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Messages - Heather

I'm thrilled you decided to post this Jean-Claude.   :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings The Lusty Vampire
« on: September 17, 2004, 05:17:05 AM »
Well, I just so happen to have an iBook...

Perfect... [wringing hands together]

NO!  I won't fall into that trap!  You're one of those Capture Pushers they warned us about at school!  They told us to "Just Say No!"  I won't end up on the streets, selling my body for a remastered copy of QUI ETES VOUS, POLLY MAGOO!!!!

LOL... that was just too damn funny!  I was just thinking about that movie... ;D  Another feature I have yet to see.  Not that I would understand a word, hablo Frances. ;)

Current Talk '04 II / B&J exposed
« on: September 17, 2004, 04:46:02 AM »
Hi again... Okay, to make up for the unfortuanate mishap, and to test my site to make sure things are on the up-and-up, I'd like to share another drawing. This isn't completely finished  (I do touch ups for what seems like eternity - lol), but I thought I'd share.  :D

This is for my final in Life Drawing - we had to come up with an illustration depicting a scene featuring the human figure. ;) So, the first thing I think of is DS...of course. lol  :P  This is supposed to be Barnabas and Julia by the sea [I had to crop the picture, and the scan doesn't show the detail as good as in person, unfortunately. :( And you can't see the entire scene. B&J are walking forward; Barn's holding a towel while Julia's trying to cover herself with a barely-there cover up ;)] Let's just say I've been reading one too many pieces of suggestive fanfic lately (you know who you are...).

It's okay to guffaw...  ;D  I mean, B&J wearing hardly anything? Who woulda thunk it? Barn with washboard abs...chuckle.
And the picture evokes so many questions. What is Barn's hand doing back there; giving Julia's tush a squeeze, perhaps? Is she running away from the situation or leading him somewhere? What were they doing anyway, etc...??  ;)

Hey...stop staring at their snugly-fit swimwear!

No wait - I'll join you...  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings The Lusty Vampire
« on: September 17, 2004, 04:08:57 AM »
Bring it on, Heather! Do what you can: I woke up needing a major Briscoe fix, and adding insult to injury, I have no java to put into my Julia Hoffman-holding-the-hypodermic coffee mug this morning.
Whatever the outcome, your efforts deserve high praise.

Anything for a fellow Gemini (poor guy - no coffee?? Torture! lol ;):-*
Thanks for your sweet suggestions everyone. As per what Midnite said, I'm gonna transfer these caps from my cursed yahell album (snort) onto a regular site...everything has a catch is all i gotta say. ;) [I'd just send the link to the album but...well...there's other pics there not really appropriate for...uh...mixed company (cough) ;D]

I don't know - forgive me - this is finals week for me - my brain's been half-cocked day and night it seems... ;)

Hope to get this fixed soon. It just looks really, REALLY odd having my insinuating remarks without the pics to back it up.  ;D  ;)

Mmmm...I love any sentence that includes the words 'Briscoe' and 'pornographic'!  :o

Naughty boy... wanna borrow Pepe's whip? 

"Don't you think it's getting hot in here?":  That could have been lifted from any porno film--one of those awkward segues from "plot" to "action."  (I'll leave this alternate version of the scene betweeen Joe and Tom to everyone's imagination.)

Chortle. Well, I know MY imagination's running a mile a minute now... ;)  No, I don't have a one-track mind! ;D

Heather, perhaps Jim Pierson could include a Capture Anonymous meeting at the next Fest!  ;D  If Warners ever releases NIGHT OF THE IGUANA on DVD, we're going to need it!

LMAO, Jean-Claude! Very true. Hey - watch out if anyone is carrying an ibook w/ DVD capture installed... you could sneak around a dark corner, pull a DVD out and get your fix....  ::)  lol

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings The Lusty Vampire
« on: September 15, 2004, 09:57:11 PM »
You probably saw what was in your browser's cache.  Since yahoo won't allow hotlinking, you could try moving them to, which will give you the code to post them here.

Okey-dokey...  :-

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings The Lusty Vampire
« on: September 15, 2004, 05:52:26 PM »
unfortunately, with the exception of the smileys, I can't get even a solitary, isolated image to show up.  :(  Was anyone else able to view these?  It looks like they're stored in a different space than your previous caps.


I think I'm gonna cry... :'(  I have NO IDEA what happened!! They came up fine when I previewed and posted it last night...

I'm completely and utterly dumbfounded... ???

I'll check on this again when i get home (yeah, sneaking time between classes - shame on me. Chuckle).

Well, this just falls in line with how this month has been so far... chortle.  :(

Paying tribute to the divine doctor.  ;)

But it's fun to watch that exchange...mind games galore. ;D
He did give her flowers though [see Barnabas, FLOWERS...ya know, those colorful things growing in the garden--you can pick them and...oh forget it.  LOL :P]

Love the look she gives Nicholas at the end. And Despite her ordeal, I think Julia looked nice...freckle shots. ;)

All in all, it was quite a day for the dynamic duo.

[Kiss her, you fool!  Whoops, sorry...just slipped out]  LOL

Candy gigarette, coffee, herbal refreshment...cold shower anyone?   ;D



p.s. Okay Jean-Claude, sign me up for DVD Capture-anonymous.... stat! 

p.p.s.  Wait just a darned second...I think the Julia slaps Cassangelique scene is at the beginning of this set!  :o  [squeal]  The obsession continueth... ;D

And IMO, the B&J moments are *priceless* [dammit Barnabas, you KNOW you love her! Just SAY it already. Geeze... LOL]  :-*

Oh--and on a completely different note--I love the part when Liz hides behind the chair in the Old house drawing room (chuckle). Reminds me of David - guess it runs in the family.  ;)

BTW, is BROWN the color of the day on the estate, or what??  LOL  I mean, Barnabas and Roger almost blend into the background here...

