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Messages - Nicky

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Here are a few more preview pages from Dark Shadows:  Year One.  Getting more excited every day; LOVE LOVE LOVE how Angelique's hair floats as she hovers outside the Collins family mausoleum.  Looks like she's on fire (and reminds me of another Phoenix; Jean Gray from X-Men, speaking of comic books).

(Also, despite the not-being-completely-on-board-ness of me regarding the current series, it was pretty cool to see Nicholas Blair emerge at the House by the Sea ((even though Angelique's coffin and the shattered magic mirror were somewhere else, weren't they? still, cool OS continuity reference)) ... AND there was a Cassandra shout-out!  What what!)

And it seems, storywise, more "classic" DS than what's appearing in the regular book -- as much as I love the appearance of fan faves like Nicholas Blair, a lot of the plot twist make my eyes roll.

Just posted some more DS Year One previews I uncovered -- I'm growing increasingly excited for this miniseries ... from what I'm gathering in the teasers, the characters look very much like the original actors.

Michael:  not sure yet.  They've done varying degrees of specific with the likenesses -- sometimes I can immediately recognize the photo (or screen grab, in some instances) the artist was clearly referencing.  Other times ... ay yi yi.  Grayson Hall is the actress who usually suffers the most in translation.

Just posted some info about #17 and Year One #2 on my blog.  A potentially interesting twist with Vicki Winters:

It's still pretty silly (I bought #13 this evening) and while the dialogue doesn't feel particularly DS-y, the appearance of a certain familiar face, combined with some time travel jazz, gave me a bit (a bit, mind you) of that old black magic.  Though hearing Liz and Julia discuss LSD and pot still makes me feel as awkward as it did when it showed up in Lara Parker's last book ...

"Year One", in a comic book context, refers to the origin of the characters.  Frank Miller popularized the term in 1986 with "Batman:  Year One"; since then, there have been a whole host of "Year One" titles.  Dynamite is referring to "Barnabas' Year One" as the time when he became a vampire.

Dark Shadows:  Year One.  Man, I was just kidding when I wrote about this yesterday.  Still, looks interesting, and the cover is rad.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: A Darkness at Lyndhurst
« on: January 19, 2013, 07:08:36 AM »
Diana Millay also thinks she's a phoenix.  I'mjustsayin.


I hope it's okay to do this ...

I posted the covers/summaries of the next batch of comics on my DS blog ... all the way up to issue 16 or so!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: January 04, 2013, 05:09:07 AM »
MB -- loving the movie captures and quotes on the main page ushering in the new year!

I smell a sitcom ...!

I assumed the lifeforce transfer would work as it had with Barnabas and Adam; that is, Angelique would be free of the curse while Eve would live as a separate entity.  The downside being, of course, that whatever happened to Eve would effect Angelique, and vice versa.  Still not a fantastic plan, though.

I was pleasantly surprised as well.  It's nice to see the characters resembling the actors (and it's also fun to play "spot the scene/photo" the artist used for reference.  Laura in David's framed photo is obviously 1897 Laura, which I actually enjoyed a bit).  Although I hope someone is going to explain a) why Quentin can turn into a werewolf and b) why Quentin can turn into a werewolf whenever he chooses.

(And is anyone else getting Let the Right One in vibes from David and his "little girlfriend" storyline?)

Pantha?  Oh dear.  I had forgotten there was a character named "Pantha."

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