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Messages - Brandon Collins

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Re: Episode #0664
« on: January 02, 2007, 05:18:24 PM »
P: Vicki, you look so different...

V: I had Julia do some work on my face, a nip here, a tuck there. Do you like it? Hopefully in a year or so Jeb Hawkes won't recognize me....

While Burke pouts...

VW: I'm sorry I attempted to do something like that under the table. I had no idea that this was supposed to be a formal evening.

Barnabas: Frankly, Julia, I don't give a damn!

I'm not quite sure which hotel they stayed at MB. I would tend to agree that the Marriot Financial SHOULD be nice, but maybe they stayed at yet another hotel, or perhaps that hotel has deteriorated horrendously in the past few years. Though, from the way everything is looking down there now, I would highly doubt that.

We reserved ours in April, I believe, which, depending on the actual date, is about 4 months ahead of time. I'm not sure if the dates had been announced by then, but I'm fairly certain they had, otherwise we wouldn't have made those reservations. And I was under the impression that they still had a number of rooms left when ours were reserved.

And a note to any future fest goers: Make sure you get the hotel the fest is AT, because I heard the overflow hotel was really awful. We spoke with a cute older couple while standing in line one evening who said that they were at the overflow hotel, which was in lower Manhattan (in a bad part of town) and that they were afraid to go out after dark, so they had to leave before it got dark and get back to their hotel.

Polls Archive / Re: Who's your Fav?
« on: December 31, 2006, 04:42:03 AM »
I forgot to reply to mscbryk. :)

I didn't pick up on that timeline faux pa, but it's probably just another one of those DS conundrums. Unless, of course, you choose to believe that when [spoiler]Barnabas went back in time to 1795 AGAIN when the stories were transitioning from 1897 to the Leviathans, that he was, in fact, there for 6 months instead of one or two days.[/spoiler] But then, stranger things have happened, haven't they?

Polls Archive / Re: Who's your Fav?
« on: December 31, 2006, 04:38:59 AM »
Who could forget those braids? Maybe someone should've handed her a plad skirt and had her stand on Widow's Hill screaming RICOLLA!!!!!

Too much? :D

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: December 31, 2006, 04:36:16 AM »
W is for werewolf. And it's also for Willie.

(And U is for underwear, the kind that shows! Anyone seen that pic of Julia flashing us at Stokes' house?)

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0670
« on: December 31, 2006, 04:33:02 AM »
Carolyn: Chris, you're doing it all wrong! You have to move your arms AROUND and AWAY when doing the robot. *sigh* I'll get Jeb to show you.

J: (through closed mouth) Willie! Get me a crowbar to pry my face apart!

W: Momma always told me that if ya make funny faces they get stuck that way....

I'd have to agree with Raineypark about the NYC being VERY expensive. The fest was much more expensive than I would've liked it to be, and it's likely that many people didn't attend because they couldn't AFFORD IT. Perhaps if they had it elsewhere it would get a better turn out. But then, the fests that they've had in small places--Tarrytown comes to mind-- probably didn't have as good as a turn out because they may have not been enough places to stay for 1000s of people. I don't know, the 06 fest was my first, but I thought there were TONS of people there. 1200 is quite enough, if you ask me.

Polls Archive / Who's your Fav?
« on: December 30, 2006, 04:29:16 PM »
Of course, I'm sure there are tons that I have left out, but I didn't feel like listing 40 names! lol. I figured that list would give everyone a good start.

What I'm aiming at here is that there were a number of different time periods during which our characters lived. And while the characters may have been the same in some time periods (i.e. 1960s Barn and 1897 Barn), they were different as well, in their actions. Because we all know that 1960s Barn, being the way he was after he was cured, would've never committed the atrocity against his family that he did in 1897.

The idea was sparked as I was watching the last of the Leviathan episodes last night, and I realized that 1970 Angelique, the one who was Mrs. Rumson, was really one of my favorite of all her incarnations over the years. Her outfits, hair, jewelry, wardrobe in general is spot on, and really adds something to her. I get the image of "rich suductress" who will kill anyone in her way. Her "supposed" life gets turned upside down with the mention of one word: Leviathans. And the arc that she goes through with her life taking a dump and her revenge path, is one of the best, IMO.

So: My favs from the list above are 1970 Angelique, 1960s Julia, and 1795 Barnabas.

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: December 30, 2006, 04:21:08 PM »
O is for Olivia Corey.

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0857
« on: December 29, 2006, 07:01:04 AM »
P: You know, I'm game for pretty much anything, but I'm not sticking my--well, let's just say that I'm not going to touch that with any ten foot pole I have.

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0796
« on: December 29, 2006, 06:56:15 AM »
Aristede reacts as he becomes slightly aroused at having Quentin pinned down, FINALLY.