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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Dark Shadows DVD Easter Eggs??
« on: June 16, 2004, 04:57:38 PM »
I have the VHS tape that shows the same commercial you're seeing on DVD Set 4.

Is it just me but does anyone else feel that MPI could give us some behind the scenes type stuff on the DVDs in addition to the interviews? On the VHS tapes, pre-Barnabas, we get to see some really neat things like Nancy, Joan, Alexandra, Mitch and David preparing for their upcoming scenes. I'd love to see more of that type of stuff.  I wonder if anyone knows if MPI or is it Jim Pierson has commented on the production of the DVDs?

I will take and and all I can get on the dvd Collections :) , especially (if anyone was not aware) as I am still a newbie DS fan in very real terms as I have not even seen the entire series yet!

« on: June 15, 2004, 04:39:26 PM »
As for the future of the pilot, perhaps MPI can release it one day with a "Making of" featurette on a single disc.  I can see it selling big in the market they've built for the episode releases.

Hee hee, what about including it in the dvd boxset of the 1990 series?  ;D

Current Talk '04 I / Re: DS - Could It Have Continued To Today?
« on: June 15, 2004, 02:19:41 AM »
Awhile back I had dowloaded an audio of Joan Bennett answering an interviewer's question that yes indeed she was Victoria's mother. If it's true than it would seem that for Liz, the scandal of announcing to the family that she was indeed Vicki's mother was more than she could bear. It was very bad socially back in those days to have a baby out of wedlock.    It does seem strange that out of the blue, a request for Vicki to come up to Collinwood and be a tutor is made. Someone's not talking at the Foundling Home in addition to Collinwood!

Hmmm, that makes sense. If she was a blood relative of the Collinses, then she would be part and parcel of the curse that was placed on the family, given with all the wierd things she experienced, eh?

Current Talk '04 I / Re: DS - Could It Have Continued To Today?
« on: June 13, 2004, 12:02:19 AM »
Reading your response, Miss Winthrop, reminded me of the early eps of the show (which I have not seen, just read synopses) where Victoria discovers a painting of a Betty Hanscomb (sp?) that bears a strong resemblance to Victoria.  As I recall, both Liz and Roger protested a bit too much that the painting didn't look like Vicki at all when Carolyn pops in and proclaims just the opposite!

Didn't the Collins' employ a butler by that name who had a daughter named Betty?  Was she employed by the Collins' as well?  I am wondering if Bill or Paul or even Roger may have dallied with Betty and Liz sent her and her father away to avoid scandal when Betty's condition became apparent.  :o  I tend to lament the storylines that just petered out (the mystery of Victoria's parentage, Adam disappearing to have plastic surgery to remove his scars and never appearing again, etc.)  I guess that kind of thing happened a lot in soaps then. 

Current Talk '04 I / Dark Shadows DVD Easter Eggs??
« on: June 12, 2004, 05:50:13 PM »
I was watching disc one of DVD Collection 4 a couple of days ago and was surprised that between Ep. 336 and 337 was a promo for the 1795 flashback!

It was B&W, showing Vicki first then panning to Barnabas' chained coffin in a spotlight.  The man himself walks into the light and rests his hand on the coffin.  During all this an announcer invites the viewer to join Victoria Winters on "this Friday" on a trip to the year 1795 where we can learn the origin of "this man" and "the secret of the chained coffin."

Has anyone else seen this?  Are there others?

Current Talk '04 I / Re: DS - Could It Have Continued To Today?
« on: June 12, 2004, 03:50:42 PM »
Wow, Miss Winthrop, you make me long for a PT where Dark Shadows had continued to the present day.  I especially like the idea of a flashback during the younger days of the characters.  Uunfortunately, Barnabas have to be absent, but yes, the foolish salad days of Roger, Paul, Jason, Burke, Laura, Sam, infant Carolyn and maybe delving into the mystery of Victoria a little (Roger discovers that Elizabeth is sending money to a foundling home, why?  An indiscretion of hers? Of Paul's? Or, tension between Roger and Liz because because she once more as the older sister has to clean up one of Roger's messes?).  Makes the mouth water! :)

Current Talk '04 I / Dr. Woodard and others
« on: June 12, 2004, 03:26:08 PM »
I am gradually making my way through the dvd sets. I am on Set 4 now and Dr. Woodard has just died.  I was curious about why Dr. Woodard was recast, then I read in Robert Derringer's IMDB listing that he was recast because he refused to cross a picket line.  Does anyone have any other details about that?  I loved Robert Derringer and his character's struggles to wrap his head around the whole Barnabas/Maggie/Sarah/Willie/David supernatural vs. science problem, and while Peter Turgeon was competent in the role, Dave didn't last long enough for me to really warm to the new actor.

