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Messages - MrsJ

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Original vs Revival
« on: March 30, 2002, 03:37:26 AM »
I enjoyed the 1991 series for its own merits, although it was sadly lacking in a lot of respects. It's a shame it was prematurely cancelled --

Your comments on the revival series mirror my own (although you stated them much more eloquently than I would have, lol).  I think that having seen the original series with the original cast really "spoiled" the revival series for many of us.  If I hadn't been among one of the original viewers, I might have a very different view of the 1991 series.  It was a shame it was so short lived, perhaps it would have eventually won me over  :-*


Current Talk '02 I / Re: josette's mother
« on: March 25, 2002, 03:51:27 AM »
SPOILER for Angelique's Descent...
"That would follow Ms. Parker's line of thought since she tells us Andre DuPres is Angelique's father. The Series suggested that the DuPres were Roman Catholic."

Maybe I'm just too picky...but that is one of my problems with "Angelique's Descent".  As a stand alone novel, it is okay I suppose, but it had too many outright descrepancies with the original series for me to really feel it was part of the DS I knew.  It obviously had Dan Curtis' blessing, but for me it was too much of a stretch.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Makeup
« on: March 24, 2002, 09:33:48 PM »

From J99...

"Dr Julia Hoffman revealed--TONS OF MAKEUP! Eyeliner, big eyelashers, lipstick galore!"

I dunno...I kind of liked the caterpillar under the eyes look...


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT:  The B***h  is back!
« on: March 21, 2002, 04:15:49 AM »
"I have been trying unsuccessfully to find Grayson's film "Qui etes- vous, Polly Maggoo?" Was it only released in France? Any thoughts?"

The film shows up on ebay from time to time, I saw it again a few weeks ago.  Was going to bid on it, but of course forgot until it was too matter I suppose, since my French is pretty deplorable...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: I gotta stand up for Angelique
« on: March 11, 2002, 01:17:51 AM »
"Could we all please stop using "Love" and "Angelique" in the same sentence!!  She never loved Barnabas, nor anyone else.  She just wanted what she wanted!"

I like the way you think  ;)   I don't believe that either Barnabas or Angelique really knew what love was...although I suppose love is one of those things that is subject to individual interpretation, lol.  

As much as I hate to admit it though, DS just wouldn't have been the same without her...and it does make for interesting viewing, as well as lively discussions  :)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: "The Wicked Witch of Down East"
« on: March 09, 2002, 02:04:49 AM »
Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

"No doubt, like many of you, I've just abot had it with Barnabas' capricious romantic whims".


So have I, and this is about the time I start not to like the Barnabas character.  And unfortunately, this is only the beginning of his many "whims"...

"That being said, as drop-dead gorgeous as Angelique is, what she did to little Sarah today goes beyond the pale."

And that is exactly what brings Barnabas to new "depths" of shallowness (lol) when he decides he's
really loved Angelique all along...remember your little sister, Barn??


Current Talk '02 I / Re: In Defense of Vicky
« on: March 07, 2002, 12:20:32 AM »
You certainly are giving poor VIcki the benefit of the doubt...and I'm sure most people would have reacted the same way Vicki first, that is.  But once the circumstances became apparent, I think a person of average intelligence would figure out that he/she better play along...especially with Abigail the witch hunter watching their every move.  
I'm sorry, I still think Vicki is just dumb  ;)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Used to watch DS in 60's
« on: March 03, 2002, 08:34:47 PM »
Count me among the "oldies" here...I was probably 9 years old when I started watching the show.  My sister and I had to take the bus home, and we'd miss about half of the show until they moved it to 4:00.  My favorite characters the first time around were Julia, Barnabas, and Willie.  
As I watch the show now, I still like watching Grayson Hall...although Julia does lose some credibility as time goes on (especially in 1995).  I've come to appreciate the work of Nancy Barrett, Thayer David, and Louis Edmonds as I watch DS through more "mature" eyes.  

