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Messages - Heather

It appears on the main page/index... to indicate a new cousin has joined, perhaps?

-Heather (really guessing here...  [6184])

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Seizure, etc...
« on: January 04, 2005, 11:01:00 PM »

An Evil friend of mine sent me "Seizure" (featuring JF) as a 'cheer-me-up gift' for the holidays.  ::)   ;D   I won't say it's the oddest movie I've ever seen, cuz it's not - but it's in the top twenty, I think (lol). Although, I liked getting a chance to see what was Oliver Stone's first feature film, and being the analytical nutso that I am, the unusual plot all made sense to me in the end (sniffle - why did it have to end that way - WHY   :'(   ;)).

However I kept rewinding and rewinding a certain...climactic[/b]...scene more than once. Like any decent Wench would, of course...  >:D

Thoughts anyone?   [a0d0]

Now what I'm *really* dying to see is "Polly Maggoo"...and, despite the questionable content, "End of the Road" too... sigh.   [Muffin_Love]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: new members
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:56:42 AM »
Jean-Claude (gallantly taking the #4 spot among the Grayson-o-Hall-ics behind Heather, RJ, and Gothick, yet willing to downgrade myself even more, should the situation call for it) [9050]

J:  But You're ALL number one to me, dear.   :-*

And hey - we can't forget Sandor...and Bette, and...  :-*


Heather   [8285]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:40:49 AM »
Back to Julia the sly minx...

In the middle of trying not to go nuts as I juggled some projects...I was watching some DS eps. again, of course!   ::)  ;D

Sculpting some naughty figures from my rubber eraser, I slapped down my drawing board and popped in a tape {for all you non-artistic types...they have these kneadable rubber erasers that are reusable time and again. Consistency is in between and puddy. You can shape it to whatever form is needed so... well...
No - if I post a pic some of you might go blind...LOL. It started out like Barnabas' cane but morphed into some sort of phallic form... I wonder what Julia would say about that. lol  >:D}    Sorry - its been a looooong holiday.   ;D

Anyway...a couple of interesting things popped up in another scene between Julia and Dave W. (well, now its DW #3). [spoiler]Dave has just visited with the etherial Sarah and is on a virtual rampage to find out the truth about her and all the unfortunate happenings around Collinsport. Julia finds him in the Collinwood study and starts questioning him. Julia tries to discourage his search, wondering why he'd be concerned with a little 'girl that left the scene' years ago (Julia musta had her city girl cap on for that sentence - LOL). Dave insists that she's a ghost...etc...

And then Dave lists all the unusual events surrounding Sarah's appearances, and the people who claimed to have seen her. When he brings up Sam Evans, Julia looks at him and says (I'm really paraphrasing here): "Sam Evans is an ARTIST... a very impressionable person. He'd been through a lot of emotional trauma lately...and he drinks quite a bit. Some people see pink elephants, he sees GHOSTS."[/spoiler] LOL  That cracked me up!

Remember kids - never trust anything those *artistic* types hear or see...    ::) ;D

[spoiler]Ohhhhhh...another one: Julia and Barnabas are in the Old House Drawing room, discussing what they'll do with Dave Woodard's...curiosity. Before Julia leaves to tallk to Dave, Barnabas says: "You recently made the comment that Dr. Woodard was the most brilliant student at your medical school. Well, I think you were being generous. He's the second most brilliant--" And Julia, turned away from him, smiles shyly and says: "Well, they never took me as seriously as they should have, because I'm a woman."  And he chimes in: "But that can be a mixed blessing, can't it my dear?"[/spoiler]

Barnabas you evil, wicked flirt you...   ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:26:35 AM »
Well we've all laughed gleefully remembering the first scenes between Barnabas and Julia where Julia smokes freely and often . .even once lighting up a cigratte (in a black holder) with a candle at the Old House--she bends forward lights it and starts smoking in front of Barnabas then walks out with a sly look on her face--i don't recall in that dialogue that she asked him if he wanted one--but i think not.. . :o

I don't remember that either... but it would make for a funny moment in some fanfic, huh?  ;D

After Julia became a heroine on the show--they inferred that she smoked--showing full ash trays or dying cigarettes--she was shown smoking only once more during the Dream Curse when she couldn't sleep--

Another funny moment (well, at least to certain people in my house) was when Julia visited Willie in the hospital and she begins smoking like a fiend in the hospital room...

gosh i have too much arcane Julia info in my head now. . thanks guys--that's what i get for hanging out here for 4 years--

RJ darling, how I've missed you.  ;D  Care for a spot of cognac, dear...?  Honestly darling - I *gave* Julia that quaint cigarrette holder. Now, could you pass on a few suggestions I have for that delightful doctor and that delusional lunkhead she adores...

