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Messages - Heather

OMG... lmao, DStoDA!  Nice work - Good job!     :-*

And photoshop...snort...don't even get me started...    ;)  8)

Heather [a Graphic Designer-in training who's -oddly enough- more often comfortable doin' it by hand. Giggle...  ;D]

Well everyone is commenting on your promo idea but I have to say when i saw the "end of your signaturer" I nearly fell out of my chair laughing and snorting (so ladylike i know. . .)  I don't remember that scene at all

I recognized that one - from the beginning of the Adam time period, is it not?  ;) Funny indeed...

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Julia Unleashed
« on: October 08, 2004, 05:03:44 AM »
You're the only one besides me so far that I have heard of writing Julia-as-Dominatrix stories.  I participated in a round robin years ago where Julia became a vampire and I got to write her first appearance.  I kitted her up in this leather outfit, complete with boots and car-coat, and had a huge amount of fun with it.  I'm sure Grayson would have found it a HOOT, given her impatience with Julia's "straight-a$$" ways.

But she played that straight-a** so well though... ;)

Anyway, Thanks everyone - I wasn't sure how anyone would react to that. I'm glad it was taken in the humor intended ::cough::  ;D

Steve - that story sounded like a hoot! Sigh... :(

I wonder whether the good Doctor was thoughtful enough to provide her "patient" with knee-pads? LOL!!!

LMAO... multi-purpose accessory there.   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Julia Unleashed
« on: October 07, 2004, 07:25:49 AM »
Welcome to another chapter of my obsession...  ;)

For all you evil...people, and wenches out there [you KNOW who you are].
And Thanks to my fellow're all the inspiration I need. Chortle... gets kinda adultish[/i] {wink, wink}. Okay, here's the link:

Yup, I'm going straight to hell for this...


p.s. When's the next DVD-capture anonymous meeting, Jean-Claude? No wait, forget it--I'm already a goner. LOL   :P

Current Talk '04 II / Re: A Spooky Affair
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:15:34 AM »
Whoa, i just nailed 5 blue Valiums in the bob   :-[    How about Buzz as Cousin IT , he was hairy and talked funny...Perhaps Bathia Mapes as Grandmamama.

And the Hand of C.P. could be a menacing Thing...
Hmm...the hand could also be used in one of the games...whoops, wrong list. Hehe  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: A Spooky Affair
« on: October 06, 2004, 06:10:39 AM »
.......but who would be cousin It???
One of the little Leviathan Brats.  ;)

lmao!  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / A Spooky Affair
« on: October 05, 2004, 05:48:08 AM »
From the warped recesses of my mind, I pose the following questions:[/i]

Let's say Collinwood was gonna have a Halloween shindig one year. First of all, who would be invited to the party and what would each person dress up as (Something other than...themselves - lol)?  ;)

Any par-ty games (or twisted remakes) {wink, wink}?

What kind of food would be served and/or what would Mrs. Johnson hand out to the brave trick-or-treaters?    ;D


My random thoughts thus far :::cough:::

1. Barnabas - Batman; Julia - Catwoman; Burke Devlin - jailbird; Laura - Cleopatra (phoenix would be a tad obvious - lol); Maggie - French Maid; Liz - Statue of Liberty; Mrs. J - beatnik; Quentin - birthday suit.... etc, etc...   ;D

2. Instead of Bobbing for apples, bobbing for sedatives...  :o

3. Little chocolate chests with sparkling hard-candy jewels inside; Burnt popcorn balls... nyuk, nyuk

p.s. If this has already been discussed in the past or whatnot, please forgive me. I just...could not resist...(deep chuckle)   8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: "desperate housewives"
« on: October 05, 2004, 04:05:59 AM »
... the two shows the WB picked over DS are both struggling in the ratings. ...
and somehow the good showing of DH probably didn't help improve that situation in the slightest.
Let's all join in a collective "Awwwwwwwww."  ;)

LOL!  I mean...[in an evil Mr. Burns -a la THE SIMPSONS- voice] Excellent...[/i][/size]   ;D   ;)

LOL, Castlebee...  ;)

Thanks so much for posting the pics, Bobubas.  :-*  Nope, not dead yet...  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The "V" word
« on: October 04, 2004, 04:46:54 AM »
Sorry Castlebee - my bad.    :-[

Sigh...zapped again...     :'(

-Heather (*note to self... don't post things at the butt crack 'o dawn... only causes confusion)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The "V" word
« on: October 03, 2004, 11:37:20 AM »
Except poor J seemed to be a second hand (other) v when it came to her hopeless love for B.

