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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 23, 2019, 03:05:03 PM »
MB, I agree that the times where Barnabas is absent I usually do not notice unless the other characters mention his name a number of times in relation to the plot, or something that may have happened earlier during the storyline. Most times, the story while Barnabas is gone is strong enough, and the characters are strong enough, to not miss him. There were a few times that he was locked back in his coffin over the course of the series and it wasn't really a big deal.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: DS Caricatures
« on: September 23, 2019, 03:01:31 PM »
These look like they were done with a Tim Burton style. And some of them, especially Julia Hoffman's, looks more like the 2012 movie version of the character than the classic version.

I'm interested to find out what this special video presentation that they keep teasing is actually going to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a simple announcement that DS might be getting new life at the CW, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 20, 2019, 01:36:04 PM »
That sounds about when I see things in the stores, except for the May for Back to School.  May, the old year is still ending - I don't think they ever start that soon!

Oddly enough that is when we would get school supplies in, but we wouldn't usually put them out until about mid-June, which is when the schools in my area actually let out for the summer. What's really funny about all of this is that most people never shop early, they always wait until the last minute for things so most of this seasonal stuff will just sit there and warm the shelves until the week or two before it needs to be bought.

Nevertheless, this weekend is go time for me regarding Halloween. I am going all out and putting up those decorations! I've waited long enough!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 19, 2019, 04:34:02 PM »
They certainly would've had the opportunity to keep Barnabas mortal if the show had continued, what with Angelique lifting his curse during 1840. Obviously there are questionable timeline issues there, but DS always ignored those anyway.

I rather liked non-vamp Barnabas during the 68 storyline. Though, it would have gotten old to have repeated attempts or threats at turning him back into a vampire, or to have evil characters hold it over his head to manipulate him, as with the Leviathans.

I wasn't alive when the series originally aired and thusly did not watch it until 30 years later. But I would imagine that for the rabid fanbase of kids/teenagers who were watching, they probably would not want to see non-vamp Barnabas for long stretches of time. Hell, I doubt many fans now would want to see that. But there is a lot of story potential there and I wouldn't mind.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0001
« on: September 19, 2019, 04:30:28 PM »
During my recent rewatch earlier this year, I started from the release of Barnabas. I very rarely have watched the first 200 or so episodes all the way through because I've always found them kind of boring overall. I even struggle to get through early Barnabas, when he kidnaps Maggie, because it is so repetitive.

Anyhow, I decided after finishing episode 1245 to go back and watch the first couple of episodes, starting with episode 1. I was surprised to enjoy it as much as I did. I had forgotten how atmospheric it is and how it really sets up everything that is to come later in terms of gothic tone. Obviously we have seen the iconic shots of a Vicki on the train repetitively at this point, with multiple remakes having occurred. But something about the original always gets me.

I was also surprised to recognize Elizabeth Wilson as the director of Vicki's foundling home. I had no idea this was who played her, and she was easily recognizable from one of my favorite movies of the early 90s--The Addams Family.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 19, 2019, 04:26:40 PM »
It's interesting that so many articles say what this one said: "the ratings were no longer there." And then the other most common answer I see is the one about JF not wanting to play Barnabas anymore. I suppose its very easy to scapegoat someone rather than just saying the producers, or Curtis himself, were no longer interested in making the show any longer. And you would think it would be more well known, or at the very least worth a mention, if the network really did want to keep the show because the ratings were rising, or at least strong enough to continue.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 19, 2019, 02:01:06 PM »
The push for Christmas has certainly changed over the years, that's for sure! I spent about 12 years in retail during my early career, and by the time I left this was the schedule for seasonal merch:

January 1 - Valentine's must be set.
February 15 - Easter is stocked.
March/April - Summer patio, beach, grilling (earlier if Easter is earlier)
May - Back to school
September - Halloween
October - Christmas, as Halloween sells down
December - Valentine's as Christmas sells down.

When I tell you that the timeline is completely unreasonable and next to impossible a lot of the time, I'm not exaggerating. In fact, the above time frames were when we had to have a complete stock of product on the sales floor. But often we were receiving product much earlier, i.e. Christmas may have arrived starting in early August.

But, Halloween was always my favorite and it pained me to see less and less of it each year.

Gerard, you continue to intrigue with your ocean liner collection! I've been going through my various collectibles over the course of this year and deciding what I want to keep and what I don't. I had a ton of TV on DVD that I've sold because of the availability of streaming now. I'm talking things I never considered selling before, but now it just doesn't seem worth saving and cluttering up my house. Especially because the amount of times I watched these shows before compared to now is vastly different.

However, every time I consider getting rid of my DS DVDs I can't do it. Though, I do have three DS VHS tapes that I've been trying to giveaway. Surprise, surprise--no one wants them :D

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Ask Matt: ..., 'Dark Shadows' and ...
« on: September 18, 2019, 03:22:58 PM »
The "seasons" refer to how DS is listed on Amazon. It lists 26 seasons of "Dark Shadows", each season representing 1 DVD collection of the show--there were 26 of these released beginning with Barnabas' arrival through the end of the show.

Amazon has a similar set up for DS: The Beginning, with one season representing each DVD collection of the show.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: “Dark Shadows” Baby Names
« on: September 18, 2019, 03:19:19 PM »
Very interesting to read about another way DS has affected the lives of many people, even down to influencing their name!

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 18, 2019, 03:07:16 PM »
The stores I visited had some Halloween things, but their selection was extremely limited and I could tell that they were still working on receiving and stocking these items. Typically we have a Spirit Halloween store nearby but the space it occupies caught on fire last year so the nearest store is about 45 minutes away, at least. I did happen upon a Halloween City (an extension of Party City I'm guessing) and even their selection was pretty poor last weekend. They had plenty of space for merchandise but no product to fill it!

I can tell you that from a retail standpoint, Halloween has been focused on less and less each year even though it is a $9 billion holiday. It used to be that Halloween would pack seasonal departments just as much as Christmas would in the stores. But that is not really the case these days. Also, Halloween is considered a "last minute" holiday due to the consumer usually waiting until the end of the month to buy candy, décor, and costumes in a hurry before the big day arrives. It was not unusual for us to have a ton of Halloween stuff left on 10/29, only to look like we were going out of business by the evening hours of 10/31.

I would think that with today's tv/film industry and the various monetary incentives they can take advantage of when filming outside of California, that maybe we won't have to deal with the issue of pal--wait...we won't have to deal with non-indigenous plant life being seen in the scene.

But in all seriousness, if the new show really wants to grab the "look" of the original, perhaps a nice green carpet on a soundstage would do just as well?

That is a very intriguing collector's focus you have there, Gerard. A far cry from something a simple as coin/money collecting, which is something else I am interested in. Though I must admit I don't actively look to purchase things for my collection because buying money is expensive!

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 18, 2019, 01:07:52 PM »
I love Halloween, and usually I wait until around 10/1 to start decorating. But for some reason this year I have been wanting to start super early. I went a few places last week looking for decorations and was disappointed to find that the retail world is not quite prepared for Halloween just yet.

Even more disturbing is, like Gerard pointed out, the fact that some stores actually have Christmas on the shelves. I'm not surprised because I used to work in retail. We used to start getting Christmas in on our trucks around the middle of July.