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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0714
« on: June 27, 2014, 12:10:14 AM »
MB, thanks so much for that priceless frame grab! Two great pros at work!

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0733
« on: June 26, 2014, 09:05:40 PM »
Welcome back, Clarice Blackburn! Minerva Trask is even more bigoted than Abigail Collins was.

Judith walks in just as Quentin is about to start shaking Laura. I wanted to know how you were, she says to Laura. Rachel told me you were ill. But you seem to have recovered sufficiently to entertain, she adds pointedly. Laura says, Quentin isn’t here on a social call. It involved family business, Quentin adds hastily--not because he’s afraid of Judith’s disapproval but because even the idea that anyone might think he’s still Laura’s lover repels him. He quickly makes an exit. Laura waits only long enough for Judith to get out before she rushes over to the writing desk, opens the top, and takes out the supposedly Egyptian urn, which actually looks either Chinese or Meso-American. Relieved to have it in her hands, she starts rubbing it as if to absorb its warmth. Why does she keep such a big secret in so public a place?

Quentin commissions Magda (GH must have had a few days off) to find the urn. A bit miffed that she can't sell it, she agrees to anyhow.

Rachel tries to talk Laura out of letting the kids go to Trask's school, even revealing that she ran away from it herself. With a man? Laura asks calmly. How did you know? Rachel asks in surprise. Because I know how hard it is for a woman to make her way in this world alone, Laura replies. There was nothing improper, Rachel protests. I don't care about that, Laura says. I have much to do before I move into the cottage. I believe the children could die at that school! Rachel pleads. Without much interest, Laura tells her, You have an interesting imagination. Rachel leaves without another word. Laura drops the dress she is still holding and stares into the fire again. (DM really does a great job with Laura's utter amorality.)

Minerva tells Rachel, The Reverend has always said that pretty people are the devil's playthings! In your case he certainly was proved right. Minerva accuses Rachel not only of theft but also of being an accessory to murder. In fact, she seems to look forward to seeing Rachel hang. But she's looking forward even more to watching Rachel watch Tim and Charity's wedding--an announcement that completely floors poor Rachel. Magda offers to help Rachel but warns that she must be very brave--or she will die.

Judith introduces Minerva and Laura, then leaves to get Rachel. Minerva compliments Laura on her children and adds, My own daughter, Charity, is about to be married to one of our teachers. Obviously bored, Laura makes noncommittal answers, but Minerva is oblivious as she gushes, I think that there is nothing nobler than a man and woman joined together in holy matrimony, going down the path of good works through life. Well, I can't say my marriage was exactly like that, Laura answers dryly, but I do know what you mean. Minerva goes on, Well, giving a daughter in marriage is one of the most marvelous moments in a woman's life. Oh, I am sure you dream of the time when your little one will be grown and married. You dream of that, don't you? Laura answers, No, Mrs. Trask, my dreams for my daughter are quite different. Suddenly, Judith comes out on the landing and announces that Rachel is gone. Minerva looks positively goggle-eyed.

Magda brings Rachel to the mausoleum, where she can hide until Magda can get her a carriage to leave town. Of course Rachel doesn't want to stay in the secret room, but Magda says, One night--that is all. If you don't-- and Reverend Trask finds you--you will have many nights worse than this.

Minerva probably does want to make Rachel's life both a living hell and as short as possible. I agree that she's certainly jealous of Rachel's beauty, but Minerva can always console herself with the thought that the Rev. loves her custards, especially when he's not feeling well.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0732
« on: June 26, 2014, 12:01:45 AM »
Poor Rachel is pouring her heart out to Barnabas about the school when Angelique summons him. Then Angelique is cross because Barn doesn't drop everything and race to the cottage.