This kinda brings me to another question:  Who all was recast and why?  I know some of the answers.  The actor originally playing Willie was way to unsympathetic (he really creeped me out!), Mitchell Ryan (Burke 1) had a drinking problem IIRC and poor Sherrif Patterson! He must have been recast so often I have begun to think he was an early victim of the Michael Jackson syndrome (ie, addicted to plastic surgery ;) )  With regard to Vickies 2 & 3 (I have yet to see any episodes with them), I seem to recall that they disappeared pretty quickly.  Were these attempts to see if the audience would accept someone else as Victoria, and audience reaction dictated that they wouldn't?

Current Talk '04 I / Re:1966 Season
« on: June 06, 2004, 04:57:23 PM »
andre dupre's just vanished from 1795.he didn't even return for josette's's strange he would leave collinsport at a time when his daughter was in great general they did odd things with some of the characters on the must have been frustrating for contracted players to sit around and wait to see when they'de be used.

I am sure it was frustrating.  Does anyone know what were the usual "rules" regarding contracted actors?  After Andre disappeared from the 1795 story, it was more than 100 eps before David Ford appeared again.  And when he did reappear, it was only to serve the Adam/Frankenstien plot where the poor pitiful creature (in both stories) befriends a blind man who cannot see him for what he really is.  Not long after that they kill him off.  It was as if they just couldn't think of anything else to do with the character.

Current Talk '04 I / Re:The Missing Episode
« on: May 17, 2004, 01:43:02 PM »
when you compare it to something like Doctor Who, it's a miracle that there's only 1 episode missing.

Thanks for the 411 on ep 1219.  Yes, is indeed a miracle DS survives almost completely intact, even more so that a fan actually recorded the ep on audio! :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dark Shadows: DVD or Video?
« on: May 16, 2004, 02:14:06 PM »
Found it. It's after the main blooper program...there's an 'outtakes' or similarly titled mini section.

Easy to miss as the blooper end credits go on for about 4 hrs, so I probably switched it off soon as the music started to fade out..Damn ADD... ;)

I take it, it's the Julia/Tony blooper?  VERY cool.  And now I know why I don't remember it - I don't think I _ever_ watched the end credits on my borrowed tape! :)  Thanks, man!

Current Talk '04 I / The Missing Episode
« on: May 15, 2004, 01:06:58 PM »
I am curious about the infamous lost episode 1219 and efforts to recover it.

Being a huge fan Doctor Who, I am well acquainted with the disappointment of episodes of a beloved show going missing or destroyed.

But I was just wondering if someone might know or be able to point me to a site that has information on what efforts have been made to recover or verify that ep 1219 is lost/destroyed (and not maybe sitting on an archive shelf somewhere gathering dust.

Most of the info I know comes from the MPI website, detailing the reconstruction of the story with an audio copy, stills from surrounding episodes and "hosted" by Lara Parker.  I am just wondering if MPI are making any further efforts to try to track down the episode and/or if there is or has been a coterie of fans searching as well.

Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dates
« on: May 13, 2004, 11:02:59 PM »
Looking now at the rest of this thread... there were several specific dates given over the course of the years, from 1966 through 1971.

Very cool, Gothick. Maggie Evans referring to the "holidays" and the other dates you mentioned is just the kind of info was I was looking for.  Thanks!

« on: May 13, 2004, 01:05:20 PM »
I, too, stand corrected, Victoria.  Good to know, and I did not mean to tar every Angel fan with ths same brush (being a pretty rabid one myself :) )  And thinking about it, I do now recall reading about the blood drive. [vampy]

« on: May 12, 2004, 11:16:11 PM »

I took a look at the primary "Save Angel" site and frankly it beggars belief - one day's campaign mission was to send Jordan Levin as many funeral wreaths as possible...  And alarmingly many people with too much time on their hands seem happy to comply and fork over their money for the numerous other pointless campaign efforts.

After weeks of nuisance campaigns from these people, I suspect it's tarred all genre fans with the same brush.  And with certain elements of DS fandom already planning "Save DS" campaigns, it looks like DS won't do anything to buck the trend. 

As an embarrassed fan of Doctor Who when it was thought to have been cancelled in 1985, I am in complete agreement with you about how some fans of genre TV can react.  The money spent on Save Angel campaigns greatly saddens me.  All I can think of when I see that kind of money is how much more good it could have done a homeless shelter or a drug treatment program or any worthy charity.  :(

Current Talk '04 I / Dark Shadows early VHS
« on: May 12, 2004, 11:06:51 PM »
My curious is close to killing another feline, but I had another question:

As we all probably know, in the first eight VHS releases of DS, MPI edited the episodes to highlight the Barnabas storyline, but not having those tapes, what exactly was edited out?

Nelson Collins