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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '06 II / Re: GH Pulls A DS
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:06:27 PM »
I don't really think much of the PC and GH actors making the crossover and no one noticing. I didn't really think that anyone from GH save for Lucy, Scotty (and Kevin? the psychiatristic, whatever his name was) crossed over to PC. I may have seen one or two other people like Mac Scorpio, but other than that, I don't remember any big wigs like Sonny, Carly, Jason, Jax, Nickolas, Emily, Lucky, Liz, etc etc, ever going over to PC. If they did then I just missed it because I didn't watch PC much when it was on, but I catch it on SoapNet every now and then when I'm home.

Another soap that did this was OLTL. I'm not sure it's the same category though. Because IIRC, the guy that plays' Al on there is playing Al still but he looks like someone else. IIRC Al died, then came back in someone else's body or something like that. I don't quite remember, but it's the same actor, and AFAIK it's a different character.

And while we're on the subject, who does King play on GH?

Current Talk '06 II / Re: mrs.johnson dodges a bullet.
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:00:09 PM »
I, too, enjoy Mrs. J's appearances, and agree with mscbryk that she seemed to be in many more episode than she actually was. Perhaps that's because most times when she appeared it was memorable.

And speaking of her cleaning.....

I've been noticing here lately (for a long while now, actually) at just HOW dirty Collinwood really is. I mean, when the front door opens the leaves blow all up in there. But the thing that gets me THE MOST, is that God-awfully filthy fireplace in the Collinwood drawing room. Geez Louise! Get somebody to scrub that soot off of that sucker! It's a wonder that the ENTIRE WALL isn't black, given that it's been burning nonstop for over 200 years!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: New Leather Store
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:53:14 PM »
Carolyn has married Buzz Hackett. They have opened up a leather store in the local Collinsport Mall.
Which characters would shop there?

You sure do like these type of posts, don't you? They are quite amusing, IMO.

And in other news :

ATTN: Mods......everytime I click a Santa face it screws up my post!

Stuart, this is great news!  I'm glad the sales on the first CDs have been good. I'm looking foward to any and all future installments!

I share in Penny's happiness and celebration over this great announcement.

And in other areas, I don't really care that the CDs are going to be late. Would I have liked to be informed? Sure. But I'm not pist about it. After all, at least it was mentioned HERE, rather than NOT AT ALL. So kudos to the person who originally brought up the CDs being late.

Now let me go and count pennies in my bank to save up for the new CDs.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: mrs.johnson dodges a bullet.
« on: December 10, 2006, 09:10:15 PM »
I daresay Mrs. J would've huffed, and she would've puffed, and she would've blooowwwnnnn that house down!

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1067
« on: December 10, 2006, 09:06:52 PM »
Barnabas catches Quentin as he faints from the horror of Julia's hair putting his eye out.

I am also looking forward to your review, Penny.

I'm very interested in purchasing this (I need some good driving music with my new, longer commute), but I want to wait until after the holiday to see if any of my relatives have had enough forethought to get it for me. I doubt it, because I'm sure they're not as up to date on DS related stuff as I am, but I'd rather wait just in case.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Wish List
« on: December 10, 2006, 03:51:53 AM »
Stokes-- The secret of Barnabas Collins
The gift that keeps on giving.   Ask anyone who's ever been let in on that one.

Boy is THAT ever true!

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1088
« on: December 10, 2006, 01:15:00 AM »
David gets angry as Grayson sings "Country Roads Take Me Home" and makes fun of his native West Virginia.

Willie: Nah don't make me slap that look off yer face Dactah Hawfman. I'll slap ya so hard Cassandra'll feel it!

Jason: I do solemnly swear that I will uphold Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and that she will never need that stiff backing ever again!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0697
« on: December 10, 2006, 01:06:22 AM »
Ned: Oh Sarbina, how do I love thee?

Sabrina: (thinking) If only everyone knew the way my hair REALLY got this white.

Vicki: (whining) Give me the book David!

David: Oh fine, take it. You really are a baby!

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0822
« on: December 10, 2006, 01:01:00 AM »

Charity: I see....I see....a great box! Yea, with words scrollin' 'cross it! It's's a teleprom'ter!