Barnabas should have known the price Angelique would exact for restoring Quentin to life. Only on DS would a character say, "He isn't supposed to die this way!" Angelique says, Quentin will be permitted to go on with his rather sordid existence until the right moment--if you will let me assume my proper position as Mrs. Barnabas Collins. Mrs. Barnabas Collins, Barnabas repeats bitterly, no doubt remembering his first choice. How nice that sounds, Angelique remarks. I won’t force you to introduce me as your wife immediately, she offers. I’ll even let you introduce me as your fiancée for now, the woman you love. Finally she reveals that she revived Quentin the first time too. Barn is surprised although he should have known better about this too.

Barn hints to Rachel that sometimes people are like Trask--they preach goodness and practice badness. He asks her, Do you still trust me? [Not asking _too_ much, are we, Barnabas!] I don’t know, Barnabas, Rachel answers, I just don’t know! Finally, someone at Collinwood is being sensible.

Angelique actually keeps her word and revives Quentin. Then she shocks him by telling him that she's engaged to Barn. Quentin asks, Aren’t you a rather odd choice for Barnabas’s bride-to-be? Congratulate me and let it go at that, Angelique says tersely--always a warning sign to those who know. Eventually she tells Quentin that the only way to destroy Laura is to find her fire urn and extinguish the flame.

We know that Angelique has never liked rivals, even potential ones. She probably thinks Laura might interfere with her plans, and anyway, there's room for only one fire spirit at Collinwood.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0731
« on: June 24, 2014, 07:20:00 PM »
Fear of scandal is everyone's trump card in the Collinwood universe!

Laura is more than able to stand up to match her husband and her ex-lover, but she is stunned and displeased when Edward tells her she will never be Mistress of Collinwood. He insists that she must live at the cottage (to avoid the aforementioned scandal) and promises to explain the situation to Jamison and Nora. Good luck with that, Edward!

Quentin tells Rachel that Mrs. Collins is back "in all her glory," then goes off to get drunk. Someone knocks at the front door, and Rachel answers it. It's her old friend from Worthington Hall, Timothy Shaw (played, in another fine characterization, by Don Briscoe in granny glasses). But he's come to collect Jamison and Nora to take them to Worthington Hall. Tim tries to explain why he went back to Trask's school, but Rachel is furious with him. As she turns away, we can see the sadness on Tim’s face.

Quentin joins the long list of Collinses who don't learn from the past. Not five minutes after telling Laura (in a spiffy black gown) that he saw her die in Alexandria, he starts to strangle her.

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0730
« on: June 22, 2014, 08:56:38 PM »
Laura makes the first of many offers to take Nora and Jamison away with her, but Nora, poor little thing, would much rather have her whole family at home at Collinwood. Laura is disturbed to hear that Quentin is back at Collinwood.

Quentin promises Jamison that they'll scare Trask away, just as they did Barnabas. But Barn doesn't seem to be scared.

Nora tells Jamison about meeting their mother, but Jamison is skeptical and inclined to argue. A propensity for sibling quarrels seem to be part of the Collins gene pool. Edward confines the kids to quarters for talking about their mother. Jamison starts to protest, then realizes he can't tell his father what he was about to do. He lies, Quentin was going to take me on a hike. I might have known it involved Quentin, Edward comments sourly. Why must you always do things with Quentin? Because no one else ever asks me, Jamison (still a little boy) says sadly. You'll have to postpone your hike, Edward says brusquely. He sends both children upstairs, then returns to the drawing room to sulk, gazing into the fire. Quentin breezes in and quips, Oh, come on, Edward, it can't be that bad--or can it? It will be all right after this weekend, Edward replies. I'm sending the children to the school. And not the least of it is Jamison's inordinate affection for me, Quentin remarks. The boy is young, impressionable, Edward says, but he's had enough of your chicanery and humbug. It's time he matured in more healthy surroundings. Since you would never ask for my opinion, Quentin says heatedly, I'm going to volunteer it: Your children will be better off with Simon Legree than that so-called Reverend Trask! He stalks out, leaving Edward angrier than ever.

