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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '04 I / Dates
« on: May 12, 2004, 11:02:00 PM »
Were any actual dates used in DS?  Or any holidays or birthdays celebrated?

I am actual anal enough find out for myself, but before I embark I thought I would check to see if anyone else had reseached this first. :)

And what about days of the week and the actual day to day flow of time?  Of course frequently several episodes would take place during the same day (or night) but has anyone tried to place events/episodes in chonological order (episodes x y x take place on one day, and then episode aa takes place the next day, for example).  Again, I am sad and obsessive  :) to do this myself, but would certainly prefer to read the fruits of another fan's labors!  ;D

Thanks all!

Nelson Collins

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Map of Collinwood / Collinsport ?
« on: May 12, 2004, 01:50:40 PM »
I have loved the map of collinwood and collinsports!  but, hehe, next questoin:  Has anyone ever tried to do a bluprint type thing for the mansion or the Old House?

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Query on Seances
« on: May 12, 2004, 01:47:16 PM »
since we're on the subject of seances,what are your favorite d.s. seances?while i love the seance that sends victoria back to 1795,i think my favorite is the first.during the laura collins story,a seance is held to contact josette.vicki goes into a trance and speaks in french as laura glares!it's so good.and for those who havn't seen the pre-barnabas eps.,there's even a wierd seance with vicki,david and sam evans! :P

Was there ever a seance on DS that wasn't interuppted? :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Willie Loomis' Girlfriend
« on: May 12, 2004, 01:44:06 PM »
But I like the waitress story too, Gerard.  Except wasn't she from Bangor? Or Logansport?  Aren't they closer than Portland? :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Willie Loomis' Girlfriend
« on: May 12, 2004, 01:41:04 PM »
I always pretended that Willie's unseen Roxanne was actually the Normal Time version of the Parallel Time Roxanne.  But how can this be, you ask, if the NT Roxanne actually turned out to be a youknowhat?  Well, let me explain.  You see, she didn't start off as a youknowhat because the post-PT story which begins in 1995 and is linked to 1840 hadn't happened yet, so Barnabas wouldn't've gone back to 1840 in which case the 1840 Roxanne wouldn't've been, well, you-know-what, so therefore until that point the 1840 Roxanne would've settled down with somebody nice and had kids who down the line would've eventually produced the NT Roxanne who wasn't a youknowhat, so, in this case........Oh, never mind.  Willie's Roxanne was a blue-haired waitress at Big Wally's Eats in Portland, Maine where she was putting herself through beauty school.  Let's just let it go at that.

Yeah, yeah, I'll buy that!!  LOL

Or maybe Roxanne had a brother or two to carry one the genes/family name?

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Other then DC, who created Barnabas?
« on: May 12, 2004, 01:37:07 PM »

I've never been bought by the whole "threat of cancellation" story for 1967.  It sounds quite dramatic until you consider that they were given 26 weeks to raise the ratings - six months worth of episodes.  To me, that sounds like a pretty leisurely timeframe for a situation apparently so drastic.  It's waaaaaaaaay more notice than the show had when eventually was yanked in 1971.

People also overlook the fact that the show had already been renewed from its initial six month order in 1966 - that in itself suggests that it was doing acceptable business.  I tend to think that DS was it was renewed, just with more stringent expectations than before - not the outright make-or-break situation it's since been painted as.

Leisurely for today maybe, but I might have been a different story in 1966, I tend to agree with you there.  I don't pretend to know much about how daytime TV at that time was judged/rated by the networks, but I am sure it was more economical to renew with a mandate to raise the viewership than ax it unceremoniously and start from scratch on something else.

I have also never bought that the ratings were the reason for the show's cancellation.  It seems to make a lot more sense that the cast/production staff were more running out of steam/ideas than anything else.

« on: May 11, 2004, 11:18:29 PM »
That would be one Phineas T. Frog from the classic WB cartoon 'One Froggy Evening' - you know the one where the construction worker finds a frog who occasionally (and very inconveniently) bursts into beautiful songs like 'Ragtime Gal' but when put on stage, just sits there like a frog with a top hat on...

