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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

True, MB.  But If I were a Warners exec, I would have been mad about not having anything prepared before tWiB, because it was a hit and the film played out so much like Dark Shadows.  I mean when there are six Borat displays in the lobby and the hallways and DS has nothing prepared for the release a movie that would draw a similar audience to Shadows, it's really kind of mind boggling.   [snow_strange] 

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:25:02 AM »
Darren, I just want to say that your project is endlessly fascinating to me.  I appreciate all of the hard work you have put into tracking down and restoring Night of Dark Shadows.  I am sure it will be fantastic once it is complete.  I can hardly wait.  I love that movie. 

Just got back from watching The Woman in Black...  Dark Shadows REALLY missed its opportunity to hit its target audience with this one.  I am fairly sure Warners is kicking itself right now.  The Woman in Black was a hit that touched on the gothic horror elements we are expecting in Shadows...  So what other May 11 release not only had a trailer, but at least six giant promotional "portraits"/posters hanging in the theater?  The Dictator.  That film may be utter trash, but it is really being promoted - even if it was to the wrong audience.  Wish Shadows could have got in with the right one, because I think Woman in Black was its last real chance to hit the genre-goers. 

It's pretty nifty that IMDB already lists a critic review for this film...  And to think we haven't even seen the trailer.   [snow_wink]

Seriously though, how does this happen?  The movie isn't even finished yet.  And the "review" seems to be nothing more than a German sneak-peak.  Wonders never cease. 

Which reminds me.  There are so many posts about Dark Shadows from other countries.  While I don't know how it will do in Britain, I think it's going to be a smash in the Americas and other parts of Europe. 

IMDB tweeted yesterday that they hadn't heard an official release date for the DS trailer, so maybe she picked it up from them.   [snow_huh]

I think it's fantastic that they are giving us something new to speculate over.  At least it has distracted us from the trailer issue... [snow_tongue]

Same thing on Firefox...  Hmmm...  There is definitely something going on. 

Incidentally, there is another permutation,
(with "movie", without "the", with "warnerbros") that is also redirecting to WB. 

Very interesting!  Thanks for sharing!

Quite honestly from a Web design perspective, it's never really a good idea for an URL to simply display a blank page, so more than likely that's why Warner Brothers now has the various permutations of the URL redirecting to their home page.

I feel that's a strong possibility, then again...

I mean, honestly, black backdrop, standard title "Dark Shadows" in the DS font with a dark red halo around it, choose one of the four photos you've released (the cast photo would make most sense) and "The Journey Begins May 12, 2012" (or whatever the date is).

is what I have ALWAYS seen on movie websites before their launch.  So this WB redirect bothers me.  Of course, they could be making it really cool and all, and that is why they aren't revealing anything yet.  I don't know. 

No, I'm using Firefox, and only the first link redirects to Warners.  The second and third are "server not found"...    So the first link which redirects to the Warners homepage is what had me concerned.  Maybe it's just temporary while they work on the site.  (Of course it could also mean they've abandoned the project, which is what had me distressed) But this is the first time it has happened to me, and I've been checking every day...  So I am hoping it's just a temporary redirect until it redirects to a sub-section of the Warners site and not just the home page. 

So... if this is not the most interesting and terribly anticlimactic thing you've ever seen...

And and both go to a "Server Not Found Page".  Any ideas what any of this means - especially the first link's redirect?

Oh, I admit I am dazzled by the press DS is getting (without much of anything official to push it - that we know of), though I do go out of my way to look for it.   [snow_wink] But, I was not expecting so much publicity from the Avengers side of things.  Then again, I should have remembered it's a Disney movie...  I still maintain Mother's Day will be the saving grace for Dark Shadows, especially with WTEWYE out of the way.  I just don't want to see DS get lost in the "shadow" of the Avengers.  It undoubtedly will, but, for one weekend, I'd like to see it get its dues.  And I am not sure it will with all of this Avengers "stuff". 

Possibly, tragic bat.  But, after Angelique's life changed, I always envisioned the two of them becoming allies and helping each other in their missions.  Yes, there would still be tension, but with KLS gone, I'd imagine that they would have less to quibble about.  Sure there will always be another Roxanne or something, but I think the writers would have been wise to realize that the Angelique/Barnabas battle needed a rest, at least for a year...  Then again, you are probably right, and they wouldn't have come to that realization at all.   [snowball] 

Say so long to any chance DS ever had for in-theater promotion...

In all honesty, I would love for DS to be pushed back to the fall...  now more than ever.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:20:58 AM »
I would hope it's not a real autograph...  unless Jonathan is getting paid big bucks.   [snow_wink]

The people who could actually "deserve" that autograph are the folks who bought the whole series on VHS and/or DVD separately...