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Messages - markyboo

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Current Talk '07 II / Re: Parallel Time 1970: The Aftermath
« on: July 17, 2007, 04:34:43 PM »
 ;D ...Or Barnabas could land right on top of an evil witch who has taken control of Collinsport. This results in the evil witch's death. Her shoes suddenly vanish from her feet! A delighted Roxanne appears & implores the villagers of Collinsport to come out of hiding & celebrate the evil witch's demise & honor Barnabas!

Can't you just picture Barnabas running around in a pair of ruby red slippers?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Parallel Time 1970: The Aftermath
« on: July 16, 2007, 08:18:51 PM »
 :D Gerard, I love your story ideas! However, I did chuckle when you said Barnabas, looking into the PT room, sees only the empty land Collinwood once stood on. I then picture Barnabas stepping into the East Wing room in our universe & when he is teleported to PT, he lands smackdab into a field of poppies a la THE WIZARD OF OZ!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Parallel Time 1970: The Aftermath
« on: July 12, 2007, 09:57:10 PM »
I was under the impression that Quention or Julia later saw Roxanne in the PT room. Didn't Quentin see Roxanne wandering around the room calling for Barnabas & Julia begged him to keep it a secret. At any rate, Roxanne was out in the hallway during the fire. Maybe she eventually fled the house - I would imagine there were also sorts of entrances & exits in Collinwood & with her special powers , I'm sure Roxanne would have been able to figure out an escape route. And maybe the a Parallel Time Barnabas Collins did indeed exist -  a descendant of the 19th century Barnabas who had successfully kept his existence a secret. It's fun to imagine WHY he would have done that! He might have had his secrets just like "our" Barnabas!

Current Talk '07 II / Parallel Time 1970: The Aftermath
« on: July 12, 2007, 09:10:45 PM »
 ??? Have any of you wondered what happen to the characters in the 1970 parallel time universe after Barnabas & Julia teleported back to "our" world? Over the years I've written numerous  stories (only in my mind!) on the fates of those characters.

Obviously Collinwood would have been uninhabitable after the fire & the family would have probably moved into the Loomis House (PT's Old House) while Collinwood was being renovated. Perhaps Quentin would have decided to completely modernize the interior of Collinwood - it would be his way of a fresh new start for the family. Can you imagine Collinwood with some of that modular furniture that was so popular in the 1970's? And modern art displayed around the mansion?

I would imagine Quentin & Maggie would have taken in poor, heartbroken Roxanne who would be pining for her beloved Barnabas. She would continuously visit the parallel time room in hopes of catching a glimpse of Barnabas. Perhaps, to her horror, she would have witnessed some of the destruction of Collinwood in the late summer of 1970 when Gerard's zombies were destroying the house. I would loved to have learned more about Roxanne especially her connection to the mysterious  Claude North.

Feeling sorry for her, Quentin invites Hannah Stokes to come & live with the family. And, in true soap opera tradition, Timothy Stokes survived the fire he set at Collinwood. Stokes would go into hiding, biding his time & plotting his revenge. Perhaps his face could have been disfigured by the fire & he would be forced to wear some sort of mask. Why this would give the DS writers a chance to do their version of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!

Chris Collins could fall in love with Roxanne Drew...Buffy Harrington could return to work at Collinwood...while living at the Loomis House, Daniel & Amy could stumble upon some supernatural mystery...wasn't Trask the butler still alive at the end of PT-1970? Maybe he would try to worm his way back into Collinwood...Sam Evans, a wealthy artist in this timeband, could visit his daughter & her new family...and, of course, we would have to meet to meet the PT versions of such characters as Joe Haskell, Burke Devlin, Dr. Eric Lang, Mrs. Johnson, Phillip & Megan Todd, Hallie Stokes, Nicholas Blair, and Victoria Winters (maybe she could be the illegitimate daughter of Quentin's father - the result of an affair he had with Julia Hoffman!)

And then one night a gentleman arrives at Collinwood claiming to be the real Barnabas Collins, quite unhappy at someone who recently visited the estate claiming to also be Barnabas Collins! Then the angry spirit of Angelique Stokes Collins - furious at this lookalike of her old enemy - curses him to become a vampire!