Instead of going to their own rooms, the kids go to Quentin's room, where they continue their quarrel. Quentin walks in and laughs when he finds them. Quentin! David Henesy starts, tugging at his jacket. He grins as he has to take a rare look at the cue card before saying his next line: I couldn’t wait in the foyer for you. It’s all right, Quentin assures him, then tells them both, The “little game” we’re going to play is strictly for men, so Nora can’t play. [So Quentin is sexist as well as a lecher.] I can't, either, Jamison says glumly. We have to stay in our rooms, and I don't know how I'm going to get out. Quentin notices Nora playing with the scarab, which she still has in her hand. He steps over and takes it from her. Greatly disturbed, he asks Nora where she got it. It's only an old brooch, she says, I found it. In a panic, Quentin rushes over to his roll-top desk, searches desperately through some papers and digs out a book. He starts turning the pages frantically.

Edward answers a knock at the door and is thunderstruck--and furious--to see his wife standing there. She insists on seeing the kids. She even resorts to tears, which Edward watches with the same lack of emotion as when he stood by his grandmother's deathbed.

Quentin asks Nora who gave her the brooch. Maybe out of revenge for not being allowed to join in the ritual, Nora lies with perfect sang-froid and says she found it in the woods. Quentin races out of the room.

Apparently Edward has spent Laura's crying time in thinking, because he says he'll get several thousand dollars to give her if she agrees never to come back. He goes off to the study. Quentin, brooch in hand, races downstairs and into the drawing room to warn Edward--not knowing that he is far too late. He is stunned to see Laura standing calmly by the fireplace; she notes his reaction with some amusement. Hello, Quentin, she greets him. I have been looking forward to seeing you again. You and I have a lot to talk to each other about, don't we? He shakes his head in terrified disbelief as he whispers, No--no! No, you’re dead! I saw you die!...

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0729
« on: June 21, 2014, 05:45:40 PM »
Poor little Nora has some pretty serious visions. I wonder if Edward told her and Jamison that their mother was "away," similar to what Roger tells David in 1966. But eventually Edward is actually nice to Nora, stroking her hair as she falls asleep.

Beth seems truly fond of Jenny and genuinely pities her. Quentin's conditional promise to leave Jenny alone sends Beth reeling with both shock and desire. No, Quentin isn't nice at all.

Edward and Quentin have an interesting conversation. Quentin reminds Edward, I know I’d get into a great deal of trouble if I harmed Jenny. Unseen, Nora leaves the house as Quentin continues, I have enough problems without involving myself with the police. If you’re sincere, Edward compliments, you’ve just made one of your rare intelligent decisions. He lifts his glass in a toast. Wonder of wonders, Quentin says with a smile. My brother has paid me a compliment--half-hearted, but a compliment nevertheless. Edward answers, Credit where credit is due. How unshakably fair you are, Edward, Quentin comments--not entirely ironically. They clink glasses, surveying one another with mutual wariness over the rims.

I also know who Nora meets outside the house--but I won't tell either!

Current Talk '14 II / Re: History Slideshow
« on: June 21, 2014, 05:39:45 PM »
Thanks for the history, Gothick. And that photo is great too!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0728
« on: June 19, 2014, 07:33:06 PM »
I love the first scene in this ep., a great shot where we see only Barnabas and Charity. They are somewhere apart from normal time and space, surrounded by utter darkness. After Barnabas bites Charity, she answers his questions: Do you know what happened to you? Yes. Do you remember where you are? Yes. Do you feel the urge to run away? No--I feel I belong with you, Charity concludes. So you do, Barnabas tells her with satisfaction. But you will come to me only when I summon you. You are under my influence--you cannot resist me. Do you understand? Charity smiles as she says, I understand. She promises fervently, I will tell no one. I will never fail you--never. Being a gentlemanly sort of vampire, Barnabas says Goodnight, Charity. He leaves behind a very sated-looking young woman.

