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Messages - DarkLady

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0786
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:43:59 PM »
Quentin screams in pain--the hand doesn't appear to be helping. Quentin lets out a particularly blood-curdling scream, and the hand vanishes. He slowly stands up and tells Magda, The pain is gone. The hand _did_ help, Magda exults, but Quentin corrects her: The pain always stops just before-- Just before the transformation, she finishes in horror as she takes out her pentagram in fear. Sure enough, one moment Quentin is leaning on the mantelpiece, the next moment the much shorter Alex Stevens, in full werewolf regalia and wearing a darker suit, has replaced him. The creature lunges at Magda, but she holds up her pentagram. Repelled, the werewolf backs away from her and runs out of the house.

Trask brings Charity to Collinwood. As she looks around the splendid mansion--now her own home--and expresses concern for the school. Her father replies, You must bear in mind that my marriage to Judith carries with it certain burdens and responsibilities--not the least of which is the time-consuming management of this estate. [And besides, the faculty has been pretty much wiped out.] Charity correctly infers that the school will be closing. Trask reminds her of her mother's fervent wish that Charity will become a Collins. He notes that there's still one eligible bachelor left. Quentin, Charity says, her eyes lighting up. Trask is sure that Charity can reform Quentin's character.

Magda knocks on the front door; Trask opens it. I got to see Beth, she says. You will see no one in the house without _my_ permission, he says. Oh, Mr. Trask, she says, it didn't take you long to become the master of this house. Not long at all, he says. One of my first duties concerns you. Come into the drawing room--excuse us, Charity. Never willing to give up a chance to spar with Trask, Magda follows him. I'm going out to say a prayer at my mother's grave, Charity says. I made a vow to go there each day. Get back as soon as you can, Trask says.

Trask bluntly gives Magda and Sandor twenty-four hours to pack up and leave. Utterly unconcerned, Magda replies, Oh, _Mister_ Trask, when you threaten people, don’t do it from weakness. He smiles as he replies, I can prove to the sheriff that you were helping Barnabas. That’s true, she parries, but I also have something to tell the sheriff: I sold Tim Shaw the deadly nightshade that killed your poor wife. The sheriff knows you made an alibi for Tim. I don’t care _why_ you did it, but the sheriff will. Do we understand each other? Furious at being blackmailed, Trask replies through gritted teeth, Yes, I believe we do. With a deep, mocking curtsy, she goes upstairs to see Beth, and Trask stabs the letter-opener into the little writing desk.

Meanwhile, the werewolf stalks Charity. It climbs up its favorite rock. She sees it and very sensibly screams and runs. The werewolf chases her.

Trask is staring up at Barn's portrait when Magda emerges from the servants' door. Beth wasn't in her room, she tells Trask. Have you seen her this evening? No, Trask says with angry concision. If you do, tell her I'll come back later, Magda says as if he were the servant. Before he gets a chance to say whether he will or not, they hear Charity screaming just outside. Magda flings open the door, and Charity flings herself into her father's arms and tells them that she saw the creature in the woods. I'll have the police come, Trask tells her. It must be the same creature that attacked Judith. Alarmed for private reasons of her own, Magda offers to take Charity upstairs. That isn't necessary Trask huffs. The girl is frightened and needs the understanding of a woman, Magda insists. Very well, Trask agrees grudgingly--but see to it that she goes right to bed. While Magda takes Charity up to her room, Trask does the manly thing and phones the sheriff.

Magda has settled Charity in bed with a cup of tea. Charity is recovered enough to be curious about Quentin--well, about everyone at Collinwood. But especially Quentin? Magda asks, teasing her a little, relieved that Charity’s interest is of the most innocent kind. I know Quentin was married once, Charity says. What happened to his wife? She’s dead, Magda says flatly. Sorrow flashes across her face, but she quickly recovers and takes out her pack of tarot cards. I can look into the future with these, she tells Charity. When Charity hesitates, Magda adds, I won’t charge you anything. Charity agrees, so Magda deals out five cards on the lap tray, then turns them over one by one.

The central card represents Charity--La Force, showing Hercules killing the Nemean lion. It's a good sign, Magda says. If right is on your side, you will master the events of your life. Charity smiles at this prospect. Magda turns over one of the surrounding cards, La Lune--The Moon! A bad card, Magda says--it represents a secret revealed. I don’t understand, Charity says. The next card is Les Aimants, The Lovers, which means marriage--but the card is inverted, so it means separation or infidelity. Neither Charity nor Magda likes this one. The last two cards are the Tower of Destruction, inverted; and the Hanged Man, also inverted. Magda tells Charity unhappily, There will be a man in your life very soon, and you will be very attracted to him. But you should stay away from him--he is bad, evil, destructive! Charity looks really upset at this.

