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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Died By Fire......
« on: April 28, 2002, 12:43:28 AM »

LOL Minja, you're a trip! After seeing your previous fiery replies yesterday when I was here, before you had replied to the last post, I was thinking to myself, Okay Minja, you're on now! I agree with VAM about the fire extinguisher. Thanks for the laughs! I'm sure glad Craig's characters on Dark Shadows didn't die by fire, though we never quite knew what happened to Harry. I'm cruisin' on now. It's just too hot here!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: SERVING WITH A SMILE
« on: April 27, 2002, 09:35:37 PM »
You all know who I want, just look at my avatar. Harry Johnson was also a chauffeur. He could be very useful and fun! Once here in Las Vegas when I was out walking at night, a luxurious white stretch limousine pulled over and the driver asked me if I wanted to get in. He said he was on break and was heading to the airport to park over there. I thanked him and said no. I didn't know who the man was, limo or not. If only that had been Harry Johnson, lol!

Birdie, I know what you mean about all those stuffed animals. My daughter has a huge collection too.

I noticed that too right away that the candles were not lit, it added more of a gothic look to the secret room when they were.

The Girls Of The Eagle Calendar 1795
I bet that was exciting. Put on a few more clothes!

Noah's close observation on Nathan was right on. I also like what he said about Daniel, "He sounds like a smart little boy!"

Noah Gifford - Met up with bad choice of company, had a rakish outlook on life, was smartly attired - whether it be as a pirate, or as a blackguard waiting to pounce on poor Miss Millicent in the gazebo. Had he not met an unfortunate demise in 1795, Mr. Gifford might well have become one of Collinsport's best citizens.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Died By Fire......
« on: April 26, 2002, 11:00:31 PM »

Yes it did unfortunately, in 1969. It was on the same property as the Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, NY. Last time I was there, I at least wanted to see where it had stood, but didn't have enough time to go over there. Maybe next time!

Thanks for the info Vlad! I will look for a copy of the current issue of "The New Yorker." I would like to read the article on soap opera format, specifically focusing on "As The World Turns." Craig Slocum had a role on that show too. Dark Shadows was unique. I like what John Karlen said in an interview. He said on Dark Shadows you could really bring out your emotions, and you could really go the limit and do big things. He also stated that Dark Shadows was good fun for actors and gave them tremendous opportunities, whereas ordinary shows wouldn't, and that the show covered all areas and it was a good time on Dark Shadows, with lots of laughs. I'll bet it was! Wish I could've been there. I was just a little girl though. I'm not surprised that the popularity of Dark Shadows was responsible for the creation of soap mags. I collect the ones with Dark Shadows articles and pics. Afternoon TV has some really good ones. Thanks for the great topic!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Shadowed Sightings
« on: April 26, 2002, 08:05:54 AM »
I'm sure glad I saw this edition of Sightings. This is a must see for all Dark Shadows fans! Buzz's elucidations however, didn't provide much clarification about the eerie goings on at Collinwood. Star witness Harry Johnson, who lives at Collinwood, made everything clear when he explained in depth and great detail about his first hand occult experiences around Collinwood and the Old House mansions, involving a witch, warlock, vampire, and children communicating with a deadly spirit named Quentin. Harry also presented a photo snapped by David Collins at Collinwood, to validate claims of time travel involving a former governess, during her stay at Collinwood, which came about during a seance one night. The extra feature with ghost hunter Peter James, was excellent! He was successful in communicating with the spirit of the good witch, Bathia Mapes, who made an appearance long enough to further validate the truth about the "Collins Curse" and how she met her fiery demise. She spoke of the Old House and referred to it as 'the house of the curse.' confirming that this is where the legend began in 1795, and gave historical verification about the entire situation, which has now been proven to be accurate and true.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 26, 2002, 03:26:09 AM »
I have never been to Seaview Terrace "Collinwood", I hope to go there someday. I have gone to the other two mansions that were used in the filming of the Dark Shadows movies. If I ever get there I will also stop at the Black Pearl "Blue Whale", just up the road from Seaview Terrace, also read that Barrister's Wharf (a restaurant called The Moorings) is highly recommended if you love seafood. Sounds like a fun weekend plan.  Thanks for displaying the great pics Midnite!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: New Game Show
« on: April 25, 2002, 06:00:58 PM »

I think Lieutenant Nathan Forbes earned a spot on the show when he resigned from the navy, thinking that Millicent Collins was going to support him.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If the gloves fit...
« on: April 25, 2002, 09:40:35 AM »
Thanks for giving me that honor VAM! Did you say I'm a BIG Craig Slocum Fan? That's putting it mildly.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: classic verbals
« on: April 25, 2002, 09:24:24 AM »
I don't remember the character's name, played by Roger Davis. Barnabas says to him, "Tell them that you saw no one here." Roger Davis says, "Oh that's fine, what am I gonna tell em?" Barnabas says, "That you saw no one here!"

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: An Actor's Curious Journey
« on: April 25, 2002, 08:55:18 AM »
I have been thinking about getting this book for almost a year now. I went to Jonathan Frid's show in Georgia last June, figured it would be the only way I would get to meet him since he no longer attends the Dark Shadows Festivals. At least to my knowledge he hasn't for several years. The book was not yet available but I obtained information on it from Mahlia Howard. She was there. After reading the comments here, I've made up my mind to get it. I know my Mom will read it too, she's been a big Jonathan Frid fan since we watched Dark Shadows in the 60's. Something for her to read when she comes over! I saw a couple of the books for sale on Ebay. One was a special limited preview edition. Now out of print. Thanks for the comments and info!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If the gloves fit...
« on: April 24, 2002, 07:26:11 PM »
I'm surprised nobody mentioned this since it was just shown very recently. Noah Gifford wore gloves when he was disguised as the Collinsport strangler.

Hi Karen #2,

LOL! Just couldn't contain myself here. When I read that I just had to say something. I know what you mean about Craig's New York accent. I really picked up on it when he came back as Harry Johnson. You can sure tell he's a native New Yorker. I really like the boat house scenes he did with Daniel, and the scoundrel Forbes. Also, when he was searching the woods and cemetery for Daniel. The ending with Noah in the mausoleum, sound of thunder, and lightning lit stained glass window were great! I love it when he walked up those stairs, nice rear view. He looked good front and back! Glad I have the tapes to look at. All my tapes with the eps of Craig Slocum are stacked on top of the big screen. All the rest are on shelves.

Hi Robin,

I just have to comment on your remark, "Noah looks like a goofy elf in that hat." My Mom called me a few minutes ago on the phone and I told her about it. My Mom and I had a good laugh! She mentioned that he was 5'11", a little too tall to be an elf. She doesn't have a PC, so she is looking forward to reading all this stuff when she comes for a visit for my birthday and Mother's day next month. That "hat" is called a beanie, they were very popular with the gang members when my brothers and I were in school. They wore them too. So I think Noah's "hat" was cool! I am enjoying these current episodes. Lately we have seen some of the best in the 1795 Flashback. Nice pics here too!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Collinses Meet the von Trapps
« on: April 24, 2002, 04:12:51 AM »
I don't miss work period, find a rich man! I did and I love being a stay at home Mom.