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Messages - Julia99

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jennings the Lusty vampire: reprise
« on: December 10, 2004, 05:47:04 AM »
YOu know that outfit Julia had on in the first scenes.  .that frilly collar. . .its a wonder tom could find her neck---that has to be the worst Julia outfit. . Hey Midnite. . how about a poll for Julia's worst outfits. . so many to chose from. . and i'm someone who loves her. .well if your best girlfriend can't tell ya--- [8_2_59]

Stuart were you walking down Broadway tonight or are you still across the Pond?  I saw a gent who looked remarkably like you--

As to Polly. is a treat to see those wild outfits. . how she's in the 1st scene very sedate and conservative .. then the next scene with that turban and huge balloon/parachutte pants!  hysterical!

I had the great fortune to see it on the BIG Screen last year here at the French Aliance as part of a retrospective on the Director's work . .he was hawking a new book at the time. . Grayson 15'  stomping into the room in those pants and genie shoes. .priceless!   [8_2_59]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: 1897!!!! YOU SEND ME!!
« on: November 21, 2004, 03:20:09 PM »
i'm glad that 1897 is spoken so highly's the next major story i have yet to it as good as 1795

I think the opening month of 1897 is superlative ..wonderful.    8)

 ???  When Petofi shows up things seriously slide---but the sibling bickering between Judith, Quentin, Carl and Edward is priceless and well executed by the actors although the age range is quite staggering.  .Bennett was 59 at the time and John Karlen was 33.  It was fiction I know--but sheesh that's quite a spread and it is apparent---But actors always play with dates, ages, etc.  For instance, Barbara Bel Gedes who played Miss Eliie on Dallas is only 7 years older than Larry Hagman!  :o 

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 21, 2004, 05:42:15 AM »
  Anyhoo...I love the look on Julia's face when Dr. W suggests that she's staying on at Collinwood because of an romantic interest in Seƒ±or Collins. I wonder if this is when it first came into Julia's mind as well...

I dont quite know when it popped into Grayson's head (a bit before i'm certain) but that is a good place to take the ball and run. . .then the execs soon caught onto what she was doing--and DS history was written.  I do love that scene too, the way she holds out her hands over the stacks of books "Daaaave, I can't just pack up and go---"  Then when she sits in the chair, uneasily squirming as he makes his insinuation---the 'cat who swallowed the canary' look on his face is pretty priceless too. . like he finally figured out something about the mysterious, brilliant Dr. Hoffman--

Current Talk '04 II / Re: one fountain/two proposals
« on: November 16, 2004, 01:59:47 PM »
Interesting quote, especially in light of Jeanne Avery's assertions that she was not a stage mother, and David Henesy's comments about Grayson Hall's remarks about his mother.  DH noted that GH had a son and was, perhaps, projecting her own concerns onto DH and his mother.  Perhaps the same could be said for DM, who also had a son (although he was much younger that DH and Matthew Hall).

Also makes me think that maybe Jeanne is a little out of touch about the past or you know as time passes, things seem less bitter, important. . .maybe she and DH have made their peace aboIut it??   I was referring to Grayson in my earlier post based on other comments and David's about GH being overly involved in his upbringing . .I wonder if that wasn't because she saw how much he hated it --and tried to get Mommy to see that--?? Of course at the Fest Jeanne said DH wasn't on the show much at the end cuz he went to live with his Dad--and she asked Curtis to always leave a way 'back in' in case he didn't like being with his DAd. . .ahhh parenting . .so complicated but i only know by observation ..the rest of you know more than I by practice. . .

Current Talk '04 II / Re: one fountain/two proposals
« on: November 15, 2004, 05:26:33 AM »
The chapter also includes Diana Millay's comments about David Henesy, which are similarly edgy.  Of course, from what I understand, DM has quite the imagination, so her remarks are probably best taken with a grain (shaker?) of salt...

Interesting . ..i always thought David's mother was referring to another 'den mother' when she spent the Brooklyn (?) Fest trying to  reclaim her "Good Mother" reputation . . .Diana huh?

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Fountain of Youth?
« on: November 15, 2004, 05:23:16 AM »
snort-a-roonie. . .

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 11, 2004, 10:38:11 PM »
Now, my DSFMS (Dark Shadows Faulty Memory Syndrome) is kicking in, so while I do recall this little comment by Barnabas, I can't recall if it was from the series or from one of the novels.  He makes mention to Julia of how he is not enamored by the way women in the 20th century were "liberated" or "emancipated" or something like that.  Obviously, he was use to the "weaker sex" variety of the eighteenth century, especially when they knew-their-place so-to-speak with regards to men.  And here's this woman doctor, on equal par with her male counterparts, telling him on occasion in her own bedside manner to shove it.  And it's not bad enough that she engages in the vice of tobacco like a man would, but she doesn't even have the where-to-all to go to the appropriate smoking salon to indulge, and uses his candelabrum, which means something to him, as if it were a Bic.  All she needed to do send him into apoplexy was to walk up to a 200-year-old vase, once the favorite of his dear mother, and flick ashes into it.

I think that must've been in a novel cuz on the show he chides her a week or so later for being a pushy modern woman and if modern men like it. . they can have it. . .he's not gonna . .

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 10, 2004, 05:34:21 AM »
Wow!  Three marriage proposals in one thread.  I'm not normally on the receiving end of such overtures, so I might have to take one of you up on it!  ;)

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the pics!  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a gown to pick out.

:::Taps J-C on the shoulder::  Darling. . i think you should remember (and so should your little harem of baracudas) . . I SAW YOU FIRST .. (or rather you saw me) . . anyway, my claim still stands and i've not reliquished it. . You can wear whichever frock you like.  .now back back or i'll bring out Pepe's whip!!

Current Talk '04 II / Re: nobody carries a handbag
« on: November 06, 2004, 06:39:11 AM »
I've only heard of this casually in passing once or twice... could you or anyone else elaborate on that??  :-*   :-X

It's only our overactive imaginations . .nothing more. .

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / KLS on Dallas on SoapNet Today
« on: November 03, 2004, 10:43:42 PM »
Thought i'd check out 5 mins of Dallas (late in the series it seems, no Pam, Clayton not Jock and bobby's in Austria w/some blonde named April). . anyway. . JR gets out of bed when his waaay too young girlie girl tells him about her purse being taken . .cut to George Kennedy in some Rusko hat w/ 2 agents. . 1 is KLS in glasses asking "do you think she's really that dumb?"   ???

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Angelique's Prerogative
« on: November 03, 2004, 08:22:27 PM »
egads. .i liked a Britney Spears song. . shoot me!  That was quite fun. . .now how about Julia for ABBA's GIMME A MAN AFTERMIDNIGHT?

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Don Briscoe Passes Away
« on: November 03, 2004, 08:15:49 PM »
What a day .. first Kerry concedes and now this . .. ::deep sigh::.  I do hope he's sailing in someplace bright, warm and wonderful . . . .

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: NICE JOB MIDNITE, DOM AND MB!!
« on: November 02, 2004, 08:08:21 PM »
I must add my cudoos you two, this place is ever so lovely!! 

Current Talk '04 II / Re: nobody carries a handbag
« on: October 27, 2004, 01:33:04 AM »
Connie. . you found those long lost forbidden . .Sam had them burned scenes! or at least the stills .. ha!