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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / A Belated Greeting
« on: December 31, 2004, 01:22:14 AM »
Well, I was playing around again and...I made this for a certain friend   [santa_wink]  Thought I'd share it here too...

Somewhat belated, but the sentiments the same...   [santa_kiss]



[91a2]   [8_2_73]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Lt. Forbes Question
« on: December 29, 2004, 06:11:12 AM »
Congrats because now we get to see how much of a gambler or how much of a wuss you are... [santa_wink] But no matter the choice, at least you've proven that you were willing to take the chance in the first place - and for that you WILL be rewarded.


Sweeeeet...       [8_2_59] {sorry, sorry...}

Okay, so anyway--

Getting back to Lt. Forbes and those confining garments...   [santa_azn]

[spoiler]I was watching a little of 1795 this evening, and I was revisiting the time when he met Millicent. After he finished flirting with Josette and everyone within earshot, he started talking to the bubbly blonde. She mentions she's from NY, and he makes some unimpressed remark and then:

Millicent: "...I'd find it much more distasteful to live by the sea. But then, I AM susceptible to all those maladies which may be caused by constant motion."

Lt. Forbes:  {Pause}  "That's a pity, Miss Collins...."

I guess 'Little Lt. Forbes' didn't like that.

Snicker, chortle...  [santa_cheesy]   [laughing_devil][/spoiler]

[santa_wink]  [santa_rolleyes]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Lt. Forbes Question
« on: December 29, 2004, 02:32:35 AM »
-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo!

Now that's what we DS fan/teachers like to see - someone with a healthy (OK - a more than healthy ;)) obsession with DS who doesn't let it get in the way of their school work. Congrats! [thumb]

Thanks guys... well, I try my best...  [santa_cheesy]  It's just a wonder that I never made it to a fest or anything. Will someone kidnapp me?  LOL

-Heather (who can't believe I just got cure points for clicking on some flippin' mistletoe...grrrrrrrrrr...   [santa_wink]   [ChristmaS11]   [8_2_74]  :-*)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Lt. Forbes Question
« on: December 27, 2004, 03:43:40 AM »

If you haven't already seen it, you might want to check out the following topic, which was posted back when the 1795/76 storyline last ran on Sci-Fi. It seems as if it wasn't just the audience who might have had a "fascination" for the Lieutenant's "wardrobe." [wink2]

LOL, MB...Thanks!  [santa_evil] always get the best screen shots. ;)  I swear, if I had the 1795 DVD's, and it wasn't the board, I'd be compiling pics for a "Best Package under the X-Mas Tree" thread as we speak...   [91a2]

-Heather (who's been acting a bit giddy since I found out that I've made the Dean's list for the fourth semester in a row... whoo-hoo!  [santa_cheesy]  [8_2_59]  [santa_rolleyes])

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Have a Deevine Holiday
« on: December 26, 2004, 09:07:34 PM »
Nice job, Heather!

I know you must have loved creating it.

Keep up the good work, and keep sharing it here with us all.

Wow - many thanks, everyone!  I did have fun making that...too much fun perhaps...can't get enough of her as far as I'm concerned. ;) Hope ya'll had a wonderful holiday.  [santa_kiss]

PS - Love the santa hat photo and accompanying quote, lol.

Snicker. What can I say... Julia rules, and Pepe Rocks!   [8_2_59]    [8_2_73]  Yeah, I'm a nut...  [9391]   [santa_grin]   [nuts] [banana]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Lt. Forbes Question
« on: December 26, 2004, 08:52:26 PM »
Forbes' intro was great. I really enjoyed the character (and the way he wore his pants, lol)

 [santa_cheesy]  Ohhhh yeah, The best part about 1795 --aside from all the intrigue, character development, costumes, and whatnot  [santa_wink]--

Those tight, TIGHT breeches! {squeal}   [10]

Sorry ::cough:: distracted by a visual there.  LOL

Now back to the discussion at hand....


Heather  [santa_kiss]

Current Talk '04 II / Have a Deevine Holiday
« on: December 24, 2004, 07:31:57 AM »
Hi kids   [santa_cheesy]

First of all, I also wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season. Stay warm and give the ones you love an extra hug and kiss this year...   [santa_kiss]

Secondly, I wanted to share a little something I dreamed up recently. Yes, more of that Divine lady herself.   [ChristmaS11]  I managed to copy/convert each of the following pages to .jpgs, so I figured what the heck... I'll post it here too.

