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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '04 II / Re: nobody carries a handbag
« on: October 27, 2004, 08:48:24 AM »
Julia (a REAL woman) seems to be the only one IIRC who knew how to accessorize.  Think about many scenes can you recall in which Quentin comments to a woman about how she looks???  THIS is the only scene I can think of:

I love that of the only times Julia is given a genuine compliment - About anything! :(  ;D

The rest, as they say, is history.  It's a shame the subsequent love scenes were canned and never saw the light of day.  Apparently they were written while Sam was on vacation and when he returned, he axed them in favor of all that "Lilacs" nonsense.

I've only heard of this casually in passing once or twice... could you or anyone else elaborate on that??  :-*   :-X

Tiredly {yawn},


This is the kind of project I could see DS to DA and Heather collaborating upon with great results.

{doing a double take} What in the...  LOL.  :o  Steve, I'm touched {sniffle} (hey - there's a J/B/Pepe/Judith story with your name on it, dear. No, I didn't necessarily mean a foursome... ;) Typing it up as fast as I can.)  Anyway - That is a divine idea - I'd love a series of best-of moments focusing on the various characters/actors.

Funny about your dream - well, this has nothing to with it per say but...has that stopped me before? Back when I was watching the series for the first time, I remember a vivid dream I had. Weird thing was, the dream was in full color (well, actually all my dreams are usually in color) - centering on a problem in Julia's lab...but I hadn't seen the color eps. or any Julia episodes before I had the dream - freaky (well, at the time it was - lol)!

My mom and I also think it would be neat to have an intertactive video-type game surrounding DS...heck, if my major was leaning a bit more in that direction, I'd be fooling around with that idea as well. Chortle...

Anyway - Not that I'm predjudiced {wink} but of course I'd be most interested in a Grayson best-of series...actually that would veer off the Dark Shadows world a tad... I'd definitely save some moolah for THAT. Yeah baby!   ;D

Salivating and laughing like Reinfield {ya know, ala dracula. Hey...tis the season},

Thanks for the heads-up, Midnite.   ;)

p.s. Love the floating ghostie guys, but for some reason it keeps floating around the posting box - thing when I'm typing... like it's spying on me or something. Hey - you don't scare me, ghost...shoo!  lol

[sorry - blame it on alcohol-based cold meds...grumble.  :P  ::)]   ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: nobody carries a handbag
« on: October 25, 2004, 01:07:10 AM »
i think julia was required to have a bag because she was always dispensing sedatives or whatnot and needed someplace to keep them(plus she always looked so "smart").

Yup, she did. :-* BUT The real question is...what all does Julia really keep in that medical bag, huh?   ;)  ;)  {cough, cough}

. now Julia is obviously fond of handbags (she had several over the course of the series + her medical bag) and gloves

Yeppers - exactly. And Julia is nothing without her trusty gloves, twisting and turning with each stressful event...she had to release that tension somehow, poor thing...  :'(  ;D

Edward comes in, demanding to know the meaning of what looks like some form of foreplay.

Chortle... good ole Edward. I love revisiting these episodes...  ;D

He suggests calling a doctor right away, but she objects. It might happen again, he says, but she doesn't think it will. She doesn't know that, he argues, but she assures him she feels fine, and has always been in perfect health. Suspiciously, he asks if there's some reason she doesn't WANT to see a doctor (does he think she's pregnant?)

LOL... imagine Barn's reaction if that woulda happened!  lol

Edward is furious that Quentin, who isn't welcome at Collinwood as it is, has now brought some person he's attracted to to stay at the cottage. Dirk says he feels she seemed rather respectable. Edward finds it hard to believe Quentin is developing a taste for respectable women.

--Chortle...snicker. As if that hasn't happened before in *that* family...  ;)

She was very pretty, says Dirk, long blonde hair, and (this interested Barnabas a great deal) very large, blue eyes; he'd never seen anything like them before.
At Barnabas' probing, Dirk admits he was very impressed with this woman. She might have looked innocent, says a disgusted Edward, but if she was there to meet Quentin, she was anything but.