Do you mean...victim?    ;)

I was originally referring to a 'virgin or not' issue brought up a long while ago on another list but - anyway - Yup, I know what she must have felt like living with his obsessive, post-tramatic, set-in-his-''oh please, pleeeeaaaassseee come to me you darling SYT-you''-ways, and a few other old-world tendencies.  >:(
However -sorry, can't help it- I don't think her love for B. was entirely hopeless, considering the way things play out in the series. Julia wore her heart on her sleeve - and one can question why in the hell she fell for him, but--I think that's one area she couldn't completely control. She was a smart cookie...but not perfect by any means...didn't always make the best choices ;), but - who hasn't? The fact that she wasn't perfect, and that she put up with more than she had to while trying to make her small corner of the world a bit better each go-round...not to mention those lovely exotic features...are part of why I like that character so very much. In the end, even though I can understand why it's seen that way - she wasn't really a victim, more like a survivor ::"I will survive" chimes in the background:: lol

But, that's just me. Cooky, obsessive me... ;D  ;)

I now send you back to the original topic at hand...cough.[/i] :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Return of the Tarot Montages!
« on: October 03, 2004, 09:22:28 AM »
How wonderful to see them again.

Especially since it means the "Robservations" episodes are about to enter 1897.....bringing with them some of the best characters on DS

I'd like to echo those sentiments. ;) That montage is just...breathtaking.   :-*  I'm seeing these for the first time just now (not the episodes kiddies, the seductively inspiring pictorials, I mean...cough. ;)). Wow - love it, love it. Everyone's expression is just - priceless. LOL  Really sums up the mystical journey ahead.

Tired yet giddy in the early A.M.


p.s. Just wanted to add that I think skeleton smileys are SO CUTE, MB. ;) Oh...I almost wanna give each of those lil' bones an affectionate pinch or two (whoops - now that didn't come out quite right... lol.  A dirty mind's a terrible thing to waste, I guess...)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: COOL BACKGROUND
« on: October 02, 2004, 03:07:02 AM »
My thanks to MB and the other mods too... the new background is invigorating, the icons are deliciously spooky - all in all, it downright  ROCKS!![/i]

Thankie.  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The "V" word
« on: October 02, 2004, 03:04:12 AM »
oh and here i thought it was "virgin" but that is a dreaded word on another DS list. . .ha!

Hehehehehehehe....   Well, vampirically-influenced or not, neither B nor J ain't the other 'v' is all I gotta say... ;D

Did that make any sense?  ::)  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: TWO Thursday B-day Girls!!!
« on: October 02, 2004, 02:59:52 AM »
There does seem to be a theme to a lot of your posts  lol   ;D

I'm so glad you finally got it up, Tripwire ::whew::. I was worried for a second there. ;D  Thanks everyone... when I thought of J99's b-day, and a few other friends' wacky sense of humor well...I just couldn't resist. ;)

::cough:: Special thanks goes to: Connie, who's witty creations are an inspiration every time I view them ;) Jean-Claude, fellow 'Mac-er' and DVD-capture partner in crime; ;) Sandor - you wonderful and witty Gemini you; and Steve, who's posts are both educational and wickedly amusing at the same time <wink>. And of course, the mods - for being so kind to allow a minx like myself go off in the first place.  LOL  :-*

But, Heather, please don't ever change!  ;D

::sniffle:: Aww... You either, sweetcakes!  ;D  :-*