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Messages - Heather

Great job, DStoDA!

Certainly brightened my week...  Many, many, MANY thanks!  :)

I'm working on a drawing of her and am having some trouble with her mouth.

Wow...that's almost eerie, Janet. I know the feeling - I have the same problem when I try to draw Grayson. But hey - All those delicate angles are like an inticate puzzle piece just waiting to be captured by a creative hand. Hope you're able to work things out...  :-*

i like to think her last scene where she goes from malevolence to innocence in a split second is the Oscar moment. ..and then her hesitation at the top of the step, for a moment considering/wondering and then rushing off--I believe Judith knew what Maxine meant--otherwise she would've stayed angry/mad and vitrolic toward Burton but the immediate switch i think signifies that she knew she was about to be "outed". . .??

YES - YES - Absolutely, J99! You hit the nail on the proverbial head there...[/size][/color]

Sorry...was the moving text a tad too much? :-* And of course you know who I think could help Judith come to terms with...a lot of things.  ;D

Secretly plotting,

Heather ;)

p.s. Steve, you're a riot... lol

p.p.s. Welcome to the cult, Patti. Hey there a special initiation ceremony involved? Downing some rum cocos as one gallops down the beach on an adrenaline high...or something?  ;D

Ahhhhhh, I can die now.
Heather, these are the utmost! I'm in Briscoe/Grayson heaven - and I actually watched a few of these episodes last night, in honor of Grayson Hall's birthday.
Cool, cool, cool - and now I see why the Briscoe tongue has developed its own cult following.
Sandor very satisfied. Thank you.

I'm sooo Glad hon - you sounded like you were on the brink of agony the other day. ;)  :-*
And what a nice way to honor the divine one; watching some of Julia's best moments. I'd still like to have a tape devoted to nothing but Julia, Barnabas, and/or Julia & her men on it. ;) One of these days, perhaps...

[cough] Okay Boys - do I get some Julia-inspired literary creations for this?  lol What--you didn't think there wasn't a price for all this eye-candy, did you?  ;) I'm starved for some witty DS melodrama...don't let me down. I've been buggin' RJ for stories long it's your turn!  HA HAhahaheheheheee e e e e...[cough]

Whoops--sorry--evil twin Heathrrrrrr [pronounced 'Heather' with a purring trill at the end] took over for a sec.  LOL  Just kidding - anything for you guys. No silly payment required whatsoever.    :-*  :-*


p.s. On a completly different note....................OMG, MB!! I LOVE your new avatar, caption and signature!  ROTFLMAO  ;D

By all the Gods, these are GORGEOUS.  I'm slowly working my way through the different parts.  Don looks so close, it's as if I could touch him (or take a lick of that yummy tongue).

Keep the wet wipes handy...from licking the computer screen (Geeze people, Who you think I am?? Some kind of naughty wench or something? Lordy lordy... lol).  Anyway---I think some of those pics are the kind where you think you could see more if you get close enough to the screen... chortle.   ;)

I agree with you about that first outfit G is wearing.  I have a lovely portrait of her wearing that outfit, that I bought at the last DS Festival.

I'm pea green with envy hon... :-*

You've got me wishing I could afford to buy the DVDs!

Yeah, I wish i could buy them too (this one was actually a gift...from last xmas. I'm just getting around to checking out the DVD's now - LOL).

Thanks, Steve

You're welcome sweetie... ;) ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: B&J exposed
« on: September 20, 2004, 06:35:44 AM »
Like Gerald, I too am drawn toward "From Here to Eternity", and I'm a jealous as can be for you.  First of all B&J and then, to make matters worst, "Jenning the Lusty Vampire.  I almost wet my pants!

LOL...don't wanna cause any accidents here. ;)  Terry, Gerard - you're much too kind.   :-*

As you commented in your captions, Heather, this would have been the perfect opportunity for the writers to have explored a Barnabas-Julia romance.  "If anyone's going to bite Julia's neck, it's going to be me!"

Or perhaps Julia could have cured Tom of his affliction, but not his affection for mature redheaded doctors.  "Well, really, Barnabas.  A girl's got to have her fun!"

LOL - great ideas Jean-Claude.  8)  Thanks all - I'm glad I didn't offend the *entire* board by my odd sense of humor. ;) Now if I could just meld some NOTI captures with the SIHH captures, my dreams for Pepe and Judith would be complete... oh yesssss s s s s... 

Don't hit me, J99... ;)  :-*

Heather you're a riot!! i never thought about B's wardrobe choices..especially the Hef outfit. .

Hmm - could be a story idea in there somewhere, J99. ;D  Well, when another man enters the picture you know how competitive/jealous he can get...;) Perhaps he just couldn't help himself. Chuckle...

Current Talk '04 II / Re: B&J exposed
« on: September 19, 2004, 06:28:33 AM »
I think I may have to look into some of that fan fic  ;)

I could send ya a few web addresses if you're interested. ;) A there's a couple yahoo groups and of course... the tremendously fantastic JuliaHoffman site Love that fanfic!  ;D

BTW, I've seen the aforementioned snapshot of the bathing beauties Jonathan (oh, he looked *hot*) & Lou (lookin' good too) and you did a v. good job of capturing Barn's physique. Maybe you took a bit of artistic license with the abs (nothing wrong in that, rowwrrr), but overall that's pretty much how he looked in the snap.

Really?? Wow...I've seen that pic too but I've never studied it that closely. Thanks!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: 81 today
« on: September 19, 2004, 05:57:27 AM »
Happy, happy Birthday Grayson...   :-*
Okay, I'm sure she thinks we're nuts (chortle) but I'm certain she would've been happy to have a drink with the legion to celebrate. And, in my fanciful mind, I like to think she looks and feels fabulous as she looks down upon us today.  :-*  And even though she would've been 81, she's still *much* younger than my dearly departed granny who reminds me of Grayson almost to a T.  ;)  xo

Lighting a rose-scented candle,


Thanks for your assistance, MB.  ;)
So sorry about the spoilers, folks.   :-[  I guess I was possessed by an unknown force when i put this together  ::cough::.  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings The Lusty Vampire
« on: September 18, 2004, 09:17:52 AM »
I think I finally got it Sandor, Jean-Claude, Steve, everybody - WHEW!    8)  Thanks to Midnite - BTW, if I went about this incorrectly any way (ie, reposting) feel free to give me a little wap on my behind... :-*  ;)


[See main topic on p. 1  --M.]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: B&J exposed
« on: September 17, 2004, 09:37:34 PM »
Julia looks like a pretty happy beach bunny and I don't think it's because Barn is putting Hawaiian Tropic on her back.  Of course, with her sad track record with him that might just be enough to light her fire. ;D

LOL! Oh, you guys are cracking_me_up today. Thanks!  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: B&J exposed
« on: September 17, 2004, 09:32:42 PM »
Those trunks show that a coffin in the basement wasn't the only substantial secret dear Barnabas kept tucked away at the Old House.

[drum roll please] The General and his troops?   ;D 

Current Talk '04 II / Re: B&J exposed
« on: September 17, 2004, 08:33:03 PM »
Its no wonder he is so blood thirsty, he is drinking for 2! (ok ok i will stop).  ;D

LMAO, Tripwire!  No, no...DO continue...  ;D

Gee - thanks guys. I expected everyone to just shake their heads at that one.  ::) I put my heart into it but...well, saying that I'm super self-critical is putting it lightly.   :-X