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Messages - CastleBee


Me that is.  I'm having a hard time trying to decide the best way to get from LaGuardia to Tarrytown.  Plane, train or automobile (cab) ??? Also, is it best to fly into LaGuardia or would the Westchester Airport be better. 

(It was so much easier just to fly into NYC and get a limo or shuttle last time I went.)

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: OT-The Geek Test
« on: June 11, 2004, 06:48:58 PM »
Just found out I'm 16.37081% - Geek! Wow! I had no idea - guess it's never too late to find yourself!  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Milestone - Frid's 80th B.D.
« on: June 11, 2004, 11:56:59 AM »
Posting Jonathan Frid's birthday on Dec. 2nd on the 2004 calendar.

Yes, her full name is Alexis Louise - the Louise is in honor of a wonderful poodle/schnauzer mix girl who is now waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.


Hey, hi, howdy everyone!!!  ;D

I've been away so long I feel like I just fell through a parallel time warp! It looks like I'm getting my act together and hope to take it on the road to the fest (it will always be the FEST to me).  It's good to see several here are planning to attend.  Hope to see you there!

CastleBee ~ BTW: Just got a new puppy - much to the chagrin of my old puppy Nigel Griffin-Jones (aka VAMPUPPY) - though he's coming around.  Her name is Lexie and she is pictured in my Avatar with Nigel. Oh, how I do love corgi dogs! 

I just love all the tid bits you can pick up on this board.  It's great! Thanks Josette! :D

Current Talk '04 I / Re:location location location
« on: March 10, 2004, 07:49:05 PM »
The deep south, somewhere on the east coast like Charleston or Savannah - though I do like the New Orleans idea too. I also think it would have been good set just about anywhere in the UK or Ireland.  Then they could have cousins from America.  ;D

Okay Raineypark...but if you do win the cane please say you will consider selling me the silver wolf's head portion.  You can let the dog have the rest.

I still think that wolf's head cane top - curved all the way around would make a really cool bracelet - on a much smaller scale though.  8)

Thanks Midnite...that's the way Sir Nigel Griffin-Jones (aka Vampuppy)actually looks from behind when he's walking.

For a true picture you definately need to imagine it without the angelic gear.  >:D

Well, I guess I just wasn't in the mood for it - probably too tired to have gotten the full effect.  Then again, I think I'm still holding a grudge against that show because it caused the quick cancellation of one that starred Tim Matheson and Kurt Russell which ran at the same time  :'(.  Of course, it was a mercy killing since the show was actually about as dim witted as "Charlie's Angels" but in a different way.  The thing is - back in the late '70's I was enjoying watching those two guys as much as the guys were enjoying the bouncy bouncy trio.

Sure i wasted a few hours watching this flick. . . long boring day at work. . i thought it was interesting that Kate Jackson was considered bossy. . .

Same here. Overall, I thought it was just a bit cartoonish.  I've only watched a couple of eps of Charlie's Angels in my life - but I couldn't help thinking that the writers were confusing the women with their characters somewhat.

I'm sure there's an echo in the now empty halls of Collinwood and the Old House.  Still, I'll put my 2 cents worth in - I believe I must bid against Terry308 for the cane [8393].

And, I won't be using it to beat poor Wille either! [angl]

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dark Shadows: Set 10 is Released Today!
« on: January 29, 2004, 04:35:25 PM »
I ordered mine about a week ago ;D.  Here's an F YI for those who haven't ordered yet - for some odd reason, Amazon was selling that set for about $51. I didn't understand (no DS allusion intended) because all the sets prior to that were going for around $43.  So, I went to Deep Discount DVD to compare and what do you know? They had it for $43.19???  They are also now taking pre-orders for set 11 for $39.59 - I'm not sure what set 11 is on Amazon, but I think it was much less than set 10.

BTW: This isn't a plug for Deep Discount, I just wanted to pass the info along.  At $40+ a set I'm happy to help anyone save as much as they can on what I consider a major investment  ;).

I was just thinking as I sat down at my computer a few minutes ago what a weird winter we've had here in the mid-west so far (at least in my portion of it).  Unusally warm and very little snow so far. I appreciate it after last year when it seemed to snow every other day - but a little voice tells me that this is the calm before the storm.  Hope things warm up for you and all the other frozen Nor'easters Annie!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:OT: Haunted House
« on: January 08, 2004, 06:36:35 PM »
Back in college a friend and I read many of demonologists Ed and Larraine Warren's books and they were interesting but also very frightening.  In fact, I suggested to my spirit-infested friends that they contact the Warrens, which they did.
I was just reading about the Warrens not long ago.  It probably won't surprise anyone to find out that they too have a web site ... for those who want to "read more about it". [ghost]