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Messages - Gerard

At first, when I saw "tribute" to Larry Storch, I thought he had passed away.  To my relief, when I googled him, he's still very much going on.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Why Do We Hate Certain Characters?
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:28:35 AM »
To be honest, there aren't really characters I hate.  There are plot-lines I didn't care for (I wouldn't say hate, but the word would be close), but as for characters?  Even when they were nasty, they had their place.


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1060
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:34:43 AM »
Barnabas:  "Yes...yes, I know.  Thank you, but we're really in a situation right now.  Yes, I understand aluminum siding at 40% off and a down payment of only...Yes, I've got to go...I'll call back if...yes...please, we're dealing with undea...yes, I know, but..."


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1060
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:29:27 AM »
Julia:  "Oh, Barnabas.  No matter where we go whatever time we're in, I'm always in this green-woolen suit-coat.  Hopefully, we can go to some time with a dry-cleaners.  Even I'm starting to get sick of, well, you know..."


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 05, 2016, 09:55:04 PM »
Being ultra-picky, as I am, even Hallmark, one of the worst channels but close to one of the best, also does it.  I hate all those "Love at Christmas," "Christmas Love," "Christmas Eve Love," "Love at Christmas Eve," ad-nauseum movies with has-been performers from the '70's and '80's.  But it does show some classic TV shows.  Unfortunately, being a "family" channel, it'll chop out or override scenes with dialogue, such as from The Golden Girls.  But it also has now gotten into the habit of slash-and-hash old TV shows for more commercials, commercials, commercials.  Yes, we need to all know how remove unwanted female hair.  We're dying to discover how we can save more on auto insurance by paying more so we can get a full payment when we yack on our cellphones and crash.  I get up early on most days to go to work and turn on the TV as background and watch I Love Lucy.  Scenes are chomped.  It's vitally important to know I can cut up vegetables for only $19.95 a month.  In one ILC episode, Lucy tries to save money by giving herself a home perm and while it's suppose to be on only 20 minutes, she accidentally leaves it on for four hours.  She comes out with a massive carrot-top bush.  Fred Mertz says:  "Well, if it isn't Little Orphan Annie."  An absolutely hysterical moment and it's deleted because I need to know and give money to someone regarding urine leakage. 

Maybe if we consumers stood up to these people and contacted them and said we'll advocate a boycott against their product/service if their advertisements take away from out shows, things will change.

Imagine the OS DS coming back to TV and five to ten minutes of each episode is cut out so you can learn how to avoid insurance-rates suckers.  As would be said in Russian:  "Is outrage!"  So let's get outraged.  We consumers have more power if we use it than those who want to consume us.  OK, political talk by me turned off.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 05, 2016, 03:38:23 PM »
You're so right, Dom, about how annoying it is that the networks re-running "classic" shows of yore will chop out at least five minutes (or more) of the original length to pump in more commercials.  Parts of, and in some cases entire, scenes are excised.  TVLand seems to be the most notorious.  Even the major networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) are equally guilty.  This past Xmas season, we were horrified that CBS (I think it was that network) aired A Charlie Brown Christmas and cut out entire scenes just to jam in more ads.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 04, 2016, 12:44:18 AM »
I still have cable only because I, surprisingly, get it so cheap.  I actually purchased it for my parents back in the '90's as a present when I lived out of state.  Because they were senior citizens, the installation was free plus they got a massive SC discount (even though I paid the bill).  When my parents' health declined and I moved back home to care for them, the huge discount continued.  After they died, I called the company and told them they had passed (I like to be honest), but the woman on the other end of the phone said:  "Eh, it's too much work to change the billing.  Enjoy."  So, more than a decade later, I still get cable at 60% off the usual price.  The SC discount is no longer offered, but I'm "grandfather-claused" in.  When, a few years ago, I had to "upgrade" to that fiber-cyber-or-whatever thing (where the government demanded that all TV stuff must switch to that Star Trek technology), and the cable company was charging everywhere from $25 to hundreds-of-dollars for it (and lost a lotta customers), I got it for free.  Along with hundreds of new channels.

I love old, classical programming, from I Love Lucy to Cheers.  A friend told me about WE-TV and said lots of old shows are on it, so I checked it out.  All I've found is a bunch of reruns of CSI shows.  I have no interest in those.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Memorial Day /OT
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:51:26 AM »
Thanks, Annie!  Eternal Memory for those who served our nation.  And may you and everyone here have a fantastic weekend!


