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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 08, 2004, 06:04:04 PM »
Really Way off topic but ...

Quote from: CyrusL
[spoiler]When Jeb opens the coffin of Paul Stoddard and his corpse is grinning that ghastly smile at him![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Why did Paul never appear again??[/spoiler]

Current Talk '04 II / Jeff Clark / Peter Bradford ... huh?!?
« on: August 04, 2004, 02:09:32 PM »
So, was Jeff really Peter Bradford transported forward in time?  Or was he a reincarnation of Peter?

I have not seen many episodes post 1795 with him and was wondering how or if it was ever explained.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas and Burke
« on: August 04, 2004, 02:03:28 PM »
Perhaps he will come back one day from Brazil, and we will discover that he did survive but suffered that most soapish of soap opera maladies ..... amnesia!   ;D ;D ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Incongruities (gee, ya think!!)
« on: August 03, 2004, 05:00:54 PM »
I see on today's montage, there's a headstone:
Victoria Winters, hanged as a witch (duh duh DUH DUAAAAHH!)

Um...I don't think they put up markers, especially in a good Christian cemetary, of witches, n'est pas?

That's a good point actually,  that stone seems pretty ornate.  Who would have footed the bill for that?  Surely the residents would want their tax dollars to go toward erecting a gravestone for a witch, even if it was as a warning to others.  Maybe Peter arranged for it, hoping that it would be seen in the future and prompt Vicki's friends to return to the past to save her? 

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 03, 2004, 04:53:15 PM »
My first defining moment was the end of the first episode I ever watched when DS was first shown in syndication. 

Money obsessed Willie (who almost looked crazed by his grave robbing) and the look on his face as he opened B's coffin and then the look on his face as the hand rose up and grabbed Willie by the throat!  I was hooked immediately!

My next was (as mscbryk already commented) the seance leading up to Vicki's trip to the 1795.  I was in Daffy Duck mode, literally jumping up and down with glee, and running to tell my mother about it!!

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' First Night in 1967
« on: July 19, 2004, 05:42:48 PM »
In many ways, I am surprised that Willie even survived that first encounter with cousin Barnabas.  Can you imagine how hungry he must have been after 170 odd years trapped in that coffin, not to mention, stark staring, time for a rubber room insane? Trapped not only with no way to get out but with a crucifix on the inside of the lid.  Exquisite torture.  Joshua may have not been able to bear destroy his own son, but after his son begged his father to end his torment, instead he made certain Barnabas suffered terribly.  All he truly cared about was getting the problem off his hands, let someone else deal with after he's gone.  Reprehensible.

Any ideas how he did survive with even a shred of sanity?  Perhaps, slurping on Willie allowed him to regain enough composure to stop before killing his only (at that point) contact with the outside world?

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 13, 2004, 04:03:03 PM »
I think the dressing gown I am thinking of is the floor length one.  Black cuffs and lapels and heavly embroidered? brocaded? in silver and grey.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: 1968 Montage
« on: July 12, 2004, 03:28:03 AM »
[spoiler]the gentleman looks like "Mr. Jonathan" an undertaker.[/spoiler]
Heh, heh!  Yes, the character is Mr. Jarrett and he contributes one of the funniest bloopers to the show.

And that blooper is ......... :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 12, 2004, 03:24:23 AM »
I am actually quite in love with that dressing gown.  I'd love to find somthing similar or at least the material to make my own.

IIRC, wasn't that same gown worn by Tony Blair (NICHOLAS!  I meant Nicholas!  ;D ) or Evan Hanley?

Current Talk '04 II / OK, I'll bite ....
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:31:18 PM »
... What happens/happened on July 12 (1897?)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Dr. Woodard and others
« on: July 11, 2004, 07:17:49 PM »
hmmmm, I have been trying to watch the dvds in order and have not even reached the 1795 Flashback yet.  I may have to skip forward to meet Jeff who seems to not be very popular! :)

Current Talk '04 II / 1968 Montage
« on: July 11, 2004, 02:45:51 PM »
just curious really, but who are the lady and gentleman above and below Roger?

Current Talk '04 II / Re: on david collins
« on: July 06, 2004, 07:34:08 PM »
what is david up to today? :P

Well, in the fanfic in my head (maybe one day to be put down on paper) David grew up, married, came into his inheritance and had a son;  one Nelson Christopher Collins. ;)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: 1966 Season
« on: July 06, 2004, 07:29:54 PM »
you can even see bits of roger driving the car. ::)



Current Talk '04 II / Re: Maggie and Joe
« on: July 03, 2004, 02:40:04 PM »
Good Morning, veryvenn.  Are you familiar with the series epilogue that was published in TV Guide several months after the show went off the air?