Nora is wearing Amy's "dress-up" clothes of 1969. She breaks it to Edward that Trask was "mean and cruel" to Jamison, which is why he ran away.

Charity tells Edward that her father has gone to Collinsport on school business. But Nora just told him the school is in Rockport! Somehow the light hurts Charity's eyes, and her Bible just doesn't seem to have the same attraction as it did yesterday.

Quentin takes great delight in telling the genuinely shocked Edward about how Jenny stabbed him--to death. Quentin piles it on by wondering why Edward hasn't asked about Laura, not even once. Edward is furious, and for once, justifiably so. After Quentin agrees to hand Jamison over and Edward still refuses to tell him where Jenny is, Quentin vows to kill her when he finds her.

It turns out that the last place Quentin saw Laura was Alexandria--Egypt. And here's Nora drawing a pyramid  and Egyptian-looking hieroglyphs. Barnabas arrives and speaks to her with the interest and gentleness he shows all children, but even he doesn't have enough clues--yet. He shows the drawing to Edward, who blames Quentin for interfering in his children's lives.

Nora insists that she saw her mother's face--and I think she did, too. She literally digs in her heels when Edward tries to drag her out of the drawing room. Edward stares at his daughter, shaken. We see a wavery version of Laura Collins’s face, surrounded by anachronistic 1840s-style blond banana curls and hovering just above the fire.…

Current Talk '14 II / Re: History Slideshow
« on: June 19, 2014, 07:20:27 PM »
Thanks, MB--always a pleasure to see that frame grab.

Gothick, that's so easy to believe and so homey--or are you pulling my leg?  [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '14 II / History Slideshow
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:40:15 PM »
Just want to say how much I enjoy the OS frame grabs, especially because today's slide show includes one of my faves. This one's from episode 1038, when Barnabas calls Julia his "dear friend." I don't have access to the videos or DVDs, but I remember yelling at the screen, "Kiss her, Barnabas, kiss her!"   [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0727
« on: June 18, 2014, 06:51:56 PM »
Kudos to both Jerry Lacy and Nancy Barrett for their bravura performances in this episode! Both are absolutely pitch perfect.

Trask gives us another of his slimy, fulsome prayers, this time asking for divine help in returning the "poor, lost lamb." If I were the Almighty, I would smite him on the spot. What will you do with Jamison when you _get_ him? Barnabas asks. Make him see the error of his ways, Trask answers promptly. Creepy! Quentin joins them, and Trask goes upstairs to meditate. While Trask is still in hearing range, Quentin remarks to Barnabas, If Worthington Hall is as joyous as its master, Jamison and Nora are in for a joyous winter.

Quentin is so desperate to find out how he became dezombified that he actually asks Barnabas for an explanation. Barnabas is vague in his replies and remarks on how calm Quentin is in the face of Jamison's disappearance. Quentin answers, It’s only my manner. We Collinses are taught not to give way to panic. That’s easy when you know where the boy is, Barnabas observes. You said it--I didn’t, Quentin points out. Barnabas declares, I would have protected Jamison myself if the boy had come to me. Are you expecting a confession? Quentin asks. I don't trust you enough to give you one. If you keep on, I shall be forced to search the woods, and in my delicate condition, that wouldn't be wise. Barnabas agrees dryly and opines, It’s comforting to know that Jamison isn’t lost somewhere and will show up at the appropriate time. I still can’t believe Cousin Edward would allow his son to go to that man. I will find out everything about him and the school. Do you need to ask anything about it? Quentin returns. Bread, gruel, and a switch every time you fail to learn your lesson? Again we agree, Barnabas replies. But we mustn’t make a habit of it, Quentin warns. Barnabas takes the hint and leaves.

