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Messages - Heather

So, so, so close [thumb] - but still not quite it. :'(

 [bawling2]   [bawl]

Whoopsies...forgot to answer BOTH inquiries:  ;)

1) It appears when you enter one of the main boards (for example Current Talk) - that has the 'Child Boards' of that board (previous posts from past years) situated above the list of topics of the current board. The icon appears on the left side of each child board's clickable title. {in Current Talk the child boards would be: Polls Archive, then Current Talk I - X (each listed individually)}

2) I believe it means that someone has posted a new response to a topic within one of those Child Boards, and alert you to that fact. And then one can check it out, then mark it as read...and whatnot...I think.   :-    lol

As I said, I was just thinking about this and I think a few of us have done that recently. For example, the "Julia, sly minx" topic - which was just recently moved to the Current Talk X child board, had a few responses after it was put there....hmmm.   ;D

Does it mean that someone has responded to a topic in one of the Child Boards (of the main boards - I hope i phrased that okay - LOL)? Because I was just thinking about this and I think a few of us have done that recently. For example, the "Julia, sly minx" topic - which was just recently moved to the Current Talk X child board, had a few responses after it was put there....   ;D 

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The obsession continueth...
« on: January 09, 2005, 04:45:24 AM »
Waiting anxiously for Grayson pics from her stints on "Route 66" and "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E." to mingle with Julia & the DS gang. Stefanie Powers, meet Magda Rakosi. George Maharis, meet Hoffman the PT housekeeper. "Pepe" and "Judith Fellowes," meet Charity Trask as Pansy. The possibilities are endless (and frightening)...

LMAO!  I love it, Sandor! If only... :-*  Oooooo, and now wouldn't THAT also make for some good pieces of fanfic--huh, huh {nudge, nudge}? This also reminds me of an idea I just had--casually in passing. A few years back, I had to dream up a project and I made a board game...based it on Oktoberfest--included all kinds of German trivia, made little stands with the food they'd serve and little beer mugs... anyway, what if you had a 'Graysonopoly' game and...?  lol

Stop rolling your eyes at me, J99. ;)

What a kook!  What's this thing you have for mixing Grayson's characters and having them interact??
Hmm - it all started with a most titilating conversation on the JuliaList...chortle.
Sigh - I don't know - I tried expaining this to a certain someone once, and all I can come up with is that as I learned of her various characters, I looked at them as separate individuals with distinct personalities, not necessarily as Grayson-on-Grayson {cough} so to speak. I guess I just think its funny, ironic, and fun to think there may be a 5-degrees-of-separation thing between them all. Or something. ;)

Well, I've also been getting a few notions from Gothick, and you know how much of a naughty influence that can be... lol.  :-*  xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The obsession continueth...
« on: January 09, 2005, 04:36:23 AM »
Well, until I get some pics converted to the proper size for that scintilating board

Umm - just because someone doesn't have screen captures with the right dimensions, that doesn't necessarily mean that they should post bigger captures on a different board. [wink2] (Even if they're going to store everything in their own Web space...)

Oh geeze...MB dearest, does that mean I've been doing it the wrong way all this time!  :-[   [8311] [6184]

[if I'm interpreting that incorrectly, please forgive me--I'm still doped up from an unpleasant dentists appointment today...::shudder::]

{KUDOS, MB -- KUDOS...LOVE IT... [hello]}

I knew you would. [b003] In fact, I had you in mind when I came up with the idea. [lghy]

Well, I love you too sweetcakes...  [ltng] [diablo] Well that explains the rule about not making the captions too explicit...LOL (just kidding).  ;)

Caption This! - The Return of Laura / Re: Episode #0189
« on: January 08, 2005, 10:37:30 AM »
{LMAO J99...and Sandor - I can't breathe...LOL   :-*}


Mrs. J:  Really, Mr. Devlin - I've told you once I've told you a million times, I'm not that kind of a woman. You can keep your kinky phone calls to yourself... {whispering} Alright, alright--what are you wearing...?


Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0415
« on: January 08, 2005, 10:27:14 AM »
{LMAOooo, Sandor!   :-*}

Okay, anyway...

B: Ben, what is that delightful scent you're wearing?? exquisite!

