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Messages - Brandon Collins

B: *rubs hands together* Yessss...yeessss....Yeeesss de plan is coming tagether master!

J: Oh really Barnabas! Your impressions of Igor just aren't funny! Go play with Willie!

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0403
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:55:15 AM »
M: Oh! We've desecrated the the family garden!

N: Maybe we should put some dirt on top of that?

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0405
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:48:04 AM »
Natalie: *gasp* Someone's stolen the drawing room!  But how did they get it through the doors?

Julia: Willie, don't you know that it only goes in one way?
Willie: Oh!  No wonder if felt so uncomfortable!

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1091
« on: December 10, 2006, 12:41:12 AM »
Angelique, off screen, teaches Hallie how to use magic while being her own voodoo doll.

Maggie attempts to quite the baby by making a funny face.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Wish List
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:37:55 AM »
Adam-- An "I Can Read" book.

Stokes-- The secret of Barnabas Collins

Peter Bradford/Jeff Clarke/Ned Stuart/Charles Delaware Tate/Dirk Wilkins-- Some kissing, acting, cuddling, and emotional lessons

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: December 09, 2006, 12:33:47 AM »
Just want to put my own spin on the whole lookalike scenerio: just because Barnabas didn't say anything about Edward looking like Roger (or Joshua for that matter), Judith looking like Elizabeth (and Naomi) or Carl looking like Willie doesn't mean he never saw the resemblances....unlike Vicki, Barnabas had the intelligence not to go blabbing "hey you look like someone I know" everytime he saw a lookalike to the people he knew in 1969.

Not to mention that he was smart enough not to go blabbing about "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" because a projector that puts people on a screen would no doubtedly have caused a rile up, not to mention the fact that everything in the title of that picture would've caused some commotion.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Salem Branch - Your thoughts
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:52:33 PM »
I think MsCriseyde is correct, that Shatner had his hand in a couple of Trek novels. I've seen a couple of them in a used bookstore near where I live. Maybe I'll drop by there and get the names of them next time I go out. I've also heard of his Tekwar series that Pansity spoke of. IIRC there's a number of books in that series.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Collinwood should be on MapQuest!
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:48:23 PM »
Yes, I noticed that too, Pansity. I've been keeping a keen eye to watch and see what sets turn into what sets once we don't see them anymore. Of course there are obvious ones like Angelique and Sky's house turns into the PT room--and wasn't it used for something else too?

There was one set that I noticed the other day that had been used a while back (I'm now in the Leviathan storyline) and then it reappeared, but I don't remember what it is. Gosh, I'm having a brain fart this morning!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:43:30 PM »
I'm right there with you, Pansity! I think it would be good for writers to exchange critiques on each other's work. There's a group on AOL which is a writers group that does just this, not with FanFiction but with actual manuscripts that people want to have published. Alas, I've not been able to participate here lately, but hopefully once I go on break from school I'll be able to once again.

And in response to what Magnus said:

I think that there is a great fanbase out there for stories with Quentin (or anyone, really) in the world outside of Collinwood. A number of years ago I read a couple of stories that were all connected-- Like one story and then sequels-- by someone, whose name I can't for the life of me remember.

But, what I do remember about them is that they were VERY entertaining. I think I've read them on as well as on some Yahoo Groups. I don't remember much about them except that they delt with Quentin being in Egypt and some sort of story there. Does anyone know the stories I'm talking about? I never finished reading the entire series, but I'd like to return to it when I get them time, because they were expertly written.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:36:51 PM »
What I meant to say in my post was that there wasnt any need to explain Angelique looking like Cassandra to Professor Stokes.  They should have just let him believe that Angelique resemble Cassandra

This is what I was getting at. I guess in trying to think about it I actually just screwed my own words up more, lol. Byt this was basically my point, that they should've just let Stokes believe Angelique looked like Cassandra. If he was smart enough to figure out that Angelique and Cassandra are one and the same, then he should most definitely notice Judith's resemblance to Liz (or whatever. I'm not sure which time period he was in during the past and who the characters are).

