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Messages - Heather

[I did a quick search and didn't see this posted on the forum, so I hope this isn't a repeat. If it is, my apologies...]

A Collinwood-inspired home built by a W. PA homebuilder was featured in the Spring 2008 Edition of a local magazine.

Check it out here:

The print version of the magazine/article has some awesome full-page photos (I was very tempted to scan and share, but thought it best to post a link to the online version of the article instead.) If you live in the W. PA region, you can pick up a copy of the magazine, "Designing Home Lifestyles," for free at several local grocery stores and businesses. Current and past issues can also be found at their website under the "Archives" section.

Julia: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what do I have to do to get a decent night's sleep around here?!

Mirror: Darling, just lock yourself in and call on your dear B.O.B. , of course!


Julia: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who(s)/what(s) __________?!

Mirror: Darling, _________ , of course!

Tom: "Sorry, I'm new at this... just where am I supposed to bite you again?"
Julia: "Just rip off that Orbach's scarf and do me - do me now!!  I've told you five times!!"

Tom: "Sorry, I'm new at this... just where am I supposed to bite you again?"
Julia: "Anywhere beneath the tweed!!  I've told you five times!!"

"...there have been reported sightings of a disheveled sandy-haired hunk in the woods in and around Collinsport and people are instructed to remain in their homes until further notice - and by no means should any people open their doors to anyone claiming they've been hired to give the lady or man of the house a free hickey with a happy finish!!"

"Everything continues to go well with the experiment. The one question that remains for me is whether or not it would placate Adam more for his mate to have large buppies or a large toches?" Julia thinking - "I certainly know which Barnabas would prefer!"

Many thanks for sharing these RJ, Steve, and co...
New discoveries involving all things Grayson is always a thrill to see, and I have to say - those are absolutely gorgeous photos of her!

Happy Birthday to yet another divine Gemini, and one of my favorite & most fabulous Julia fanfic authors of all time!
Miss you Sandor...lots. [sniffle]


p.s. Well, I whipped this up too quickly and it could use some tweaking but...oh well. Here's a little something for your special day: a custom quadruple chocolate briscoelicious birthday cake...

Down boys....down...  [diablo]

Thanks for the birthday greetings everyone...early or late, they meant a lot.
Haven't had much time to post anything since I've graduated and been on the job hunt, but I do enjoy reading the posts when I pop over here.
There's only one important birthday wish I have at present, and the wait is driving me batty [pun intended].
I think I'll save the celebration for when said wish comes true & I land an apartment...

hugs-- xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Bette!
« on: February 05, 2008, 03:54:12 PM »
[occasion15] Belated Happy B-Day, Bette! [occasion15]
Hope you had a fabulous day!

Heather H.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows: Why Such a Huge Gay Following?
« on: February 05, 2008, 03:50:43 PM »
Wow...awesome essay Steve!!

You've earned a golden Pepe award for that one...

Wear it with pride, damnit! [wink]

And, I just wanted to comment that I too celebrate diversity. It's what makes each individual unique in this world that is most special. We can all learn from each other, in good times and in bad. For me personally, although I am now proud of who I am (certifiable Bisexual since birth,) growing up in an environment which did not support, condone, or acknowledge the GLBT community, combined with an inherited mental disorder (Bipolar) made it difficult for me to assimilate in the world as I grew up. After I graduated from High School I found DS (second generation fan here) and I found the show to be a respite for my oft disquiet mind and situation. I identified with the many characters on a symbolic level, could appreciate how they were dealing with one terrifying problem after another, and of course who could not appreciate the absolutely fascinating gothic, supernatural, and mysterious dramas played before me on the screen.
I don't believe the gay metaphors that we can find on the show were intentional on part of the writers, but I do think it is fun and healthy to find meaning in things and connect with others in ways that one can relate to, no matter where you are in life or what you believe in...that's one of the great things about art, literature, writing, and even this show, IMO.  Through my involvement with a particular divine DS group, I have met met and become close friends with people I never would have found otherwise, people who have made a real difference in my life and have , in their own supportive way, helped me to take pride in who I am and strive to become a better person each day. It's not always easy, but such is life...

