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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

I was just reading over at the IMDB boards, which I try not to do too often [santa_tongue], and one poster said that we wouldn't see a trailer until March.  He did not say where he got his information from.  It just seems silly that it would take that long.  If they want to build this film to be the blockbuster (and franchise) it could be, we ought to be seeing a lot of promotional material this whole year...  At this rate, we'll probably see Barnabas action figures before we see a trailer.  (At least I hope we see Barnabas action figures!   [santa_wink])  But, I am still hoping for a poster this month.  Maybe a trailer (even a teaser) before Valentine's day.  There's a number of horror-themed works coming out...  Maybe with one of those. 

So true!

Odd thing about that is I read somewhere else that it would be released May 13, Mother's Day...  It's like no one knows the date!

All great insight, cousins!  And terrific analysis on both counts, MB.

And Shadows is certainly popping up in a lot of places...

I have not seen anything, G...   [santa_sad]

But more news from the IMDB front...  Dark Shadows has just been upgraded from a Top 5,000 title to a Top 500 title - despite the fact that there is no new publicity.  Interesting...

Yes, that is exciting! Let's hope other people feel the same way.  I am not sure if Shadows will beat Avengers in its first week.  But, I am pretty sure that it will be first the following week.  Again, all of this depends on the reception of both films.  But I think Avengers will be positively received, which could put a dent in Shadows' numbers.  But, we can always hope otherwise!   [8_2_73]

As an aside, I see IMDB now has an image in the "official poster" slot.  Yes.  You guessed it.  It's the cast picture.  Considering that it looks terrible on the page, I am fairly certain that someone is trying to force Warner Bros into releasing a poster...   [santa_tongue]

BUT!  It is also featured on the IMDB homepage, advertising the Warner films of 2012!  Fantastic!

Hmmm...  I don't know.  And I don't see the official lyrics posted anywhere either.  I remember thinking it was Mustang at some point, and then I changed my opinion to blood-stained later on.  (I guess it felt more appropriate!)  So, you may be right.  I don't have access to the song, so I can't even give it another listen.  But if someone else does... 

That way when the official 2012 soundtrack is released, all the groovie ghouls will have the correct lyrics on record.   [santa_wink]

I just thought of this song...

"Many years ago, in 1793,
An evil woman named Angelique said with glee,
'I cast a spell on Barnabas!'
And what was even worse,
She turned him into a vampire,
That was his curse.

Barnabas, we must confess.  We dig your pearly fangs and your blood-stained vest.  Biting people's necks is your coolest desire.  Barnabas, you're our favorite vampire!  Vampire!"

Any bets that will make it into the Tim Burton movie? 

We sing a song of thankfulness for you!


Happy New Year 2012!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:47:52 PM »
Wow, MB!  Looks great!  Thanks so much for all of your hard work! 

I hope so.  I am sure the trailer will give us a taste of her interpretation of, in Burke's words, "little Miss Muffet"... Miss Winters."   

I am really curious to see what color her hair is on screen.  It's even hard to tell from the official press picture...

Games / Re: Either/Or
« on: December 30, 2011, 10:11:02 PM »
Hmmm...  I'm not sure.  Roxanne?  At least she knew what she was doing...   [8_2_73]

Would you rather be gifted a Sarah Collins doll or a Barnabas toy soldier?  

Thanks for the info, G!  I knew that we would probably end up with some generic shots, but it was worth hoping otherwise...

And, yes, I too find it strange how much press this movie is getting with zero official publicity.  It is beyond strange.

Finally, I completely agree about Joanna.  I always loved her and thought she was the perfect new Victoria Winters/Josette.  Let's see how Heathcote fairs. 

Those separate pictures weren't from production were they?  (Or were they the "behind the scenes" ones published previously?)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: test
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:57:02 AM »
Unable to access MOST of the time.  I did get through once though. 

Absolutely, MB.  The Pre-Barn episodes are my favorite.  The characters were well developed and there was just a great deal of atmosphere that was missing from some later parts of the series.  I see this movie as crystalizing (and making new) the 1966-1967 storylines.  It's so refreshing to see this material finally getting some respect.  

And it's no surprise that Malloy is important, as he was the catalyst for the first major suspense plot on the show.