Playing around with a couple draw and paint programs in between other assignments, I came up with the following...

By the way - If anyone wanted a copy of the above, PM me and I'll see what Santa Pepe can do.  [santa_cool]  Speaking of...

Naughty or try a rumball, darling. They're quite...zesty this year.
Now if you'll excuse me I really must be going... honestly, a womans work is NEVER done (cackles).   [laughing_devil]



Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: SPECIAL VIDEO PRESENTATION
« on: December 22, 2004, 04:57:33 AM »

Very nice, indeed.   [clap]    

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: December 13, 2004, 03:44:44 AM »
And this is about DS not other GH work--focus heather. . focus!

Whoa - wait a sec guys  - what did I say?? Just mentioning that shes got lots of talent...oh forget it.   [santa_tongue]

Sorry... certain traumas have eliminated my focus as of late...  [santa_cry]  well, that and finals.  [bnghd]

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: December 12, 2004, 01:52:16 AM »
I cast my vote for Magda, Dr. Hoffman and PT Hoffman. Though, it was tough to narrow it down to 3. Grayson played all her roles with such relish.

Wow... I picked the very same, Sandor.  [santa_thumb]   Too eerie... ::twilight zone music playing in the background::   [santa_cheesy]

To be really fair the poll would have to include all her roles...pick as many as you fancy. Gotta love her - who wouldn't, ya know?    [santa_evil]

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: December 12, 2004, 01:42:24 AM »
If only Pepe had showed up at Collinwood. .
 [8_2_74] [8_2_74] [8_2_74] [8_2_74] [8_2_74] [8_2_74]

Absolutely... !!!    [8_2_59]    [8_2_74]

Pepe and Judith forever, damnit...


Current Talk '04 II / Jennings the Lusty vampire: reprise
« on: December 09, 2004, 09:30:44 AM »
Why hello you sweet things...   [santa_cheesy]

In an effort to take my mind off of ...other things (long, long  story - bad weekend  [pissd]  [santa_tongue]  [santa_wink]) I was sorting through/organizing my picture files the other day, and I discovered a little feature on one of the good ole Macintosh programs (bless you iPhoto   [santa_kiss]). Anyhoo, I compiled all of the "Tom Jennings the Lusty Vampire" pics I'd posted a while ago and made it into a slideshow w/ a little music. The only thing I'm not quite satisfied with is that, when I uploaded it to the site I used, Apple compressed the darn file so the pictures appear smaller than they acually are... freakin' templates...   [santa_rolleyes]

Special note: you must have QuickTime Player to view this. It is available at: {Scroll down to the bottom of the page...On the right hand side, Under the title Software Updates, you'll find a list of links that will allow you to download what's needed for your particular system.  Whew.   [santa_grin]}

All right - Clickety-click that mouse right here, darlings (it'll take a moment to load):   [santa_azn]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Sorting The Extra Smileys Window
« on: December 03, 2004, 10:34:17 PM »
Sorting by subject would do nicely. The whipping/kinky smilies should definitely have their own category, preferably denoted with a velvet rope or pole of some sort... chortle.


 [santa_cheesy]   [santa_evil]

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: One last greeting...
« on: December 02, 2004, 06:34:34 AM »
The final shot of Julia looks as if the dear "straight-assed" Doctor is simply SHOCKED by such hurly-burly! I can just hear Pepe purring, "Julia, honey, you need to sit down and have a nice, cool DRINK."

 [santa_cheesy] LMAO! Oh, the way that quote (about Julia being a straight-ass) keeps coming up in various discussions is just too much... ;D  :-*

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Upgraded AGAIN Today!! **
« on: December 02, 2004, 02:32:52 AM »
 [santa_shocked]  {squeal}    [santa_cheesy]  Oh...Mb...!   [8_2_77]


I needed that (snicker, chortle)   [91a2]   [santa_thumb]

 [8_2_59]   [8_2_73]   [8_2_74]

Can I be known as one of the smiley pimps, darlings?    [10]

*Calm down Steve* ;)