Anyway, Nicholas comes for an unexpected 'visit' to check on Julia.

Love the look Barnabas gives him: *He had better not DARE harm my woman...I mean, friend*  ;)

Freaky when Nicholas snuffs out the candles...although, IIRC, I think one of my relatives did almost the same thing on my birthday one year.  Chuckle.  :P

Hmm...I don't think Julia is too thrilled to see Nicky boy either. ;)

(concludes in part 10...)

Whoopsies, sunrise...  :D

Tom goes back in his coffin. Barn. regains the advantage...

Our hero hesitates; contemplating what he must do!

Accepting his fate, Barn. quickly delivers the fatal blow... ;)

Heck it was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it...

Julia feels the pang immediately...he and that glorious tongue are gone!   :'(   ;D

But just as suddenly, she's thrilled to be herself again. Love the mirror shots here...creative. :)

(continues in part 9...)

As Barnabas goes to the crypt to avenge Julia, the good doctor has to deal with that afgan...snort. ;)

Anyway, when Barn. and Willie go to stake Tom, they find the coffin empty. Naturally, Willie freaks...

And so Baranabs does the dirty deed himself.

Well, let's just say that the rest of this scene is a tad too close for Barnabas' comfort. ;D Vampirism must effect certain hormones like nobody's business...

Coffin position, anyone? {evil grin}

(continues in part 8...)

Okay, fast-forward to when Julia meets the bachelor at his decked-out pad... chortle.

She is so happy to hear from him...

And you cannot talk about this warped triangle without rehashing the sexy 'scarf strip-tease'  scene... those horny little toads.  ;)

Barnabas, worried and anxious - especially after Willie makes him admit he cares more for her than he appears to:

Fortunately he finds her in the nick of time...

Nice leg shot: ;)

I adore this scene and the close-ups.

(continues in part 7...)

After dusk, Tom begins his kinky lust-filled call...

Like these transition shots.

"Please... Come..... come to me e e e... Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaa a a a a ahhhhh h h h!"

Barnabas brings her back to earth...temporarily. Nice hands, big guy... ;)

Despite Barnabas' watchful eye, Julia slips from the house and wanders across the grounds to Collinwood; fainting when she thinks her stallion Tom may have perished.  :o  And of course, the *first* course of action in any medical emergency (at least for certain members of the Collins clan ;)) is to give the victim a good swig of strong brandy...hell, if that don't work nothin' else will!  ;D  LOL

All the while, Liz escaped Wyndcliffe and is scared out of her wits in the woods by Mr. Jennings...

Julia gets yet another call from her kinky loverboy. Liz is looking at her like: "What in the hell IS it with this house?"  lol

(continues in part 6...)

And so Barnabas sequesters Julia to the old house for her protection:

Josette's room (taking this out of context, doesn't it just look nice for Barnabas to walk in the room with his satiny robe on while Julia sits at the vanity? ;) Well, to make it really good you'd have to redecorate that entire room--new paint, furniture, the works; make it into Julia's study/office; and have Barnabas walk in with nothing but an apron on to serve her refreshments while she takes a break after a long day of work. [sigh] ;D)

Nice mirror neck shot...   :D

Barnabas does all he can to take her mind off Tom. One wonders if there's a tad bit of jealousy afoot...I mean, first he tries the purple satin robe and now the sexy velvet-Hef-smoking jacket. Ohhh yeah baby... lol   ;D

[How they thought she could get any work done at this juncture I have no idea. I know - Adam's threats (sigh). And they had to get Jeff Clark to help...  ::)  :P ;)]

What a dilemmna for our brave doctor...

Barnabas finally whips it out for her protection...

Julia wasn't expecting that. ;)

But even through the trauma, her hair holds up fairly well. Lovely hair color, dear.   :-*

(continues in part 5...)

A few minutes later, she's finishing up things in the lab when she senses an eager presence...

Tom's hightened senses didn't turn to Maggie, Vickie, Carolyn or any of those ordinary SYT's. No, no...only the *hottest* redhead in Collinsport could possibly satisfy!  ;D

I love Julia's shriek in that scene (chuckle). Though me wonders if it was just his *thick* fangs that startled her so....  :o  ;D

Anyhoo, Julia 'after':

But of course, this passion couldn't just be a one night affair. Even if it meant defying her master...I mean...her beloved Barnabas.  ;D

I hope no one was lurking about the woods during this intimate...moment. He must be good... snicker. ;)

Entering Collinwood after her little tryst, Barnabas discovers the naughty evidence:

Those are some big love bites...

(continues in part 4...)

Anyhoo - the story goes on. Angie bites Tom, and Joe; Adam acts up; Jeff Clark fondles his hair a *thousand* times, blah blah... lol. ;)  Fast-forward to when Tom is admitted to the hospital:

Poor guy...he needs some TLC, BAD.

Actual quote from Joe to Tom: "Don't you think it's getting hot in here...?"  ;) ;)

Soon after, Tom is turned into one of the 'living dead'. Little did Julia know what just around the corner...ready and willing. ;D

This is right after Barnabas pays Julia a rare compliment (she's sitting in 'his' chair, too). Although, I swear there's a hint of resignation in those tired eyes.

(continues in part 3...)