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Messages - Heather

In fact, all the nudity is far more explicit - if you're into that sort of thing. 

The more nudity the better as far as I'm concerned... whoops, did I say that?  LOL  ;D  Nice write-ups all...

Since posting that the DVD (originally released by Anchor Bay back in 1998) was hard to find, I've noticed that DoD was reissued in 2003 by Blue Underground with all new packaging. I don't know if it's a part of the new version, but the Italian poster was included in the original release:

--Wow--  Nice poster!  Inspiring... And those nails.  chortle.  ;)  ;D

Hi Shane.  :) As far as your question is concerned...I know she owned multiple wigs/falls. As Charles Ellis pointed out recently, one was a treasured piece from Rita Hayworth...

And yes, she did have a full head of luxurious red hair underneath that  ::) framed her face beautifully on the show (after the 1795 flashback) and in many of her other ventures (cough).

On second thought - I'll let Steve, J99, Bette, etc. handle any specifics...they're the Graysonholic experts. An encyclopedia FULL of info!  :-*   ;)

Julia comes out of Chris' bedroom and assures Barnabas the atropine worked; he should be all right. "Thank God," says Barnabas. Julia asks about the figure who led them here; she's trying to help, too--how did she know to come to me in my room?. A friend from his past, suggests Barnabas. "A ghost?" asks Julia--not Chris' past, those clothes are too old. "A guardian spirit who wants him to live," suggests Barnabas. Does Chris know about her, they wonder. Julia ponders how she knew to come to me--how did the ghost know about me? She sips some coffee.

Yeah, It was either that coffee or a cigarette... yuk, yuk.  lol  ;D

Chris comes out of his bedroom. Barnabas helps him into a chair. Chris, breathing heavily, asks what happened to him.

That's what I'm dying to know. I mean, what *were* the extent of Julia's services, Chris dear? :o  ;D

Julia gives Chris something to clear up his dizziness.

From her bag or something from the back room? ;)  Doncha just love potential innuendo?  Hehe... ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 28, 2004, 06:15:54 AM »
A riding crop? I had no idea Grayson was an equestrian, who is pepe? ???


I think I mentioned this at the very tippy-top of the thread... If I didn't, my apologies.   8)

These screen captures were taken from the 1962 movie, "Satan In High Heels" (SIHH for short ;)).  Grayson plays Pepe: a chic, sophisticated and headstrong night club manager (Grayson is THE highlight of this film. Great close-ups, jazzy music; and Her hair, clothes, and dialogue are fantastic!). In between balancing the books and schedules, she acts as peacekeeper and confidant for the other characters, and cracks the proverbial whip at rehersals.  Pepe spends much of the film training Meg Miles character, Stacey, for a feature number at the club's season opener. Although taming the tramp seemed to be a futile effort at times, Pepe manages to train her enough to belt out a campy tune while dressed in a leather ensemble, complete with accessories (ie. riding crop).  :D

Did I miss anything, graysonfiles...Or did I say too much?   :-X   ;)  ;D

Tired wench,


Whoops...I don't know how I missed that.  :o  Those were some lovely pictures, Connie!  Yes, it is nice to have a face to go with the names...  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Screen Caps From Episodes #654 & #673
« on: August 28, 2004, 12:14:37 AM »
Good one, Nelson...  ;D

It's so much better being able to put a face with someone's posts.  AND I love your posts.  I enjoy every one of them.
PS  I'd like some vodka too.

Just an addendum to what I was spouting off about...  ;)

I've never been called adorable before...a lot of other things I won't dare mention, let alone type...but *never* adorable. ::sappy violin music chiming in the background::
Ya see, my theory is that I grew up in an odd band of PT, that's all... ;) wasn't referring to anything else. Love you guys here on the board...etc, etc.   :-*

And have you ever posted a pic of yourself, Connie? ;)  Anyway - when I think of you, I think of your witty posts and lively creations featuring a certain divine redhead; as well as that hunk that's in your avatar and sig line...(the more Quentin the better, huh?)  Hehe.  ;D

I should send you my mom's recipe for a certain festive vodka infused you a buzz. LOL

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Writers naming of Barnabas?
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:36:23 PM »
Kinda like how i was when I was told "Walt Disney" was a person not a glowing castle on NBC tv every sunday night. . .I still remember how shocked i was . . :o

LOL - Oh, that was too funny J99. Similar thing happened to me when I was little... lol.  ::)  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Fest Photos!!
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:24:44 PM »
Great photos, Sally. As my grandmother would say, you have such a warm, friendly smile. Thanks for sharing!  :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 27, 2004, 10:04:00 PM »
Yes my friends, that's a riding crop, not a cane. It's not Pepe's per say, but I could certainly imagine her using it this way or that [take THAT whatever way you will]     ;D

Congratulations, Heather!  And it's great to finally see you.  :D  You're adorable!

Wow - Thanks!  :)  I've never been called adorable before...a lot of other things I won't dare mention, let alone type...but *never* adorable. ::sappy violin music chiming in the background::

p.s. Yep, I do burn easily. I know what yunz mean. I blame it on my middle and eastern European ancestors (no one can ever guess what nationalities I'm comprised of. Little bit of this, little bit of that... ;))

I just noticed that I finally made "full poster."  Yeah, baby!   Watch out!  LOL  :D

Lets see...took about three months, and the divine graces of thy god MB (and Midnite and Dom ;)) to make this moment possible.

A special nod also goes to the goddess Grayson and her devoted legion...sniffle. :-*

Now to mark the occasion, I decided to post a pic of moi... but be warned... *pale* doesn't even begin to describe it...

Okay, okay...this isn't a great picture.  :P   :-X  I look a teeny-bit different than this nowadays. What can I say; school's running me ragged!   :D

Did that scare anyone?  LOL  Anyway...Thank you one and all, this is a nice place to play.  ;D

You can now return to your regularly scheduled DS talk...

OMG!  I'm with MB.  I know what my next DVD purchase will be.  What devoted Graysonphile would NOT want this in their collection?!  Big kiss and hug for making my day!  :-*

You can count me in Dawn! If I had the money, it'd be in my grubby little hands lickety-split... :D

Thanks again for those captures, Jean Claude--they do look as good if not *better* than the Mystery channel version. :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 27, 2004, 04:25:09 AM »
Wonderful pictures Heather I would love the picture of Grayson with what looks like a cane under her chin?  if you would be so kind as to send me that capture I would be very gratful. :)

I'd be happy to!   :)

If anyone else, perchance, wanted copies feel free to *PM* me {god, that almost sounds naughty...snicker}.  ;)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Odds & Ends Questions
« on: August 27, 2004, 03:47:26 AM »
the name of my avatar is mysterious.gif  :)


Okay, back to polishing your shrine... ;)