I did love his illustrations for the comics series.  The characters looked like the characters, as opposed to the horrendous stuff in the Gold Key comic book series where they looked like rejects from The Walking Dead.  However, I found his stories and plots insipid, while being both dull and over-the-top.  They came off looking like stuff DC would've come up with later in the show's airing.  I can understand why the newspaper comic series was cancelled after one year.  Of course, the illustrator took his own liberties opposed from the "bible."  From what I recall, there was no Old House and Barnabas "lived" somewhere in the basements of Collinwood.  Only a select number of persons were included.  If I'm right, there was no Julia, no Eliot, no Maggie.  It was basically the "Adventures of Barnabas" with Elizabeth and Carolyn as background characters.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: In Memoriam
« on: May 22, 2016, 10:46:34 PM »
Uncle Roger and Michael, you're both right.  DS descended into having the current time characters being haunted and then - BAM! - go back in time for months with unresolved plot-twists.  Even in the brilliant PT of 1970 (which could've been further explored), there were the elements of Damien's ghost that was never explained, and what the hell did Claude North, whether alive or dead, have to do with it?  Throw them in and then discard them.  Gerard and Daphne were just a rehash of Quentin and Beth, and the time-travel didn't answer much of anything.  That ship, the Raging Queen, or whatever she was called, was such a big thing in both present and past and then summarily dismissed. 

OK, like I said, I came up with lots of stories and plots to continue DS.  Along with the ones I mentioned, I had others, like Victoria's return (contemplating that Moltke would've eventually returned), a future Collins family member traveling to the past (ala the Charles Delaware Troll's brilliant what-if-it-had-continued synopsis) and it involved demonic possession that would destroy the futuristic family.  A return by Barnabas to the CT-PT world to rescue Angelique, who has been totally transformed and is exiled there, to find out what has happened to Quentin, Maggie, Daniel and the rest.  Collinwood is gone, being burned to the ground as what had happened in the OS, and the survivors are living in Loomis House and really bad things are going on.  A new, reluctant vampire has moved into Collinsport.  Petofi has returned, not as a ghost, but as a consciousness that left his body before he died in the fire in 1897 with lethal results.  A curse placed upon the Collins' back in 16th century Ireland explains why the family is so tormented throughout time and lead to its extinction until - yup, another time-travel story - Barnabas saves the day and brings the series to an end.  Again, if I could come up with all this, why couldn't DC?


Whoops!  You're right, MB.  Geraldine Page, another classic actress, played Mommy Walton.  Ms. Steele played the widow of the dead man.    It's been years since I've seen the episode (on Sci-Fi when Sci-Fi was Sci-Fi and not SyFy). 

Gerard  (Who Remembers John-Boy's Screaming During The Creepy Final Scene)

I remember that episode, MB.  John-Boy Walton played her son.  It was a very creepy one, especially with the shock ending.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: In Memoriam
« on: May 22, 2016, 04:16:33 PM »
I so agree, Michael, that it seems that DC just wanted to rehash old storylines over and over again.  It's like he lost interest.  Yet, there were so many plot possibilities.  When I did my for-fun what-if-it-continued synopsis, I came up with tons.  The first was having Barnabas, Julia and Eliot returning to 1971 after departing 1841 only to find that they so radically changed the time-line that the family they knew was gone, replaced by different, unfamiliar characters and somehow they had to fix it.  Rumor has it that DC wanted to incorporate a mummy plot, so I did that (and Laura was in it as well).  I composed a plot involving a scandal that happened during WWII when Jamison Collins along with that scoundrel Jason Maguire, fudged on naval contracts to make $$$ and built sub-standard liberty ships at Collins Shipping.  One sank on her trials during a storm and all crewmembers died.  Now their angry, vengeful ghosts were haunting Collinsport with deadly results.  I did an alien-invasion one that was somewhat based on The Invaders.  I even had a plot, with no supernatural elements, set in London with Elizabeth, Roger and Barnabas involved in a terrorist plot, harkening back to the show's original mystery, no-supernatural design.  There were many, many more I came up with.  If I could come up with all that, why couldn't - or wouldn't - DC?


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1055
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:24:49 AM »
Claude North:  "What am I doing here?  Why am I here?  I'm just another character without explanation!  How vile and evil this universe is!"


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1054
« on: May 19, 2016, 12:13:46 AM »
Roger:  Yes, hello.  I've murdered my sister, my niece and my sister-in-law who came back from the dead.  Never mind about that for now.  Can I get off because of some civil rights thing?"