Kiss kiss,

Pepe   [king]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: 2005 Dark Shadows Calendar?
« on: January 04, 2005, 05:09:53 AM »
Well i know where you can get a Julia/Grayson calendar--i think you got it from the sly minx here on the board---private collectible .. .hee hee :P

 [vryevl]   [pimp]   [10]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: new members
« on: January 04, 2005, 04:02:12 AM »
Welcome aboard! Watching on DVD is the only way to go in my book! you don't have any pesky commercials or have to wait until the next day to find out what happens next (unless you have run out of the DVDs HAHAH) ;D

Arggggghhhhh...don't remind me...I need more dvd's... lol

Note to J-C... if by some miracle i make it to the fest - must have a DVD capturers anonymous meeting... my Mac was making flirty beeping noises for leaving the DVD in the computer one day...LOL.

Anyhoo - welcome to the spanking new members! May you be fruitful and multiply.   >:D

Yeah, I crack myself up...

 ::) ::) ::)

Heather (caressing her DS tapes most lovingly... ;D)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Floating Mistletoe - Baneful Hindrance
« on: January 03, 2005, 11:19:57 AM »
You'd better check your Karma again because the bonus points have now been factored in for everyone (execpt me) who took part (Whoa dom and Heather!! [shockeyes]).

Oh MY Gaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwddddd!!!!   [santa_shocked]

What in the fudge...?!  [santa_cheesy]  Wow - I had 24 curse points before the clicking orgy started,  and now it's over 600?!

Sweet divine goddess, I'm in heaven... lmao   [santa_wink]

Yes, sadly that means the floating mistletoe is no more for this Christmas season. :'( But wipe away those tears because that doesn't mean that other floaties won't show up throughout the coming year. In fact, everyone can look forward to seeing something floating across their monitor screens on at least five more occasions...

Very interesting...  [santa_azn]

My oddball wish list:

Different fav characters floating gracefully across the screen (not just one GH or DB pic will do ;)); various accessories floating across the screen (brandy snifter, Julia's medallion, Julia's medical bag, Liz' tea service, Barn's cane...); a 'mystery' floatie wherein you really click at your own risk...points awarded, taken away, or just have various characters pop up and say something annoyingly cheeky...(yeah, I'm a nut like that).  [santa_grin]

And, speaking of such awards... I secretly hope that there'll be a custom title competition one day down the road.   [santa_evil]   [santa_kiss]

Okay, get to it.  LOL    [santa_cheesy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy Birthday jennifer!
« on: January 03, 2005, 10:14:57 AM »
Happy, Happy Belated Birthday Jennifer!

I Wish I could've had a Chris Jennings-popping-out-of-a-cake card for ya...(hmmmmm...interesting idea for a few others too  [santa_azn]) but instead I offer a measley smiley...


Hugs and best wishes,

Heather  [santa_kiss]

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite John Karlen Characterizations
« on: January 02, 2005, 08:39:52 AM »
pole loving dom [santa_azn]


Snigger...cough...Sorry - Oh, I'm a sucker for a good pun...  [santa_cheesy]   [santa_kiss]

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Dark Shadows Emmy Awards
« on: January 02, 2005, 05:51:07 AM »
Boy, what a tough crowd we have on here tonight - or possibly they're just not romantics. ;)

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That's what makes the discussions on these boards so much fun. Be that as it may, though, I could produce dozens of letters to the various fan magazines from people who definitely saw Barn and Julia as a romantic couple, and who, in fact, continued to watch DS with the one hope that they would eventually get together.[b003]