I guess I am one of those people who don't see the point in Barnabas and Julia explaining it to him. Ah well.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: December 06, 2006, 05:40:11 PM »
To Barnabas, and Julia, when she's in the past, Edward does not look just like Roger.   Carl doesn't look just like Willie Loomis.  They are only look-alikes to the viewer.

I'm not sure I follow here. What I THINK you're saying is that Prof. Stokes should know who she is without any explanation at all? He should automatically know that she is Angelique and that she is a witch? This is kind of fuzzy to me, because by this logic, and please explain it to me if I'm wrong, Angelique would only be a LOOK-A-LIKE to Cassandra, but not actually Cassandra herself. Same way with Edward and Roger, Carl and Willie, etc etc. So while she looks like Cassandra, she actually isn't (although she really is because the viewer knows that Angelique stays the same everywhere). So why then, couldn't Barnabas and Julia just tell Stokes that she looks like Cassandra but that her name is Angelique, and let Stokes go from there?

Or is this what you're already saying?

::confused::     [santa_undecided]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: New Collinsport Gift Shop
« on: December 06, 2006, 05:34:52 PM »
Hmm. Well I do know that he would have no shortage of things to sell if he checked the water under the docks. I mean with all those people that were thrown down there after someone killed them, there's all kinds of antique jewlery and other fancy things that may not have washed away through time. Oh, and he could look at the bottom of Widow's Hill too, and maybe he'd find THE PEN.

As to who would by what and for whom:

Julia would buy mistletoe for Barnabas so that maybe he would FINALLY get the hint.
Prof. Stokes would buy an "I can read" book for Adam and ship it to the far east.  [santa_grin]
Beth could buy Quentin a new flipping record.
Megan and Phillip could buy Michael some braces.  [santa_grin]
Carolyn could buy Buzz a happenin' new wreath for the front of his bike!!!!   [santa_grin]
Liz could buy David a new tape recorder and burn that Dr. Lang tape.
And Roger could by Cassandra some hair dye or a new wig that would better suit her.

And while the cultural references in RtC didn't bother me too badly, the original DS never did this outside of the clothing.  [female_skull]

I'm a little confused by your statement.  Are you saying you feel that what was then the "present time" DS never used any cultural references, or that NONE of the storylines did?

 One case I remember in Leviathan where cultural references were used was in the is Grant Douglas Quentin or not storyline?  They specifically have him make a comment about Jenny Lind, an operatic soprano who was world famous when Quentin was a boy.  Haven't seen many of the present day eps lately, so that may be an isolated case.

 However, with 1897, the storyline I am most familiar with, they used many many references, not to historical events, but to cultural norms of the day (one example I can think of offhand is one instance where Quentin tried to warn Edward about something, and Edward scoffed it off as an opium dream.  Opium and its derivatives like Laudanum were legal then and sold openly, as well as being amongst the recreational drugs of choice of the rich.)  The fact that they did this sort of thing as often as they did established the characters in a specific time and place, giving the created world depth.

I'll do my best to answer you here given that I wrote that post over a month ago, and even though I've reviewed it, that doesn't mean I remember my motivations behind writing it. lol.

I think what I was trying to say that the original DS episodes didn't really drop references to the outside world that much, or at least not ones that I noticed. You mention 1897 references. Though I'm interested in history, I'm no buff, so it's unlikely that I'd catch these references. And I didn't live in the 60s and 70s, though I can infer some references from what I do know about the time period, but again, some references may escape me. I used the clothing example because obviously the clothing worn in the original series was from the 60s and 70s, and that is the most obvious example of a reference to the outside world, although it couldn't really be helped.

Ultimately, what I was talking about or comparing was the fact that in the 04 Pilot Vicki mentions to Roger that she recognizes him from his article in Forbes magazine. You never heard any mention of something like Life magazine or any other magazine popular during the 60s and 70s. And in RtC someone, I think it's Willie, mentions eBay. The internet didn't exist in the 60s and 70s for large portions of the population, so they couldn't have mentioned it and expected people to know what they were talking about. But, they also never mentioned the Vietnam War, which was going on during that time.

Hope this helps to get my point across a little better.