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Messages - Karen_#2

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 18, 2002, 12:04:49 AM »
From Gothick:
What I did crave and demanded until my own set was given to me were Magda's tarot cards.....(snip)....I went to the library, checked out Eden Gray's tarot books, and made my own traced copies of the major arcana cards until I got my own deck as a Christmas present in 1970.  The deck I was given was the "IJJ" Swiss one (so called because of the Jupiter and Juno cards that are said to be unique to this deck), which was the same one used by Magda.

I have those cards too! Found mine on eBay, and also recently sold a brand new deck (sealed) there too. They are pretty cool, huh?  8)  

Other props I loved on the show were...(snip) the painted Egyptian-Laura's scarab

I've seen that on eBay too...check w/ Craig Hamrick, I think he was the seller?  ?!?  He might know where you can get it.

and, of course ... THE AFGHAN!!!

I just ran across the almost *identical* afghan my great grandmother knitted, all rumpled up in a dusty corner of my mom's garage last weekend! I couldn't believe what a find that was!  :o   It's getting some TLC at the moment, soaking in Woolite  ;) , hopefully I will be able to resurrect it!

Does Cassandra Collins' wig collection count as a prop?  That would be on my list, too.

LOL! You crack me up, Gothick! Of course it counts, but I think that would qualify as another one of the Collins' house pets  ;)


THE DEEPEST DARKEST SECRET OF THE WITCH - follow the bouncing hand to the old house

I could totally picture this!

Henry/Casper it is SO good to see your writings again! Thank you for your daily side splitting dose of hilarity!

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 17, 2002, 10:00:50 PM »
I have to agree with you all, Josette's Music Box is right up there among the favorites, along with Barnabas' ring. I have both, sitting next to some rocks I collected from my trip to Newport RI, at "Widow's Hill."

I'd love to get my hands on Barnabas' cane too, to hang on my wall. Also, I love some of the wall sconces and chambersticks that are in The Old House, and would love to have some of them in my own house!  ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Taxes for the Collins
« on: April 17, 2002, 06:45:26 AM »
Do you suppose the Parallel Time room would've increased their tax rate?  I mean, it's liking having double the house.


Gerard! Don't give the IRS any more ideas! They'll find a way and "reinvent" property taxes for us all, I know it! LOL ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Taxes for the Collins
« on: April 17, 2002, 01:08:27 AM »

I can't help but find myself wishing that Nicholas or Angelique would put a spell on the IRS right now. >:(

Amen to that Chris!  :P

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Christening" Collinwood
« on: April 11, 2002, 06:23:43 AM »
Abigail and the Reverend Trask.

That gets my vote, Gerard!

Karen #2

other numbers and links for Prime Time and Super Shuttle:



Super Shuttle:

Check these links out, sometimes the Prime Time site has info on LAX too.

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Familiar Face In The Tribunal
« on: April 05, 2002, 06:07:56 AM »
Bob the Bartender, who wishes that Budweiser still made "LA Beer," the low alcohol beer also known as "Army beer."

LMAO!!! :D  I haven't heard "LA Beer" in ages!!  ;D  thanks for the laughs!

Karen #2

oh, and one more word about prepared for LONG lines. The security there is extremely tight, their newly dubbed nickname is the "Alcatraz of All Airports". So keep that in mind as you are traveling, and allow time for that  8)

Karen #2

Good tips overall that I've read, re: Super Shuttle and Prime Time. And I'll repeat what was said earlier, DO NOT take a cab from LAX! It will cost you a fortune.

Another alternative if available is flying into a smaller airport (and closer) i.e. John Wayne Airport in Orange County (where Anaheim is) or, a less costly one (depending where you are flying from) is Ontario Airport. They each will have Super Shuttle service, and this is important depending on the time you arrive or leave, you won't have to drive across LA proper, which can amount to some horrendous traffic delays and make that one hour drive a 90 min to 2 hour drive.

Plan your time well, and let the shuttle service take good care of you!

Good luck,

Karen #2
(native and now refugee of LA)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Did'ja Ever Wonder?
« on: April 04, 2002, 03:06:47 AM »
Why didn't Joshua even notice or think it odd that there were candles burning in the secret room where Barnabas was entombed.

Suki went to the old house which is supposedly unoccupied and there are candles alight on the wall.

Just wondered.

Tanis  ?!?

LOL, hey there Tanis  ;)

Watching DS is like watching fantasy. You can't take it literally.
If you sit and ponder, wondering why this isn't where it should be, you might miss something coming up in the next few moments (that is, if it's your first run watching the series).

Although, as you may have read, many do just that, which
adds more to the entertainment! (and I'm not talking about only this particular list either ;) )  However, one can drive themselves absolutely nuts nit picking and moaning over little details (candles lit that haven't been seen in years, LOL!). It's "Dark Shadows" land. Anything goes. It's not supposed to be realistic  ;)

Might as well just "do a Vicky" and say "I don't understand"  ?!? , smile, and enjoy the rest of the show.

However, I like Luciaphil's idea the best, the one about the little guy (a la Rocky & Bullwinkle with the broom) filling up the lamp oil and replacing the candles in each room/passage way in Collinsport. Makes perfect sense to me! ;D

After all, it is fantasy, right?

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Suki Forbes, We Hardly Knew Ye
« on: April 04, 2002, 02:39:04 AM »

BTW, no one's said anything about her bizarre death.  Last time I checked, strangling doesn't allow for last words  8)

See my explanation on "Suki's Strangulation" on another post/thread. It is possible, but, IMO, she didn't do a very good job of it (acting like she had been strangled hard enough to kill her, that is).

my personal feeling about her in a few words:

nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah
hey hey


Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: A little Quibble. . .
« on: April 04, 2002, 02:26:48 AM »
Also, where is Abigail? I would love to see her reaction to a few of the happenings that have been going on lately. :o

LOL!! :D She would've been going absolutely nuts, huh?








My favorite "Abigail Reaction" :o moment is coming up later, when she gets her just payback, where she is in "the wrong place at the wrong time" as Barnabas awakens from his day-nap!

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Suki's Strangulation--medical input please!
« on: April 04, 2002, 02:14:41 AM »
Umm .. how is it that Barnabas could strangle Suki, she was able to say his name and then expire??

This is just a "stab" at the question ;-)

Her throat muscles should've been spasming enough to eventually make her pass out, which she did. It is possible, after he let go, that the spasming eased just enough for her to utter his name (although I admit, it didn't sound like her airway was *that* blocked at the moment). They would continue to spasm even after he let go (if he squeezed her neck hard enough), and allow her to lose consciousness.

Actual "death" doesn't happen until some minutes later, when the brain isn't receiving oxygen.

However, she was letting out some healthy screams while he was actually strangling her (LOL! Right! Barnabas *is* loosing his grip!), so it didn't sound too convincing that she was actually choking with someone's hands grasping around her throat.

...just my humble observation....

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: April Fools Day with the DS Characters
« on: April 01, 2002, 08:02:49 PM »
LOL, good topic.

Just once I'd love to see Barnabas get really drunk off some lush "lady of the night" one time down on the docks! ;D

How about the presently absent (and I still think a closet brat) Daniel in 1796?
would he :

TeePee Collinwood? :D

Saran Wrap Auntie Abigail and Reverend Trask together in a compromising position  :o

Pour castor oil in Naomi's sherry..... :P

Somehow sneak into the Gaol and put an invisible super glue on Peter's hands while he is asleep. And then when he touches his hair......  :D

Tell the whole village of Collinsport what he *really* saw go on between Millicent and Nathan.... :o

I'll think of more later....the day is still young!

Karen #2

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