{blows whistle} Time out... LOL

For whatever it's worth, I just wanted to add my odd three odd cents and say that I completely agree with what MB and said. ;) I think that Julia's heart's desire was Barnabas and in the end, given the right circumstances, they would've ended up together {now, that's not to say that Julia wouldn't of had any *other* relationships or whatnot, just that I believe that her heart belonged to that complex and thick skulled character and that's who she should've ended up with (okay, maybe after a little slapp slap there  [13], or a few heart-to-heart wrenching scenes there...) >:D  Barnabas too - I mean, the more the series goes on, the more there are subtle signs as to their true feelings for one another. The infamous "Never without You" and  "I am that devoted to her..." quotes, etc. Now, everyone interprets things differently and that perfectly fine - like Emeril says - won't hurt my feelings (well, not too much - chortle)... but ya know, we're a big happy family here, right kids? It's allllllllright darlings {big group hug}}

Besides, like one of my bestest buds on another list likes to say: B + J + smut = good. Phht...Nuff said... LOL   [91a2]  [banana]

Anyhoo - since they weren't an officially declared couple on the show, I'm okay with the nominations too (afterall, there's still fanfic - evil cackle). Good work, DS to DA - may the best man, woman or couple/pair win - looking forward to the emmys!   [santa_kiss]


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Floating Mistletoe - Baneful Hindrance
« on: December 31, 2004, 09:57:59 PM »
Like dom said, I'm kinda addicted to it as well. Can't help it.

And that's exactly what I like to see - people who are more than willing to have some FUN! [b003]

Chortle -  [8_2_59]

Well, MB darling, the addictive persona all started from Chuck E. Cheese.... know what I mean, kids? They stuff you with starchy pizza then innocently send the kiddies off with some golden coins to play with one tasty ticket-expelling machine after the next...a virtual microcosm of our competitive consumer driven society...a kiddie Vegas, that is...  Too much is not enough, ma... I NEED that overstuffed Chuck E. Cheese doll and the high speed racing car before its too late... only 1500 more cheese encrusted tickets, and I'll be there... ahhhhhhhhhh...

Whoops - what were we talking about? Rotfl

(Just for the record, the floating mistletoe wasn't actually something I came up with - it's been a very popular Christmas feature on SMF's Web site for the past two season's and they made the scripts for it available earlier this year.)

Well, I thank you for bringing it here... can be annoying (but only evilly so - chuckle) but its a *hoot* at the same time...

Let us pay tribute to the wonderful MODS and our webmaster on this glorious holiday:

Looking good MB, looking good...

lol   [8_2_74]   [santa_kiss]

-Heather {hugs to Connie, and the rest of yunz...}

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Floating Mistletoe - Baneful Hindrance
« on: December 31, 2004, 08:24:48 AM »
Plus....I don't get it with the cures and curses - too confusing.  What's bad?  What's good?  Damned if I can figure it out.

As I understand it - Curses are Good, and cures are bad... right guys?  LOL  ;)   Like dom said, I'm kinda addicted to it as well. Can't help it... must get...curses fix.... ahhhhhhhhhhh....needed that.   [pimp] [8285] [nut]

I say we take up a collection and send MB off somewhere for a rest....relaxation....maybe some regression therapy or something.  (I don't quite know what that is, but it sounds good).  lol

I think he's just trying to make to evil woman/person status (a good thing  [santa_evil]).  Whoopsies...wrong list. LOL

PS  It wouldn't be so bad if when you click it on it says, "Congratulations!  You've won a roll in the hay with   (Fill in blank)  ".....or some such thing.

LMAOooooooooo... Oh, I would get a kick outta that... big time!  LOL

Tired nut,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: New Year's Greeting
« on: December 31, 2004, 08:06:33 AM »
Love it, Connie! Thanks! Much needed visual for part of a story idea... uh... nevermind.  [santa_lipsrsealed]  LOL

Wishing you all a happy and healthy...and safe New Year, too!    [santa_kiss]

Hugs from chilly W. PA,

Heather   [santa_cheesy]

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A Belated Greeting
« on: December 31, 2004, 07:58:14 AM »
Oh boy! In that second picture, Tom Jennings looks ready for just what I have in mind for winding up the Old Year... and, uh, something else, too, in the wind-up department...

leering evilly,


Steve darling...I've missed you (deep chuckle). Naughty boy -- Keep it up, darling... keep it UP!

Kiss kiss,

Pepe [king]

[santa_rolleyes]    [santa_kiss]