--LOL!  And I love the looks on each of their faces. I'm just amazed dirk isn't stroking that mustache of his...  ;)

Why do you want me to look good? Asks Magda suspicious. Perhaps I have a fondness for gypsies who have fallen on hard times, suggests Barn. Magda doesn't believe that. Barnabas advises her not to look his favor in the mouth and stop asking questions. He opens his coffin and gives her an upraised eyebrow look. He returns to Magda, pushes her hair from her throat, and warns her not to betray him: "You know what I can do," he says, running his hands over her exposed throat. (Magda almost looked as if she enjoyed it, and Julia would have loved it!)

No, no no no no no no.....there's only one man for Magda - her big, beautiful Sandorrrr. ;D

Surviving the flu in W. PA [cough, sniffle],


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Does Frid ignore "Barnabas"?
« on: October 20, 2004, 02:20:42 AM »
Thanks for passing this along, Nancy. His comments are always great fun to read.  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: DS mentioned in EW article on SciFI channel
« on: October 17, 2004, 12:00:24 AM »
Boy, talk about backhanded compliment.  ::)

Sigh...go figure. :(

OT - The Geek Test
show that there are actually more female geeks on the forum than male. (I know I still haven't been able to live down my disappointing result.  :'()

Chortle... Oh dear. I bet my geek meter has gone up a bit since then. I guess school, and other influences, can do that to ya... :P  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A bit of frivolity
« on: October 15, 2004, 05:51:06 PM »
Wow...Thanks for the kind words. :-* To tell the truth, I couldn't stop giggling when i put that together...nuttier than a fruitcake, I am (diversion therapy people...diversion therapy {thumbs up}). :P

What can I say - hangin' around certain folks has a peculiar effect on one's imagination, I suppose... 

 ;D  :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / A bit of frivolity
« on: October 14, 2004, 03:34:03 AM »
Okay, after a stressful few days, I was playing around again...

Yep, I'm eeeking out as much as I can from this one DVD set - lol. ;) I
guess I'm going cucku over captions...    ::) :P

Disclaimer/Warning: This a joke, and nothing but a joke, so help me

goddess. If taken too seriously, your brain will self-distruct in 30
seconds... ;)

Okay, here's the link (it will take a bit to load):



Briscoe, nice eye candy.
You said it, Misa. And as the song goes, "I Want Candy"....

Heeey I know - How 'bout some chocolate-dipped DB pops for Halloween. ;)  Chewy tarty center; life-like, silky candy base; and a candy-coated chocolate layer for the clothes (melts in your mouth, not in your hand). {cough}  "So how many licks does it take to get the center of a DB pop?, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21... ∞ {cough}

LOL   ;D

Hey - you can make almost *anything* out of candy (so long as you have the supplies, of course)...and I mean Anything {mischievious grin}.

-Heather (aspiring artist, wench, and wanna-be gourmand...chortle)  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: In Case You're Wondering...
« on: October 13, 2004, 02:22:13 AM »
Here's to the continued success of the best board ever and may we all continue to write, laugh, and be a little nuts around here in good health for a long time!

I'll drink to that... :D

Congrats yunz guyses!!  :-*   I'd also like to extend my gratitude to the mods and

the wonderful people on this board. Thanks for keeping the spirit of Dark

alive and well. May this continue to be a fun place to play for many

years to come...

amen.  {cough}  ;D  :-*

Great!  I'll have French Toast during the Renaissance.  ;)
You're incorrigible.   :P
Actually, I'm in Philadelphia... ;)

Sorry to butt-in guys but...   LMAOooooooo..... 

-Heather  ;)

Sadly, I'm not the kind that conjures up cozy feelings in others...and I'm the LAST person that any of you would want to encounter first thing in the morning.  And you thought Barnabas was cranky when Willie disturbed his rest!   ;D

You're not the only only one, dear. Heck, nobody here's seen the likes of me before I take my anti-bitch pills in the morning...with plenty 'o coffee to wash it down.  LOL  ::)  ;D

Great JOB! Just Lovely!  :-*[/color]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: when do you "watch"?
« on: October 10, 2004, 02:32:12 AM »
Nowadays...On the weekends. Often while I'm baking, interestingly enough (traditional and...experimental recipes alike ;)). Yeah - typical Gemini - always trying to do multiple things at the same time. Chuckle.   :P   ;D

Fresh-baked cookie, coffee anyone?  ;)