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Messages - MaggieEvans

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"... his favorite freakish sexual position with Magda" "... research what "Donkey Show" meant."

"Becoming a werewolf and have a date tonight" "some Nair."

"Super Best Friends Forever club, but then they realized that they both hated Angelique... AWKWARD!"

... Hello Kitty sexual toys and tea set.

... the early warning signs of Redneck.

"My inflatable girlfriend"

"Oh good grief... how many more times do I have to hear his Bill Cosby impersonation?"

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Let's talk about Elizabeth...
« on: June 03, 2009, 05:24:03 PM »
I can totally see that!

*... your name. And while we're at it, do all gypsy women smell like olives?"

Quentin: "Ooooooh yeah, right THERE! That's the spot!"
Hand of Count Petofi: "There?! No way! I don't know where that's been!"

Barnabas: "YOU MUST DO AS I SAY! And your first order shall be to strip off all of your clothes! I need that police uniform for my grand scheme to resurrect The Village People!"


Barnabas: "YOU MUST DO AS I SAY! And your first order shall be to strip off all of your clothes! I need that police uniform for my grand scheme to fly to London and let George Michael proposition me in a nightclub bathroom!"


Evan - "Admit it, Trask. You were in my __________ playing with my _______________. You can't lie to me. It has your ___________ all over it!"

Judith - "Okay, now I've seen everything. I never thought I'd ever see __________ doing _________!!"

"Now there's just one thing about this spell that I feel I must warn you about - either it will have the desired effect - or it will cause you to become a raging A-hole... I mean, you'll stay just like you are!!!"

Werewolf:  "Grrr!! Rrr? Grrrrr. Grr...rr? Rrrrr!!!!  CRAP!!!!   Who taped up my eye holes? I can't see the teleprompter! How am I supposed to remember when to GRRR and when to RRRR?"

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