Dark Shadows DVD collection.....pricey, but worth it
The episodes....addictive and a blast to devour
The memories and people behind the fandom....priceless! :-*

And now back to your regularly scheduled debate....  [snow_smileydevil]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Congratulations, MagnusTrask!!
« on: February 05, 2008, 03:46:53 PM »
[occasion18] Wow - Congrats! [occasion18]

I don't post as much anymore due to job search, work and other issues...I do check in to read when I have time though, and appreciate the posts.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows: Why Such a Huge Gay Following?
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:26:38 PM »
Perhaps a good reason has to do with the character of Barnabas Collins. When we meet him, he's a vampire, a creature who's definitely something to be reviled -- an outcast to human society. Yet, as time goes on, he gains acceptance by those around him and a self-acceptance as well. A parallel could be drawn between his experience and that of a gay person dealing with coming out of the closet. I don't know if that's over-analyzing, but I can see where someone who's gay could relate to Barnabas' experiences.

I kinda agree...
from my own perspective, I've found myself identifying with Barnabas in some ways....also Julia at times too. Not just the reciprocated love issue, but the struggle of who you really are vs. what a certain society wants you to be, also accepting yourself vs. wanting to be accepted, at times having to keep a part of you secret from people, except those you really trust...
I could go on and on. ;)

also, in the line of what msbryk was saying, those of us in the LGBT crowd seem to have an appreciation for drama and all that which is.....


[sorry, couldn't help myself...  [snow_smileydevil] ]

Heather H.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: OT: Site Update
« on: December 12, 2007, 01:22:53 AM »
WOW - thanks so much guys... xo

...I feel your pain.  [santa_wink]

yup...especially when you get into that special place where you think all the bugs are worked out and you have to keep going back and tweaking things 20 times over... ;)

Hooray!!!!!  Just when I thought you had decided to  chuck the Art gig and become a plumber or something!!!!!
Thanks much Rainey :-*
I've wanted to have a career in art since I was 4 or 5 (precocious I know) so it's unlikely I would've drastically changed majors. Plus, I am as stubborn as hell...even if I were faced with multiple obstacles, I would pull a Grayson and stick to it.

Love it, love it, love it!!!  Makes me wish I had a business so I could hire you to do wonderful graphics for me.  Alas, no such luck.  But I absolutely promise that I WILL show up for your first show in a New York Gallery!!

not sure I'll get that far, but thanks...I'll make a mini Barnabas cake for you that you can stake if you do.  >:D

Amazing portfolio, Heather-- both the presentation and the artwork.  Though I can't say I'm surprised that you have come so far.

Thanks so much :-*
I am surprised...I wasn't sure I would live to see this day for a while...

BTW, I recall the Newsweek article ("Lollipops and Lawsuits") about the marketing suit over the cancer drug-- from several months ago, I think-- and that very cool graphic.  Was that your design?

If it was something professionally published--nope, not mine (or at least it shouldn't be.) what I have on the site and in my portfolio is all my own work...I did the illustration by hand, scanned it in, and then redid the layout of the article with a special type treatment...(it was part of a class final, so I have proof of all this ;))
I don't recall seeing something like this anywhere else (the original article I redesigned had no graphics other than a small picture of the prescription - I could send you a scan of it)...but if someone is using my work without my permission I'd really appreciate knowing where and when...

Congratulations on your A!  The self-portraits are my favorites.

Really? [blushing] Thanks...xo

p.s. Did anyone have any trouble with any of the links, especially in the portfolio subdivisions? Where I have the little squares that you click on to see the artwork and whatnot? I slightly tweaked it so that the square buttons that link to artwork are a darker color. I thought it would make it easier to see how many pieces are in a given category and where you should click....if that makes any sense...