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Messages - MrsJ

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: HIDING THE MARKS
« on: July 17, 2002, 10:05:34 PM »
Did they ever actually SHOW Willie's bite marks?  They were so damned phobic about  that whole event!

Oddly enough, he wore turtlenecks so often, it almost gave the impression he had something to hide under them!

I believe that Barn. bit Willie on the wrist...don't know if it was ever implied that he'd moved on to the jugular.
Even if it were so, heaven forbid they show it or even intimate such a thing.   :o


Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Tragedy of Barnabas Collins
« on: July 15, 2002, 10:19:34 PM »
::)  Barnabas was obsessed with Josette like Angelique was obsessed with him.  Living in the past can only hurt you in the end.   Julia's devotion to him without him not even noticing the truth.  

Love is blind....and a woman's scorn is deadly.

Obsession is what DS is all about...and while I agree that Julia is devoted to Barnabas, I have to also say that she is obsessed with him as well.  

She's a doctor, sworn to do no harm, but that old hippocratic oath just goes out the window wherever Barnabas' interests are concerned.  Not a healthy relationship by any stretch of the imagination.  While I would loved to have seen B and J together, I also feel that Julia deserved better.  Barnabas may have begun as a tragic figure, but sorry, I just don't see him as one at this point.  He's just too self serving, very much like Angelique.  Maybe that is the bond between them?


From the Dan Curtis interview:
I would hate to be a SPFX guy who did work for Dan and later be referred to as "an idiot."

While I generally have a lot of respect for Dan, there are times that I marvel at the sheer cluelessness he is wont to exhibit. And I'm not referring specifically to the "idiot" remark, not by a long shot. This interview is representative of so many that he does, where real achievements by a lot of people he was associated with are glossed over or dismissed out of hand. He probably doesn't intend to be interpreted that way, but if I'd gotten to where he is, I think I might show a considerable amount of respect toward anyone who helped me get there, whether their contribution was large or small.


The only contributions Dan Curtis seems to think are noteworthy are his own.  That came across loud and clear in that strange documentary shown at the end of the L.A. fest.  
I'm grateful to the man for creating Dark Shadows, and especially for his foresight in preserving it...but let's face it, the success and continued popularity of the show cannot be contributed solely to him.  I have seen and read other interviews in which he expounds this point of view.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just a thought  here.....
« on: July 13, 2002, 11:06:28 PM »
I dunno why but I always figured Julia and Roger should have hooked up. They just seem like a good couple for some reason. I dunno, maybe it's because Louis Ecmonds was my fav actor and Grayson Hall was my fav actress. I dunno...

BTW-Check out my new pic!!

Kid A

You aren't the only one who thinks so...although I am a Barnabas and Julia aficionado (?sp), I like the pairing of Julia and Roger.  I've read some very entertaining fanfic on this very subject by our own Luciaphil. ;D  


Current Talk '02 II / Barn's bangs
« on: July 12, 2002, 11:07:16 PM »
What was up today with the bangs??  One spike had fallen out of place and was hanging conspicuously out of alignment with the other three...perhaps they were running low on gel.
I wonder how they decided whether it would be a 3, 4, or 5 spike day anyway...
(This is why I should never be home during the day   ::) )


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Willie Shut Up!
« on: June 13, 2002, 04:15:45 AM »

I was actually rootting (sp?) for Julia to use her secret weapon. . her bitch slap!  Learned at all the best medical/psyciatric schools. . .

Oh I just love it when Julia is a bitch...I haven't been watching lately...


Has the Cassandra slap happened yet?  I have to tune in for that.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Dream Curse is here!
« on: May 11, 2002, 03:10:19 AM »
Perhaps the most horrifying, frightening, detestable thing I can think of being behind that door . . .

[size=12]Hallie Stokes![/size][/color]

:o that *is*a scary thought  :o


Current Talk '02 I / Re: classic verbals
« on: April 27, 2002, 04:11:10 PM »

How about the scene between Barn. and Adam at the Old House...B. is trying to keep Adam in line, and he says "Remember..." then promptly forgets who Adam is suppose to remember, lol.  Rodan (whose Adam character could barely talk at that point) fed Frid the name.  I think it was Dr. Lang  ?!?  Anyway, that is one of my favorites.  Coming up in the next storyline too  ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Re: ditzy millicent
« on: April 19, 2002, 11:44:21 PM »
I'm no actor, but I'd bet "Crazy" is one of the hardest things to play successfully.....and I think Nancy Barrett's "crazy" is fabulous.  All the mannerisms and voice shifts won't do it....unless the eyes have that insane gleam to them.  I believe Millicent has reached the straight-jacket stage.......have they opened Wyndcliffe yet, I wonder? [crazd]


Ditzy Millicent  =  brilliant Nancy Barrett!  She is simply marvelous in this role as well as...

the crazy Carolyn of 1995.  Some of her best performances in these two characters.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Forgetful Barnabas
« on: April 19, 2002, 03:00:39 PM »

Let's not forget that Barnabas is not exactly known for being a thorough or deep thinker.  


Hehehe...this gave me a good chuckle to start the day.  I know it isn't the most popular position to take, but I do agree.  I thoroughly enjoyed the way the character started out, but they went *way* overboard in the angst department, IMO, especially from this point on.  Too much of the "poor me" stuff makes him much less appealing, and much less sympathetic as time goes on, again IMO.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 18, 2002, 01:52:11 AM »
How about Julia's medical bag?  Always wondered about it's contents...sedatives, hypos, cigarettes, and a wooden stake and hammer just in case...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tapes Or DVD?
« on: April 12, 2002, 03:46:51 AM »

There has been some speculation that the Sci Fi channel may have trimmed a few scenes here and there for extra commercial time, but this accusation has never been verified to my knowledge by someone with an MPI tape. It's more likely the editing was done during the original run, and poorly so as to make it more noticeable.

It's more than speculation.  SciFi does cut into many scenes (rather indiscriminately and often).  Although I'm pleased they are still running the series, I can't bring myself to watch it on SciFi, as I usually end up using language unbecoming a mom...
Maybe I'm just too picky, but I prefer my DS unadulterated.  The MPI tapes are worth the investment.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Grayson Hall and Gay Men
« on: April 07, 2002, 07:17:41 PM »

. Her performances were varied and multilayered. Her role in 'Night of the Iguana' is miles away from her roles on DS. The same goes for 'Satan in High Heels' and 'Night of Dark Shadows.!

Enjoyed Darren's post here, as well as J99's pictures.  Although I am neither male nor gay, I just love Grayson Hall.  There is something about her that is just...intriguing.  I understand she didn't particularly enjoy her experience filming either "Satan in High Heels"
or "End of the Road" (about as far away from repressed Dr. Julia Hoffman as you can get, lol), but I (for one) am grateful some of these performances have been preserved on tape.  Since GH was primarily a stage actress, we'll never be able to access most of what she did professionally.  I've seen a few photos of her on stage, wish there were more...


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst Liars on DS
« on: April 03, 2002, 12:46:21 AM »
All very good selections.  I would like to add Hallie Stokes' name to the list...a bad liar as well as all around annoying little twit (IMO of course...don't mean to offend).


Current Talk '02 I / Re:  What's in Julia's Bag?
« on: April 01, 2002, 12:51:37 AM »
"Extra super hold hairspray.

A nightgown just in case Barnabas. oh well who needs a nightgown."

Speaking of nightgowns...I wish they let Julia wear one more often...I kind of liked that peach one she wore a couple times  ;)
Later on they let her just sleep in her clothes, usually sitting in Barnabas' chair at the Old House.  Poor Julia...


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