Ben: w-weren't ya supposed to see Miss Josette tonight, Mr. Barnabas? {stepping away}

B: {pressing closer} Josette who?? Sigh...


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / The obsession continueth...
« on: January 08, 2005, 08:45:12 AM »
Well, until I get some pics converted to the proper size for that scintilating board {KUDOS, MB -- KUDOS...LOVE IT... [hello]}, I offer a moment of graysonific-zen-ridiculousness:

J: I need you, Barnabas...I need you NOW

J: {gasp}
B: Why Julia....

B:...I-I thought you'd never ask.

P: I'll drink to that {cackles}. Now that's my girl!

JudithF: {pounding fist} What in the world is going on down there??! Don't make me come over lascivious beasts!!

P: {Sigh} I'll be up in a minute, darling... {cracks whip}

{twilight zone melody chiming in the background...}

thanks again to Connie for the Judith picture...chuckle {evil grin}

Yeah, I'm a nut...  ::)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Seizure, etc...
« on: January 06, 2005, 11:31:06 AM »
...And bless you Connie for posting a pic...

Thank you.  I need all the blessings I can get.   ::)

Evil DrJ: You're quite welcome, dear..   :-*

Now let us pay tribute to our Divine goddess and Queen... amen.   >:D

[just kidding there, kids...(deep, deep chuckle)  ;D]

Jeez - I just figured out who "Mom" is.  DUH!!  (Bang head against the wall).
It's the magazine's initials.  Yes?

Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.....CLC

That's okay hon {hugs}.  But I must say - I love the typographic creativity with that last're a natural!  lol   :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Seizure, etc...
« on: January 06, 2005, 06:59:37 AM »
Wow.  Interesting interview.  But then I love reading anything JF has to say.  He's not BORING.

Absolutely!  Love checking out his site, too. ;) Big hugs to Nancy for posting that interview...interesting read, indeed. :-*

When I have occasion to look at it, I block everything else out and just watch Jonathan.

I found myself doing that, too...chuckle.  ::)   ;D

And bless you Connie for posting a pic...I wanted so badly to add visuals to my comments, but gosh darnit I couldn't.  :-[

Thank you!  :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Seizure, etc...
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:04:49 PM »
Well Polly Maggoo seems to be on ebay lately with English subtitles. . i don't know if when they refer to Grayson' s character with the vilest english word for a female is written in subtitles. .i had a friend tell me what the French word was equivalent an advanced search and you'll find it.

I found it...yeah, baby.  >:D

As for End of the Road . .well i've belabored my shock over that scene for years--I was a la Phoebe from Friends. ."my eyes! my eyes!" :o

I don't care RJ, J99...whatever... ;) You know I'm a nut - curiosity like a freakin' chesire cat...I GOTTA SEE IT... {squeal}  ;D


sly minx

Current Talk '05 I / Montage
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:58:22 AM »
Just wanted to say how much I like the homepage montages lately... especially love the Magda tarot card in the center there. Adorable.   :-*

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Minerva Trask
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:25:22 AM »
I agree... Loved the no-nonsense Mrs. J, and the wicked characters she portrayed in the other time periods. Well done... fun to watch time and again. 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Is Joe a Collins?
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:22:11 AM »
Good point. My apologies... late night.   [sick2] [sleep]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Is Joe a Collins?
« on: January 05, 2005, 07:26:14 AM »
As I understand it from viewing the series a few times, and seeing the family tree in the DS Almanac (chuckle) ;) as well as a few websites...

[spoiler]Quentin had two kids, a boy and a girl... Now of course the boy died, via the curse placed on Quentin. The girl, Lenore, lived. Lenore later married and must have had at least two daughters: one married a Jennings, the other a Haskell. So - Tom/Chris/Amy were cousins to Joe. However, that also means that for Tom, Chris, Amy *and* Joe...Lenore was their Grandmother, and Quentin was therefore their Great-Grandfather (even though they probably wouldn't have known that, since Lenore wasn't brought up a Collins - but she still had the same genes to pass on the curse and whatnot, of course  :D)  They all have traces of Collins blood, but not directly.[/spoiler]

 Whew...hope I figured that out right. LOL   [emblgh]