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Messages - Heather

Okay, now that I have some of yunz guys...attention... ;)

I had a moment to relax (for a second (lol)) and I happened to be watching the lone DS DVD set I own (set #9 -- the rest of the episodes are on tape ;)). I guess I purchased this set first because, frankly...Julia gets a lot of action - in more ways than one. ;D

Anyhoo, the evil seductress known as the capture button was whispering sweet nothings to me, and I quickly gave into temptation... snapping moments of  the "Jennings affair" (also known on the Julialist as the Tom Jennings incident - cough). 

My bent comments proceed the pictures....  ::)

*First of all, here's Tom, bc (before the curse)

Local Handyman;
Jack of all trades;
and all around nice guy...

Tongue shot...

Nice flashlight... ;)

And, of course, there's our dear Julia...
Does anyone else besides me like her in this getup?   :D

Nice Profile... love what Pepe did to her hair, Steve (sigh).  ;)

(continues in part 2...)

But in the context of the story, poor Chris & Carolyn: so hot as a couple, yet so doomed to never be.

Well, There's always fanfic dear...   ;)

Connie, this chocked me up...  :'(

My mom has numerous health probs, so I know how things like this can go. Sending my best wishes your way. Hope you feel better soon, hon.  Take care... :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Restless in W. PA...
« on: September 10, 2004, 12:32:12 AM »
All three have just been added - particularly because we can never have too many smileys with whips. 


Whoops, how'd that get   Bad, bad, naughty smiley...


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Masques of the Plague in 1841 PT, Corman, etc.
« on: September 09, 2004, 11:27:31 PM »
Good topic, Vlad.  :)

BTW, for those who are curious, "The Seventh Seal" has a great scene of a young girl about to be burned for witchcraft and for carnal knowledge with the devil.

Hey... I love that movie!  :D

Vlad, I'm aghast at your report that reviewers have been dismissing the R. Corman/V. Price Masque film as "trash"--when I was a young'un, the movie was widely regarded as the high point of the Corman Poe AIP series, beautifully stylised with exquisite images and a literate, provocative screenplay.  Only The Tomb of Ligeia surpassed it because it was just a bit more finished and had a more understated approach to the subject matter.  Perhaps today's critics regard Ligeia as trash, too.

:o  I think that's just awful... but then there's a lot of that going on today. :(

For those whose brains have been rotted out by the explo posturings of certain highly touted present-day filmmakers (I won't name names though I am aching to do so), of course, anything made with a higher degree of imagination than budget is automatically "trash."

Ain't that the truth!  [frustrated sigh]  Am I the only one in my age group that feels like this? lol
I need a drink...   ::)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Restless in W. PA...
« on: September 09, 2004, 03:10:33 AM »
How sweet of you, Heather (and I'm not just talking about the cookies :D).

No problem. You're welcome.  :) Gosh...we just need some and we'd be set.  LOL

And on a completely different note - Speaking of smileys, I think these should considered for the lineup one day (cough)...

Whoops...Sorry...was that OT?  <grin>

-Heather  (who's crossing fingers we'll get scary smileys by Halloween).  ;D

Glad you enjoyed the pics of our Divine One!  And thank you, Heather, for directing me to DVD Capture!

Well, us Mac and/or Unix and/or Linux users gotta stick together, ya know... ;) 

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Restless in W. PA...
« on: September 09, 2004, 12:40:57 AM »
waaah!!! Why doesn't anything except the small X in a box show for me :'(

Sorry Patti    :(   :'(  It's there now...

Here dear, have a cookie.  Want one too, Midnite? [in a sing-songey voice]  They're freshly baked. ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Hall's Hair (A Question For Her Legion)
« on: September 08, 2004, 04:02:37 AM »
Regarding the new haircut. . it's so obvious-- Julia "easy virtue" Hoffman . . .tramp ..  :P

Sounds like a story idea to me, J99...chortle.  ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: how long to modify?
« on: September 08, 2004, 04:00:30 AM »
i sometimes wonder if my posts are annoying. ::)

Naw, mscbryk.  :-*  It's my posts that are annoying... LOL  ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: how long to modify?
« on: September 07, 2004, 05:40:54 AM »
Wowsa - we can't hide anything from you, can we MB?   ;D   Chuckle...

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Restless in W. PA...
« on: September 06, 2004, 05:26:03 AM »
Okay, another piece for your amusement...

In one of my design classes, we had to create stationery (letterhead, envelope, business cards) for a "personality." Could be almost anyone, living or dead. So guess who I chose?   ::)

The divine Grayson herself.  :D

This is the letterhead (cough):

The scanner really doesn't do this justice (not as vivid and clear as in 'real life'), and I did get a good grade on this, but of course there were some choice comments attatched. I think I know what I did wrong...too many symbols; coloring; and I did this by hand (whereas others did it on the computer - go figure) so the type isn't just so... [long sigh].  Heck, I just have too much to do anymore PERIOD... lol.

One interesting note...this particular teacher is a huge DS fan. I was kinda taken aback. It's a small world for us eclectic nuts, isn't it?  LOL

To my fellow legionaires ;) please forgive me...I was supposed to make up an address.  :P   I'll spare you the business card I made...chortle.   :-[  

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: September 05, 2004, 02:22:17 AM »
Thank you so much Heather for the information!  I have always wished for a way to attain a screen capture... does this also work for VHS as well as DVD?  Pleeeeaseee say yes.. :)

[putting on my windows/microsoft dunce cap again] Unfortunately Sarah, I haven't a clue... sigh. ???  :-

Robservations / Re: Robservations 10/9/02 - #682/683 - Beth Gives Amy a Gift
« on: September 05, 2004, 02:15:09 AM »
But my favorite is when Julia Hoffman whips out that Duncan yo-yo... er... medallion to hypnotize Chris, and is suddenly hit with a coughing fit. Almost looks like they cut the scene right after, as Grayson probably quipped, "I'll never put him under sounding like George Burns!"

LMAO! Duncan yo-yo...'re a treasure.   ;D  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: September 01, 2004, 02:52:22 AM »
Heather, is there a Windows equivalent to DVD Capture?  I'd sure like one!

Unfortunately, no (sigh).  :(

However  [Putting on my tie-dyed dunce cap], I'm not as familiar with PC's (and windows operating system) as I am with Apple/Macs. :-
I could do a more thorough search on the net, but so far I haven't found anything that doesn't cost some change ($$). For example, One site I found was:

The product is Macromedia RoboScreenCapture v2. The requirements are (got this from the site ;)):
* Intel Pentium II 200MHz or higher
* Windows XP, ME, 2000, 98se, NT 4.0
* 128 MB RAM
* 40 MB of available disk space

They offer a 7 day free trial, and after that the software costs $34 for the full package.

If anyone else knows of software for capturing DVD stills, please let our Window-inclined friends in on what's up...  ;)   Thanks!



p.s. Guess what...I got one last capture to share. By the way - MB dear, I'm not taking up all your bandwidth, am I? You can whip me with a wet noodle if I am... (LOL).

Anyway - This is the part of SIHH when Pepe hands Stacey the proper accessory. Now, in my warped mind, Pepe has a few of these and other...assorted necessities back in her apartment. Just in case. ;D And if you dig further into my demented notions, said accessories help Judith and Pepe bring an element of discipline in their relationship... [sound of whip cracking in the background].  Or, let's say one day Julia takes things into her own hands and surprises Barnabas with.....oh forget it. LOL
Please don't zap me...  ::)   :P  ;)  ;D

Grayson's hair looks good even at this angle, doesn't it?  :-*