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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 04, 2006, 05:52:48 AM »
Thanks for the advice, Pansity.

I've often thought of editing my story, but it's rather long (to me at least) and the problem is finding the time to do editing. Maybe when summer comes it'll be a project I can take on, but unfortunately now, it's rather low on my list of things to do. And while editing it would give me something to resend out to most of the Yahoo Groups it's posted on, and even change it on, I can't log in to my DS website from eons ago to change it. Oh well. I suppose 100 places to 1 is better than nothing.  [santa_grin]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I LUV Those Collins Kids!!!
« on: December 04, 2006, 05:46:44 AM »
I'd have to agree that out of all the Collins siblings on the show, that the 1897 bunch were the best! They had the coolest character interactions and best one line or more quips, acid sharp tongues, and the brains to back it all up! (Except for maybe Carl, but the ol' boy could come through sometimes.)

In fact, if I had to rate the siblings on the show, from memory, I'd do it like this:

1. 1897--Judith, Edward, Quentin, Carl
2. 1840--Gabriel & Quentin
3. 1966--Liz & Roger
4. 1795--Barnabas & Sarah
5. 1897--Jamison & Nora

I don't think there were any other Collins siblings on the show. That last one makes me wonder--did anyone mention Nora in later years like 1960s? I don't ever remember her being mentioned before.

I agree with Gerard and Gothick. I do believe that LP mentioned in AD that the wound Angelique sustained was only a flesh wound, and that's the reason why she lived. Though, if memory serves, she did seem to die, eyes closing, slumping to the floor and everything. Maybe she just passed out from the pain.

But, as someone else pointed out, bullets during that time, when they hit something, didn't graze past like bullets of today do. They went right through and took some stuff with them. So, to me, the flesh wound thing doesn't really make sense so I'd like to think that she used her own powers to heal herself. Or maybe her powers can command her body to heal itself on it's own, since Angelique would've been unconscious from pain.

And as Lydia said, Barnabas was most likely aiming for something else, I always thought that he was aiming for the heart (didn't someone in the series, like Barnabas, say that's what he was aiming for?). Perhaps the firing of the gun caused Barnabas to jerk back, thus making his bullet stray from its course.

Nicholas: Please don't squeeze the Charmin.

The newest production still from the Dark Shadows spin-off series entitled "Jason McGuire"

Thanks to the person who posted something about the CDs not being released yet. I've been wanting to mention this for quite a while now, but haven't remembered too. I hope that we get them sometime around the 1st of the year. I can't wait to see how this first series ends!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: quentin in the "present"
« on: December 03, 2006, 05:03:01 AM »
I'd have to agree that most soaps require an ensamble cast to carry it, not just a couple of characters. And the DS writers should have been smart enough to know not to focus the story on one character just because the audience loves them. I think one of the best things that they did in 1897 was [spoiler]having Barnabas disappear for quite some time after the family found out that he was a vampire.[/spoiler]

That worked very well because it got the focus off of Barnabas and his journey to 1897, and allowed the story to be more focused on 1897 and what was happening there. Plus they didn't have the pesky task of trying to work Barnabas in around his various conditions and obstacles.

What I'm getting at here is the fact that if you make a character absent for a while, people want to see them more. Barnabas was gone for quite some time, and while it may not have been that long at all, it seemed like a lifetime. I found myself wondering "Where's Barnabas and what's happened to him?" even though I've seen the episodes before. I didn't quite remember everything, which helped as well.

I think a good example of a show that requires a large, strong ensamble cast is ER. Not one cast member that was in the Pilot or the first season (to my knowledge) is still a regular cast member on the show. And while Noah Wyle's "Dr. John Carter" is slated to appear in at least four episodes each season (though he won't be appearing at all this year because of other storylines going on), he is not a regular, and is not in every episode like he was for so long. Despite the fact that no original docs are still there, the show continues to pull strong ratings, even though the ratings may not be as high as they once were. And personally, I think the show better this year than it's been in a good long while, and all of that is thanks to a great ensamble cast and better writing.

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1087
« on: December 03, 2006, 04:34:09 AM »
Quentin: (seeing reflection) So that's what I look like when I'm drunk! Well no wonder I drink so much, I gotta look this hot all the time!

Far Right: Jason Voorhes: Ok, I'm gonna be the big bad killer. Mother (to the left of him) you stand there, and grandmother (far left) you stand there. Now put on your bitchin' faces, ladies, we're gonna kill us some Collinses for not having enough sex!

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0771
« on: December 01, 2006, 01:09:58 AM »
Carl: Oooh Quentin thought of the whoopie cushion joke with Judith before I did!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Goodbye to DS on Broadcast TV in 2009?
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:55:24 AM »
I have heard of the conditions that rainingwolf speaks of. That is happening around my area as well, and a few of my friends have experienced it upon moving out. And, for the first few years after we moved (a number of years ago, mind you) we had satellite but our service did not offer our local channels, so we had to use the rabbit ears to catch out favorite programs on network television.

And thanks also to Buzz for posting that article. After I thought about it I didn't think that everyone would have to convert to HD, and it made more sense to me to cut the rabbit ear transmissions. There's no way they could try to convert everyone to HD against their will--the gov't would be marched on in a heartbeat!

Still unsure about just how much the FCC rules over cable television. I understand that they have some regulations, I knew that before, but I don't think they stretch too far, though if I'm not mistaken there are a number of pesky lobbist groups out there trying to change all that.

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0762
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:44:33 AM »
Quentin: First, I'll invite dear Judith to dinner. Then, as I'm serving her, I'll gently slip a whoopie cushion under her tuckass and let her rip it! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Julia: With God as my witness, I'll never go Barny again!
Vicki: (thinking) Great! More for me!

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1049
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:34:06 AM »
Nancy: 'Ey! Don't ya be gettin' ya self all up in my business! I ain't tryin' to spread rumors, love."
Lara: Nancy, you twit! You're not the right character! (turns) Lela! Dan! I can't work like this!

Jonathan thinks "Oooo I'm gonna smack her later!" when Kathryn begins ad-libbing and throws his reading from the teleprompter makes no damn sense.