Quite an impressive board BTW, and thanks MB for the help with registration, I will never understand AOL.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: New Tally Marker
« on: February 24, 2002, 06:09:14 PM »
Posted by MrsJ on February 24, 2002 at 12:09:14:
In Reply to: New Tally Marker posted by Julia99 on February 23, 2002 at 13:12:41:

How about how many times Vicki says "I don't understand"? Oh, too late I guess, there must be quite a number by now...but there's so many more to come...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angies HOT for Barn but he's. . . .
« on: February 23, 2002, 06:14:26 PM »
Originally posted by MrsJ on February 23, 2002 at 12:14:26:
In Reply to: Angies HOT for Barn but he's. . . . posted by Julia99 on February 23, 2002 at 09:31:51:

Lara Parker was quite something in that scene in B's room. But I didn't feel much coming from him (Frid seemed a bit unsure how to play it actually). . . . he didn't seem to care one iota about her. . . strange that she can't see that. . .but then its so true for many people still stuck in the afterglow i guess. ..

Well, you might get an argument from the Ang/Barnabas fans about that, lol, but since I'm not among them I won't quibble. I actually thought Frid did pretty well in that scene though, trying to be a "gentleman" and let her down easy, although what he probably wanted to say was "get the hell out of my life!" He didn't seem to know how to handle Ang's advances, but you have to remember that she was the last person he expected to see. She was a part of his life he'd hoped was behind him, especially in light of his fiancee's imminent arrival.
You'd think that Natalie might have been a little more perceptive about her own maid though...
Oh well, I'm still enjoying watching Grayson and that boa...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Ep. 1: Comments!!
« on: February 22, 2002, 02:46:59 PM »
Originally posted by MrsJ on February 22, 2002 at 08:46:59:

MY STUPID DAUGHTER TURNED OFF VCR TO PLAY PLAYSTATION THIS A.M. (guess who's in trouble when she gets home from school???) Thank God I walked in LR @ 10:02 & quickly turned it on.

The solution to that is to make the kids DS fans too, LOL. I've got one who loves the show, and one who knows better than to mess with the TV when I am watching DS...

And I will echo the sentiment...Clarice Blackburn is superb as the self righteous, paranoid Abigail.


Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: February 15, 2002, 09:14:18 PM »
Originally posted by MrsJ on February 15, 2002 at 15:14:18:

12. If all else fails, take a sedative.



Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mr. Grayson Hall joins the show!
« on: February 15, 2002, 09:09:42 PM »
Originally posted by MrsJ on February 15, 2002 at 15:09:42:

what 'authorities' would that be??

I have personally heard KLS as well as Lara Parker state this on more than one occasion. Also, have seen a taped interview with Dan Curtis where he says the same thing. I guess it isn't all that important, lol, maybe it's just my anal retentiveness rearing it's ugly head, but...Grayson WAS on the show for many months before Sam's name ever appeared in the credits.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Mr. Grayson Hall joins the show!
« on: February 15, 2002, 10:54:13 AM »
Originally posted by MrsJ on February 15, 2002 at 04:54:13:

And I find it interesting that many "authorities" on the subject (ie. cast members) insist that Sam came on board first, and that it was he who got Grayson cast as Julia. WRONG...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS
« on: February 07, 2002, 11:26:58 PM »
Posted by MrsJ on February 07, 2002 at 17:26:58:
In Reply to: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS posted by Julia99 on February 07, 2002 at 10:48:37:

[spoiler]I'm trying to remember the exact time, I believe it was during the dream curse sequence or thereafter. Julia and Willie are in the Old House, and Willie is fretting over Maggie's safety (I think this may have been when they were going to use Maggie's life force for Adam's mate). Willie says something to the effect that it's hard watching someone you really care about endanger their lives, and made a comment that Julia couldn't really know what that felt like. She replied in a very low voice that she indeed did know what it felt like...

"You forget, Willie, I watched Barnabas..."

referring to the life force experiment that brought Adam to life.[/spoiler]

One of Grayson Hall's best DS moments, IMO. I loved the dynamics between her and Karlen.


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