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Messages - Karen_#2

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Reminder:  No DS on Monday
« on: May 04, 2002, 11:09:17 PM »
Ugh.......evil Sci Fi. But's not Lexx!!!!! OMG those 2 blonde girls creep me out!!!!!


they look like frogs.....LMAO

LOL! No doubt!  Like Stan says on the preview clips for that show......YUCK!!!  :P

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Reminder:  No DS on Monday
« on: May 04, 2002, 07:13:19 AM »
I will just put on the MPI tape. My Mom is going to be here and she wants to watch Dark Shadows too. The seventh of May is my birthday, I'm sure that's when Craig Slocum comes on as Harry Johnson. What a trip! I will be looking forward to that.








An early happy birthday wish you will have! (I already watched the tape tonight!  ;D  )

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
« on: May 02, 2002, 11:51:20 PM »
I can understand Dr. Lang revealing a general condition to Vicki and Barnabas about each other, but it seemed that he was getting pretty specific when talking to her, as well as questioning her about him.  Should he really be revealing that much about another patient?

No he should not. But even worse was Dr. Dave Woodard, who blabbed specifics about Maggie's condition to everyone in Collinsport who would listen, not just Julia or The Sheriff. He surely would've had the State Medical Board come down and reprimand him had they known.

Lang, on the otherhand, is just a fruitcake.

But then again, we're in DS-Land, so ethics don't always apply. ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 26, 2002, 02:23:58 AM »

Okay, so you've been there too? I'm jealous. Is the house in a state of disrepair? Were you able to go inside? And is it still used for classroom and dorm space by the college? ?!?

Hi Chris #2

Okay, sorry if I too make you jealous  :P
I was there in mid December and was able to go inside and take pictures from inside the foyer. We hit it at a good time, it was a Monday morning, the students were out on Christmas break, and there was a gentleman in there vacuuming the main entryway. As you enter, there is no staircase per se, but there is a beautiful stained glass as you look up to your right. We didn't tour the house (not wanting to overstay our welcome, we were too excited just taking pics of the front door and foyer!), but there was an empty music room straight ahead, that didn't look like much to see.

The day we were there, it was cold, overcast/gloomy, and wet. Perfect Collinwood weather! We too, were saddened of the dilapitated state of the outside of the mansion. Some TLC and that place would be looking great again. I'm willing to bet that a few dozen DS fans, if allowed, could get together and have a huge restoration party there one weekend. Heck, that would certainly save the cost on some of the labor.

Anyway, do make the trip if you can. And no trip to "Collinwood" is complete without a stop at The Black Pearl (aka Blue Whale) at Bannister's Wharf for a cold beer and a bowl of hot clam chowder. I highly recommend it  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: An Actor's Curious Journey
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:43:17 AM »
I would like to read it, but it is quite expensive and I'm wondering if I would feel it was worth the expense right now. How did you go about obtaining the book?

This book is WELL worth the read, and really full of interesting, little known facts about Jonathan Frid's acting career. Malia Howard did an excellent job in composing all of material, and with Jonathan's help and input. I obtained my copy at one of his recent One Man Shows, but Malia has a website where you can order from directly This book is worth every penny if you are a Jonathan Frid fan, or just want to read about "An Actor's Curious Journey" through over 50 years in acting. Don't hesitate to get it!

Karen #2

LOL!!! I just love this. I passed this around about a week before April fools day. I sent it to some friends at work, and had them open it up while I was "way the heck" on the other side of the clinic. Needless to say, we all LOA'sO  :D

thanks again Vam!

I just have to comment on your remark, "Noah looks like a goofy elf in that hat."

LOL! I was just waiting for you to say something about that  ;D

When he first appeared in this storyline, I was thinking to myself. "ugh, I hope he drops the NY accent." This time he sounded more authentic. I though it was kind of cute  ::)  well, sort of cute, the way he and Daniel were interacting at the boat house, after he kidnapped him. Kind of like the little kid brother pestering the big brother, LOL!

I'm glad you are enoying seeing your hero, as scarcely he appears in this series.

Take care Cheryl,

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 20, 2002, 11:58:03 PM »
I'm another one who's favorites are Barnabas' ring and cane.  I also liked both portraits of Barnabas.  Does anyone know whatever became of them after the series ended?

I believe the cane is hanging on Mr. Frid's wall  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 20, 2002, 10:32:06 AM »
In a heartbeat, I'd want to take Barnabas' old room in The Old House. Great angle, window, and nice brick fireplace. Very cozy. (And preferably with Barnabas in it, but that wasn't the question   ;D   )

At Collinwood, I like David's room, perhaps because of the stained glass window, and the shape/angle of the room. Seemed like when the window was open, it overlooked the grounds toward the ocean.

Other than that, I could never really "warm up" to Collinwood's bedrooms either. Unless of course, Quentin was around with his brandy, a fireplace,  and  :-X........whoa, better stop here! LOL    :-*

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 20, 2002, 12:59:37 AM »

My list was growing but I did consider the toy soldier and Sarah's doll.

Gee, I wonder if there are any "handy" craftsmen/ladies out there that could make replicas of either one.  ?!? I bet they could make a nice extra income on eBay! I'd be one of the first to bid on them too  ;D

Karen #2
(who's trying to spring clean, but already getting more cluttered by her on-going wish list!)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 19, 2002, 10:39:32 PM »
My favorites were Quentin's grammophone, and the gorgeous jewelry Joan Bennett wore...

Aren't the sapphire and diamond, or emerald/diamond earrings that Naomi was wearing to die for??

Could I just say that Quentin himself was my favorite prop? LOL ;)  

LOL!! Why not? And I'm willing to bet you wouldn't let him sit around on some shelf and get dusty now either, would you??  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 19, 2002, 09:49:04 PM »
I wonder who's attic or chest Barnabas' wooden toy soldier ended up in? That would be a cool prop to own!


(and no, I'm not thinking of choking anyone at the moment  ;)  )

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Forgetful Barnabas
« on: April 19, 2002, 06:07:21 AM »

  I'm getting the same feeling, too. He's not happy with his "living death" or the alternative, real death.  Can you imagine how he will feel when Ben


is ordered to chain his coffin for all eternity and he can't get out!  :o That is, until Willie blunders in and opens it.

Oh yes, the "welcome" Willie received when he woke Barnabas up from his 200 year nap  :o about sums it up!

Carol(aka carolinamoon from the other list if you are the Karen #2 that I know there)

Yep! That would be me, Carol, the one and only #2!  ;D
Thanks for the ping!

Karen #2

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Forgetful Barnabas
« on: April 18, 2002, 11:36:04 PM »
Perhaps....that is if he really wanted to "die" for good. I get the impression that Barnabas is struggling with his existence at the moment. Perahps if he really wanted to die, I think he would've let himself be found out.  Or, mutter to Joshua that a sharpened branch of holly, like you said, "just might do the trick."

I think Barnabas is getting the feeling of "death" every morning when he turns in, and he isn't liking it one bit. Nor is he liking the feeling of waking up, with a craving to go out and get "a bite to drink"  ;)  every evening. He wants neither, he is still afraid, but I'm guessing the option of eternal life, no matter how painful it is to him, is his vote at the moment.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 18, 2002, 03:45:30 AM »
Bob Rooney's stylish flannel shirts, which he even wore during the dog days of summer (Bob's royal stewart flannel shirt is my personal favorite).

Right on Bob!
Ditto goes for me, for Rooney's royal Stewart tartan flannel shirt. Always a sign of a good bartender  ;)

Karen #2
(member of the Clan Stewart)

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