Rachel enters the drawing room, and Quentin just can't resist doing his zombie shtick. She screams and backs away, but Quentin can’t take more than three zombie steps before cracking up. Rachel wonders how he can joke about it. He replies seriously, Because I was frightened that every time you looked at me it would be with fear in your eyes--your lovely eyes, he adds as he turns his own big blue ones on full blast. But then he actually sees Rachel’s discomfort and explains, I had a spell put on me. He actually apologizes for carrying her off. Rachel lets slip that someone lives in the Tower Room. Quentin suddenly bounds up the stairs in pursuit of his lawful wedded wife.

Rachel is extremely dismayed when she opens the front door and finds Charity Trask standing there, but that's nothing to the horror she feels when she learns that Trask himself is in the house. Barnabas comes to the rescue and looks back and forth at both young ladies, sensing the tension between them--and clearly seeing Rachel’s distress. With his usual courtly gravity he takes Charity’s bag and tells her, I’ll take you to your room and tell your father that you’re here. Father will look forward so to his reunion with you, Charity tells Rachel, rudely turning her back on the governess as she marches upstairs. Rachel covers her face with her hands--and Barnabas notices that too.

Alone with her thoughts, Rachel decides she can't run away again but must face both the Trasks. Quentin finds her and reports that he found nothing in the Tower Room but a doll with one eye missing. Rachel tells Quentin, You aren't like the others--you do believe someone was in the room! [Has she forgotten already that Barnabas believed her?]

Trask has joined Charity in her room. She tells him, The lost lamb has been found, the lamb so in need of saving! I saw Rachel, not just in Collinsport, but here--as the governess! Here in this house? Now, this minute? says Trask in amazement. We must pray! We must give thanks that she has been delivered back to us! He turns his eyes up, and then father and daughter sink to their knees in prayer. [And kudos to both actors--this is really, really creepy!]

Quentin uncharacteristically leaves the lovely Rachel alone in the drawing room. Barnabas finds her there and she relates the sad story of her truly awful years at Worthington Hall. This is the first time we hear about her special friend, Tim. We used to meet secretly, she says. He would help me with my ... my schoolwork. [And yes, the guileless Rachel does mean her schoolwork!] Barnabas is appalled, especially when Rachel describes the indentured servitude Trask forces on her by making her continue working to pay off her tuition. She has just burst into tears when Trask arrives and demands to speak to her. Barnabas refuses to leave her alone with him, but he hints that she might not want Barn to hear their conversation. Rachel suggests he leave. I suggest you do as she says, Trask adds--it is not wise to know her too well. Softly Barnabas tells Rachel, I will be in the study if you want me. [As if she doesn’t!] Trask orders her to come to him. Looking beaten, she obeys.

After the commercial, Trask walks around Rachel, looking her up and down as if she were a newly acquired-- Bible, perhaps? It turns out that Rachel and Tim took their wages and ran away together. He taunts her by telling her that Tim is back and the school and that she soon will be. He leaves her in despair.

Charity is up in her room, dressed for bed, alone with-- her Bible. Her father comes to tell her, You needn’t worry--the lamb will return. This news seems to give Charity a thrill--a purely spiritual one, of course. She embraces-- her Bible and gazes upward with almost as much rapture as her father.

Barnabas offers to help Rachel, but she bursts into tears and runs away from him. His face full of anger, Barnabas gets his coat and cane. As he puts his cape on and steps outside the house, he apparently determines to do something. As he gazes up toward Charity’s bedroom window, he seems to decide what that something will be. (Nice moment from Mr. Frid!)

Later that night, Charity is asleep in bed when we hear a familiar squeaking and then see a bat at the window. On some level Charity hears it too, and stirs in her sleep. A moment later, Barnabas is in the room. Silently he approaches the bed and gazes down at his next meal. Perhaps the fact that Charity is a reverend’s daughter--and he another hated Reverend Trask--adds extra spice to the dish. Charity wakes up and gasps when she sees Barnabas staring down at her. But before she can even draw breath to scream, she seems to fall under his vampiric control. Willingly she turns toward his gleaming fangs, and he strikes....

