 PM »
Ben -- See MB's topic on bandwidth-saving measures. [shadow=green,left,300]--Mark[/shadow]

Oops ... slap me for overlooking an instructive post by the omnipotent MB!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows University
« on: September 02, 2002, 05:37:30 PM »
Congratulations, Mark!

I recently began my new career teaching law school.  Although my current course assignment is legal writing, give me enough time (and imagination), and I'm sure I can find a way to sneak your book into the required reading list ...  and nab you to be a guest speaker in my class!

(wondering why the font options and emoticons are missing from my reply box today -- were they given Labor Day off?)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Alexandra Molke's best moments as Vicky
« on: September 01, 2002, 06:00:03 AM »







(Hmmm - I wonder if like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the "real" Vicki and Maggie weren't actually in a field somewhere on the Collinwood estate, having the life drained out of them by those extraterrestrial plants, while their clueless clones took their places? >:( Now THAT might make some sense...)

Now THAT might make them ... the Stepford Governesses.

I, too, found AM's early scenes with DH poignant.  It must have been a challenge for an adult actor to relate to a child actor having intelligently written lines.  I mean, these weren't the usual adult-child exchanges I'm used to seeing on TV, and much effort and talent was needed to pull them off.  AM and DH established a terrific emotional connection between themselves.

I also like the early eps of the 1795 storyline, although I always get hoarse yelling at my TV set for Vicki to stop blabbing to everybody what century she came from and to just put a sock in it.  ;)


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Julia's Hands & other habits
« on: August 27, 2002, 03:24:32 PM »
Julia's working the equipment..turning knobs..squinting eyes..looking out just past the cue cards..trying to keep up with the sound effects..turning more knobs..standing there (still squinting eyes) ..that cracked me up  :P  

Me, too!  And don't forget the switch-on, switch-off stuff.

You'd think the writers could have concocted a little technical theory into their storyline beyond merely "transferring" the life force.  Someone could have made up something about what those knobs are supposed to do ... or what the the oscilloscope readings mean (they could have hired my seventh grade science teacher as a consultant).  

It was as if all the direction Julia and any other "scientists" on the show got was to turn the knobs intently.  And when in doubt, turn those knobs even more intently.  Turn this knob and that knob.  And this knob again.  Squint.  Switch-on, switch-off.  Frown.

It all looks so random to me.  ::)  How fun.  ;D


Current Talk '02 II / Re: In Dreams
« on: August 26, 2002, 04:48:20 AM »
What my friend doesn't say was that the dream was so authentic, he even saw the "Dan Curtis Productions" and "World Vision" logos at the end of episode one. :-/ :o ?!?

LOL!  I actually thought you were going to say that the dream was so authentic that either Joe accidentally dropped the heart/prop, Willie blanked out on a line (and Mrs. Johnson had to find her way to the alley to feed him his next line), or part of the alley set fell down.   ;)


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIDNITE!
« on: August 10, 2002, 05:39:46 PM »
Julia says (urgently): "Barnabas (PURSES LIPS) ...  we must (PURSES LIPS) wish Midnite (PURSES LIPS) a happy birthday (PURSES LIPS).  We must(PURSES LIPS)!  NOW (PURSES LIPS)!"]

[beer] [angl2] [beer] [angl2] [beer] [angl2]


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows' Stairway To Nowhere
« on: August 10, 2002, 04:05:40 AM »
When someone opens the FRONT door I've never noticed any echoing sound.

I think I also posted somewhere on here recently about there being nothing but a platform down the end of the upstairs hallway at Collinwood.

I seem to recall reading or hearing that if an actor who went up the stairs at Collinwood had another scene in the same act, he or she would have to climb a ladder back down to the floor level to go to the next set.  

And as for echoing door sound effects, I've always wondered why EVERY SINGLE COFFIN, no matter how new, has a lid that creaks.  ;D


Current Talk '02 II / Re: What's in a Name?
« on: August 10, 2002, 03:50:47 AM »
Gotta love that portly, sherry swilling Professor anyway.  He would give even Columbo a run for the money!

Hi, Happybat!  Missed you at the Anaheim Fest.  :(

Your thought about the intellectual and enigmatic Prof. Stokes taking on the deceptively hapless Columbo is a brilliant one!  Couldn't you see the two of them competing to be the first to solve the week's mystery?

The more I think of it, the more I'm convinced Thayer David could have pulled off a weekly prime-time DS spin-off -- solving capers of the supernatural with dream intervention strategies, I-Ching wands, time-travel, and ample glasses of sherry.  I think he could have blown Columbo, McCloud, and McMillen & Wife out of the water.  But I wouldn't mind him collaborating with the esteemed Jessica Fletcher -- couldn't you see them toasting to a mystery well solved, as the "Murder, She Wrote" theme music closes the scene?  8)


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