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Messages - Stuart

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Current Talk '05 I / Quote me good!
« on: March 11, 2005, 05:19:10 AM »
Hello people

I'm putting together a feature for my website celebrating classic DS dialogue.  Having wrung my memory of pithy puns and put-downs throughly dry, I thought it'd be fun to open the gates and get everyone else's favourites too.

So, over to you guys. Basically, the obscure, the witty, the absurd, the moving - any character quote that you think deserves celebrating.  Note it here in this thread, email, PM or whatever.

Thanks and stay spiffy

Stuart :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS Journal Updates
« on: March 04, 2005, 01:42:32 AM »
I don't mind people quoting stuff of mine at all - as long as they give their source, that's all fine :)

And yeah, I like OrangeCarlotta loads too...

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS Prop on Ebay
« on: March 04, 2005, 01:37:23 AM »
TBH, unless you see the seller displaying a screengrab of the listed prop on the show, I'd be very wary of any puported props from the show. There's been a lot of frauds listing generic tat and bric-a-brac as DS relics and it's sad seeing fans getting their fingers burned in the process.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / DS Journal Updates
« on: March 01, 2005, 05:06:02 PM » | Dark Shadows Journal Online

* New on the Site

Download our desktop calendar for March 2005!



95 - new on the site:

* Lara Parker: Writing Angelique's Descent

The Angelique actress writes about her crossover to novelist in a classic feature from 1999.

96 | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site:

* Jim Pierson Interview

Jim Pierson is responsible for the ongoing marketing and merchandise strategies for Dark Shadows. In 2004 he served as Associate Producer on the unsuccessful Dark Shadows pilot and offers an insider's view of the project's shortcomings, along with plans for the future...


Stuart :)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: DULL SHADOWS
« on: January 15, 2005, 05:23:55 PM »
The Leviathan story should have been a lot more interesting than it was.  Jonathan Frid, for instance, was turning in his best performances in ages, the stuff with the kid is deeply creepy, and some of the long-term links with 1897 were fascinating, particularly Julia tracking down Tate.

Problem is, we don't really get that story.  It starts, then the writers seem to lose confidence, and begin wildly changing track, with the result being a very random bunch of half-stories that don't really deliver what the early episodes promise.

I think also the writers didn't do much to ease the transition after spending *way* too long in 1897.  The show had hit its peak viewing figures during that time, so there were segments of the audience who had never experienced DS in the present day.  They make very few concessions for the casual audience - after nine months away, they really needed to restart the present day story afresh and reintroduce the characters properly.

Pity - it was a nice opportunity to get back-to-basics and try a fresh angle.  It could have worked great with some subtle tweaks and a little more long-term investment.

I think the key distinction here is between promotion and exploitation.  If a fan-site's activities compromise or undermine DCPs merchandising strategy, then that is frowned upon.  For instance, there is no reasonable justification to stream episodes online that are available on home video and DVD.  DCP have responded in cases like this, and rightly so.  MPI have licensed those episodes for release in good faith, and their investment deserves that protection.

Providing that balance is maintained, however, I think DCP shows fanzine editors and site owners a remarkable amount of freedom.  We're very lucky in that respect.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Journal Updates
« on: January 01, 2005, 07:21:45 AM »
* January 2005 Wallpaper

Start the new year in style with our handy calendar desktop wallpaper


No, it's not the DS Ben Martin - he's based elsewhere.  I guess it's a fairly common name :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / DS Journal Updates
« on: December 28, 2004, 06:48:08 PM » | Dark Shadows Journal Online:

New on the Site:

* Jonathan Frid - an exclusive 80th birthday portrait, presented as desktop wallpaper
* Dark Shadows Memories - a review of the new audio book
* News updated

Enjoy :)


Chapter Six is now up - happy holidays, people :)

Stuart were you walking down Broadway tonight or are you still across the Pond?  I saw a gent who looked remarkably like you--

Poor guy...  No, alas I'm here in London for the foreseeable future.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: CD collection of entire DS music library
« on: December 06, 2004, 01:38:27 AM »
ISTR that the show's numbered cues make it somewhere up into the 700s - obviously the ad break stingers account for a lot of that, but it'll be great to finally have the entire library in one neat package, rather than higgledy-piggledy across a stack of CDs.

Thanks for the heads up on this - just placed my order... looking forward loads to seeing this at last :)

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