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Messages - Ronny G

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Okay, so vampires are really hot right now--have been for at least a year or two with Twilight and The Vampire Diaries. Who knows how long this craze will last?
This is the perfect time for the new Dark Shadows movie, but as far as I know there is no premiere date as it is only in pre-production. Have they started filming yet? I haven't heard of any other actors cast besides Johnny Depp. So it looks like the movie won't come out until 2011 or maybe 2012.
I'm interested in reading what everyone's thoughts are on the new Dark Shadows movie.
Here are mine:
I'm worried the vampire craze will die down by the time the movie premieres.
I'm wondering if a lot of young moviegoers will think it is a Twilight-rip-off (even though we all know DS came first)..
Will the movie be aimed at young viewers or older audiences? The reason why I say this is because Johnny Depp isn't exactly a young Robert Pattison-type. Also, the original DS audience-the ones who used to run home from school--must be in their late fifties/early sixties now.
Do you think the movie will become as big as Twilight?
The best thing is that Tim Burton will direct or produce it (not sure) so it will have a big budget and look fabulous.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Kathy Cody At The Fest?
« on: July 19, 2010, 09:45:51 PM »
Yes, she was there, but I don't have any photos. She said she got married around 1975, and quit acting to raise her daughter, who is now 28. She said she went to work designing computers or something like that. She's going to do one of the Dark Shadows plays on audio CD.

I went to the DS Fest on Saturday. As mentioned earlier, Spectre Toys had a booth in the dealers room with the Angelique and Barnabas action figures for $20.00 each. I bought the Barnabas figure. I didn't get the Angelique figure because it doesn't resemble her and it looks cheap.
Here's what Barney looks like in the package:

They also had some prototypes of the next line due in November. Subject to change.
I think they did a good job on Quentin and Willie, but Josette doesn't resemble Kathryn.
Neither does Adam, but it helps that he's wearing his green sweater.

Like I said, these are prototypes, so they might change.

Check out this post with photos:
Re: Spectre Toys at the Burbank Fest

And suddenly I'm wondering what Shirley MacLaine would do with the role.  An offbeat choice, but her persona might mesh well with the DS universe.

Oh, please, no, not her. I didn't care for her lackluster performance as Endora in the Bewitched movie.

Maybe she should make an appearance at one of the Dark Shadows conventions.  I don't know if they pay, but I assume she could make a bundle at the autograph tables.

The Barnabas figure looks great, but I want to see a closer look at the Angelique doll's face before I pre-order. It's hard to tell if it looks like her or not. Also, it looks like she has that molded plastic hair. I would prefer rooted hair! LOL

No word yet on pricing or availability, at least that I can find.

I so want this! I didn't get the other Barnanbas action figure that was released a few years ago because it was too big. I think the smaller action figures are more cool.

I found out a little more information from the Mego Talk forums. It will be released by EMCE Toys, and will be available for pre-order by Late summer - probably close to Labor Day according to their spokesperson. No word on pricing, but I checked out similar figures in their line, and they are in the $15-20 range.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows cards
« on: May 19, 2009, 11:20:19 PM »
I just wanted to say that I found this thread very useful.
I recently had the opportunity to purchase the 2000 retro orange border cards, but wasn't sure if I should get them.
I did a search for Dark Shadows cards on this forum and up popped this thread which gave me a lot of useful information. Too bad this thread has been dead and buried for so long because it is very informative.
Anyway, I just received the orange set in the mail and I'm very happy with them! Thanks to the OP!
I didn't want to start a new post, so just thought I would revive this old thread. Hope I'm not breaking any rules. [ghost_wacko]

Does anyone who attended the fest remember the name of the novel that Lara says is the inspiration for her next novel in which Elizabeth and Quentin meet in the roaring '20s? She mentioned it during the cast reunion on Sat. and KLS said she liked that book, but I forgot.

Also, for those who attended the banquet. Sorry to hear about the food. How about the autographed picture of Jonathan Frid? Any chance of a screen cap or description of the photograph? I assume it must be him as Barnabas. Is it a rare shot? Is it an 8 x 10? Details, please. [ghost_smiley]

I was there, and I did not feel that Jonathan was being disrespecful to Grayson.Someone in the audience asked him about her because he had talked about Thayer David.  Jonathan said, "she was a bit much" but he was referring to her acting style. I think he felt guilty saying that because he said, "I really shouldn't say this" He al;so said, We got along. and I respected her.

Does anyone have anything about NODS?   And did anyone see the lost script they performed from 1968!!??

I didn't stay for the NODS presentation, but Jim Pierson told the audience that they would show the lost footage with restored audio that the actors recently dubbed. He said both films are coming to dvd soon!

More thoughts:

David Selby's "Lincoln's Better Angel": Another grand entrance: David came out from the back of the room and walked down the ailse toward the stage shouting, "Quentin for President!!!" and threw confetti from his pocket much to the delight of the audience.

He talked about the similar goals between Abe Lincoln and Obama. He likes the fact that Obama offers hope and change. Said he will probably vote for Obama. Had the audience repeat the Gettysburg address after him in a sort of rap-style. he reminded me of a preacher in a Southern Baptist church. He tried to rally up the audience.

Cast Reunion: Kathryn just got back from New York. Said she's reached that stage in her career where she's doing commercials for osteoporosis.

Some more random thoughts as I think of them:

Auction: They had a lot of Dan Curtis' personal memoribilla from his office up for bid. His framed House of DS sold the most for approx. $400 or 500. Dan's personal Herman Woulk novel signed by the authour went for about $75. There was also a complete set of Dark Shadows sealed videotapes that  went for about $300 or 400. Can't remember exact price but those  items, but they were the most expensive ones that stand out. They also had a bust of 1991 Barnabas Ben Cross. There will be another auction on Sun.

Cast Reunion: Roger Davis mentioned that he had a heart bypass surgery a few months ago. He had lost a lot of weight and appeared guant. His disease was herditary and his borther had died of the same heart disease so lucky they operated in time. He just sold some property for $7 millioro

Jonathan Frid did not attend the cast reunion. (was on break)

More later...

For the next hour, Jonathan did a presentation on the evolution of Barnabas. He showed select clips of Barnabas' early days, his first meeting with Maggie in coffee shop, his chat with Burke at the Blue Whale, his confrontation with Josette and Burke after they eloped, etc. Jonathan would read fromhis  notes before each scene to mention things he had observed about his performance or why he reacted a certain way. It was great seeing him in person again after so many years. He appeared flustered at times, but he was adorable and the audience just ate it up. I'll post more later. I'm getting sleepy.

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