Ummm, very sorry, Darren, but it's Michigan J. Frog, isn't it?

« on: May 11, 2004, 02:12:08 AM »
I am remaining optimistic that the WB will pick up DS to series. But I do agree Nancy that there are some options available to Wells and Curtis should the WB fail to pick up DS. It would be a bit ironic if John Wells, with his direct connections to NBC, attempts to sell DS to that network.

Someone may have already suggested this, or I might just be shouted down, but despite the SciFi Channel treating fans so shabbily, does anyone think that they might be interested in a new DS Series?  They have done revivals of series before, i.e. Battlestar Galactic, as well as picking up Stargate SG1 from Showtime.

Current Talk '04 I / Re:OT - Angel to return
« on: May 10, 2004, 04:43:03 PM »
Wow.  Wouldn't it be hot if the series finale involved a 3 way between Adam Baldwin, James Marsters and Boreanaz?

Don't forget Lindsey! woof ;-P~

Current Talk '04 I / Re:OT - Angel to return
« on: May 10, 2004, 02:57:48 PM »
Thanks, Victoria, and I agree, now that I have seen the ep, I see now that in a lot of ways the story was about letting go of Buffy and the two of them coming to a sort of truce realizing just how much alike they are in other ways too.  They may not be lovers, but this season of Angel, Spike and Angel's relationship has been the emotional center of the show.  IMHO, of course :)

« on: May 10, 2004, 02:31:10 PM »
I haven't seen Van Helsing and probably will not, just from seeing the trailers.  The reason why?  "Computer-animated graphics."  I might be the only one who thinks that this "technology" still has a long a way to go, pondering if I'm also the only one who thinks that when, seeing a movie with these Ninetendo-like creatures is like watching Roger Rabbit.  It looks so fake to me that it's distracting.  At this point, I'd prefer stop-motion or the plain, old guy zipped up in a suit of scales and fur.  That Van Helsing werewolf looks like the Tasmanian devil that keeps trying to eat Bugs Bunny.

The CGI definitely overused and isn't entirely sucessful in some spots.  Bad script, bad acting, I spent the whole film spotting what genre or film stole from.

« on: May 10, 2004, 01:01:21 AM »

Well I am a contributor too. My only point was is that if the WB now believes that DS may not be a good fit in its family oriented programming, perhaps the WB will take notice of Helsing's box office intake and be reminded that the vampire genre is still alive and can translate into big ratings. I still say that DS would be a good fit with Charmed on Sunday night.

You have a point.  I have to say though that  I have never watched an entire ep of Charmed.  From what I little I have seen, it seemed to be a supernatural/genre/comedy/drama in the vein (no pun intended) of Buffy and Angel.  If the goal of a new DS series is to be a drama like DSClassic and DSRevival, I am not so sure that it _would_ be a good fit with Charmed.  Again, I say this with the complete realization that I don't know what Charmed is all about, so I might just be talking out of my butt again.  ;D


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dark Shadows: DVD or Video?
« on: May 10, 2004, 12:33:26 AM »
it is included on the DS Bloopers VHS. I love Grayson's indignation after the director yells cut.  :D

Cool, I have watched the Bloopers VHS a couple of times, I don't remember seeing it.  hmmm, will have to try to find or borrow a copy. Thanks!

« on: May 10, 2004, 12:29:53 AM »

Just wondering if Van Helsing's 54 million dollar opening might get the WB's attention?

OMG, I had the misfortune of contributing to that 54 million opening.  It was so bad, words almost cannot describe.  I've seen better film on teeth.  I do not expect will have much repeat business, esp. once word starts to get around.

I, for one, am hoping that the WB does _not_ use Van Helsing as a guide to what modern horror is about.

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dark Shadows: DVD or Video?
« on: May 09, 2004, 11:44:35 PM »
So, was this on the VHS, then?

I don't know.  I have not obtained a VHS copy to see how it was handled.  I would surmise that that particular ep was fixed even for VHS since the action pretty much had stopped for 3-5 minutes.  But I don't know.  I was using that particular ep as just an example (albeit an extreme one) of why I love DS warts and all. :)