Robservations / Robservations Slideshows
« on: June 18, 2014, 06:28:11 PM »
MB (or anyone): Where would I post a comment about the Robservations slide show? Thanks!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0724
« on: June 18, 2014, 04:02:46 PM »
So sorry about your tapes, MT! We will miss you! Your return is just another reason to hope that the school-burning happens ASAP!

I just checked DS Wiki--it's episode 735, so hang in there, MT!

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« on: June 18, 2014, 04:00:20 PM »
Interesting point, MT. Barn has reverted to his vampiric self, but now he's a good guy.

Barnabas knows just what to do when a family is afflicted with zombies.  He's the Stokes of 1897.

 [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '14 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0726
« on: June 17, 2014, 07:41:55 PM »
Barnabas makes some rather nasty remarks about the so-called Rev. No church would claim him, Barnabas says--except a sect he founded himself. He suggests that Judith have Trask investigated. Judith is surprised, For someone who has been in America such a short time, you have formed many opinions already, she observes. Barnabas answers, If I had only been here a matter of a few hours, I would have thought it idiocy to assume that a preening bigot could turn a zombie into a man. [Our Barn does have a way with words, doesn’t he!] Do you prefer witchcraft? Judith retorts, ending the argument. They both stare at the drawing-
room doors.

The foyer clock strikes ten, marking an hour since Trask entered the Great House.

I think that pretty soon we will find out who was responsible for restoring Quentin and Jamison. Interesting that Quentin's first words are to ask if they've locked HER up.

Between them, Trask and Judith manage to corner Jamison very nicely.

In the study, the astonished Quentin asks Barnabas, So Trask was my savior? Noting Barnabas’s skepticism, he adds, I see you don’t believe that. Cousin Barnabas, do give me some credit--who do _you_ think saved me? We know what Judith believes, but I want your opinion. Carefully Barnabas answers, You dabble in-- odd things. Perhaps one of your interests resulted in this. Delicately put, Quentin comments approvingly. What an interesting life I have led, don't you think? he asks dryly. Barnabas replies, I’m starting to find out just how interesting. He asks Quentin to talk about Jenny. Quentin is too shocked to dissemble. Brusquely he tells Barnabas, I  married very young. Did you know that she was still here? Barnabas asks, but Quentin goes on, A girl... beautiful... quite talented in her own way. A girl of unknown origin--as Edward so succinctly put it. Did you drive her mad? Barnabas asks. Insulted, Quentin says, I resent your questions. Why this curiosity about my life? If I wanted you to know about me, I’d make you a friend. Barnabas says, You have only been interested in making me an enemy. Quentin retorts, A situation that is your own fault. I’m willing to help you, Barnabas says. I think we can be useful to each other. But Quentin is still suspicious. Wrong, he answers. Whenever I think of you I only think of one thing: What does he want from me?

Trask terrifies poor Jamison out of resisting him. Later, Judith and Quentin argue about sending Jamison to Trask's school. Trask arrives and Quentin leaves. Trask tells Judith that Jamison will lose his mind if he stays at Collinwood. Out in the foyer, Jamison pleads with Quentin to help him. Quentin winks encouragingly, and poor Jamison returns to the drawing room.

Somehow time has traveled backward an hour; according to the foyer clock, it’s nine again.

In front of Trask, Jamison tells Judith that T. made him lie about wanting to go to the school. Trask feigns defeat, and Judith takes the bait, telling him that Jamison will go to Worthington Hall.

As the foyer clock strikes ten (again), Barnabas tries to talk Judith out of sending Jamison to Trask's school. But he doesn't succeed. While Judith goes to get Jamison, Barnabas enjoys himself by needling Trask about his illustrious ancestor, who vanished under mysterious circumstances. But a moment later, Judith tells them that Jamison is gone!