Current Talk '07 I / A Parallel Time Sitcom
« on: June 29, 2007, 05:12:08 PM »
 ;) The year was 1964 & CBS introduced a new situation comedy to the the television viewers of America.

The cast was made up of seven performers primarily known for their work back on the East coast.

The Skipper...Dennis Patrick
Gilligan...John Karlen
Thurston Howell lll...Louis Edmonds
"Lovey" Howell...Grayson Hall
Ginger Grant...Lara Parker
The Professor...David Selby
Mary Ann...Kathryn Leigh Scott

The series lasted three seasons & lives on in reruns...

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Favorite Episode?
« on: June 26, 2007, 08:46:29 PM »
 SPOILER!!! :D  My favorite episode took place during the 1897 storyline. I'm afraid I don't know the episode number, but it was an early 1897 episode. It took place shortly after old Edith Collins' death. Her grandchildren - Judith, Edward, Quentin and Carl -had just learned the contents of their grandmother's will. Naturally each of the boys expected to be the one & only heir & were quite outraged to find out Judith was left in charge. The episode really got cracking when the four siblings began fighting amongst themselves - it was beautifully performed, directed & written. That episode has always reminded me of Lillian Hellman's juicy play, THE LITTLE FOXES, which is also about a sister & her brothers quarreling over a family fortune.

Another personal fave - the first episode in the 1995 storyline. I'll never forget the exxpressions on Barnabas & Julia's faces when they discovered Collinwood in ruins!

 ;D   I wish Dan Curtis could have directed the film version of VALLEY OF THE DOLLS (one of my favorite "guilty pleasure" movies). He could have cast the film with DS actors. Grayson Hall would have been cast as the bitchy Helen Lawson - "Broadway doesn't go for booze & dope!". And she would get to sing that hysterical "I'll Plant My Own Tree"! It seems like Susan Hayward (who played Helen Lawson) was puffing away all throughout the movie, so Grayson could smoke in the movie just like she did on DS.  Alexandra Moltke ,cast as the "good girl", Ann Welles - naturally. Barbara Parkins, who played Ann in the film , would have made a wonderful Victoria Winters by the way. I think Lara Parker would have had the sex appeal then to be Jennifer North, the role played by sweet, ill-fated Sharon Tate. And Nancy Barrett as Patty Duke's character - the great Neely O'Hara. Nancy would have just been dynamite in all the crying, screaming scenes plus it would have been a hoot to hear her say: "Boobies, boobies, boobies!".

Also, David Selby as Lyon Burke, Joel Crothers as Mel Anderson, Donald Briscoe as Tony Polar...any suggestions on who should play Neeley's bisexual husband, Ted Casablanca?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Crushes on DS Stars
« on: June 18, 2007, 10:27:29 PM »
I had three serious DS crushes: Donald Briscoe...Joel Crothers...Tom Happer...

 :P  :P  :P

 The Collinsport police department never seemed to question anything a member of the Collins family did. If Barnabas wanted Willie released & back at the Old House, well, I'm surprised the Sheriff didn't drive Willie back to Collinsport! And I'm sure the local law enforcement had their palms greased with all that Collins money. Maybe that's why George Patterson eventually disappeared - he used all that money he was bribed with for retirement in a nice condo down in Florida. I always got the impression the Collins family really ran the town & the public servants always adhered to the status quo. Also, I'm sure Julia could deliver all sorts of psychobabble to Sheriff Patterson & convince  him it was safe to have Willie back on the streets of Collinsport.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Julia and Dave?? What was their past. ?
« on: May 10, 2007, 07:55:21 PM »
A very, very long time ago, a DS fan (and I apologize to this person for not remembering who he is!) told me that he was writing fan fiction that portrayed Julia Hoffman & Dave Woodard as INMATES at Wyndcliffe! Along with the other patients, they killed the staff & took control of the asylum, eventually becoming the doctors & nurses, etc. themselves. I'm not sure how he was going to explain Woodard's later behavior, but I always thought that was an intriguing theory!

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