In the woods, a constable tells Trask that they've set out some bear traps and warns him to be careful. When Trask returns to Collinwood, he warns Magda about the traps--and adds that she could make her life easier by helping him and Edward find Barnabas. Abruptly she tells him to go see his daughter: She needs you more than I do.

Even though the script is by Gordon Russell and not Violet Welles, Charity sleeps and has a dream: She sees lights and hears music. Quentin is sitting--somewhere--in a chair, listening to his favorite tune on the Victrola. The darkness is lit by a single chandelier. Charity herself approaches from the shadows and calls his name. I’ve been waiting for you, he says as he rises from the chair. She steps toward him with a look of longing. I missed you so much while you were away, she tells him. I missed you, too. he replies. I don’t want you to go away agin, ever, Charity pleads. I feel so lonely without you. Our destinies are guided by the strange wheel of fortune, he tells her. Don’t you remember Magda telling you that? Yes, Charity replies, and I didn’t understand it, but it frightened me. It frightened me too, Quentin says. Many things frighten me, he continues, the strange wheel of fortune, the Tower of Destruction, and the moon--the most frightening of all. Why? Charity asks. That is a secret that no one must know, Quentin replies. I don’t think about it when you are here and I’m listening to my music. It frees my soul and allows me to dream, he tells her. Listen carefully, and you will hear my dream. As the music starts up again, he recites a poem (and very nicely too) as they gaze at one another lovingly:

Shadows of the night
Falling silently
Echo of the past
Calling you to me

Haunting memories
Veiled in misty glow
Phantom melody
Playing soft and low

In this world that we know now
Life is here, then gone
But somewhere in the afterglow
Love lives on and on

Dreams of long ago
Meet in rendezvous
Shadows of the night
Calling me to you

He stands up, takes Charity in his arms, and kisses her slowly and passionately. They move apart as the music ends. It’s beautiful, Charity whispers. Go upstairs and wait for me, he tells her, I’ll be there in a little while. She turns to walk away, but suddenly hears growling. What’s that sound? she asks, already fearful. Quentin leans back, shuts his eyes, and tells her, I hear only my music. No! It’s that animal, she says frantically, the animal that attacked me. Still sitting in his chair, eyes shut, lost in his music, Quentin murmurs, Goodnight, Charity. The next moment, the animal springs up from behind Quentin’s chair. It’s in the room with us! Charity cries. Peaceful and soothing, Quentin murmurs, ignoring Charity completely. Help me, Quentin, save me! Charity screams, but he doesn’t budge, so she runs away in terror. The werewolf calmly stands behind Quentin’s chair as he tells her, The wheel of fortune spins, Charity. You mustn’t be frightened by it. Good night, my darling. Good night, good night, good night.… The camera closes in on the chandelier lights that started the dream.

Charity wakes up abruptly, but for the first and possibly only time in the history of Collinwood, she does NOT scream. Instead she covers her racing heart with her hand.

In the woods, the werewolf attacks the constable while he’s setting another trap. As they struggle, the creature howls in pain as its foot gets caught in the trap....

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0785
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:28:46 PM »
MFE's face reminds me a lot of the ghost of Jeremiah, with its Ping-Pong ball eye and melted features. Yeah, I don't want to speculate either about how much care Magda has to take of MFE. Good thing Barnabas isn't sleeping in the basement anymore, though, since that's where Magda herds her charge--who seems to have lost his mind along with his features--when Quentin arrives.

Quentin is agitated about the impending full moon and demands to see the hand. Magda shows it to him but it doesn't cooperate when she closes the box--a finger sticks out. Quentin notes that "that man" seems afraid of the hand.

Judith tries to phone Evan, who of course is not at home. Judith is wearing her pretty pink dress, apparently forgetting that poor Carl is hardly cold in his grave, or else she's glad to be rid of her troublesome little brother. Her two surviving brothers react predictably when she announces that she has married "dear Gregory": Edward sputters with outrage, Quentin laughs loud and long. He offers his congratulations and raises his glass in a half-mocking toast, but Edward refuses to do either. He reminds Judith that according to Edith's will, he and Quentin can live at Collinwood for as long as they like. Judith says fine, as long as they behave themselves. She has decided to hand over all business concerns to "dear Gregory." Edward reminds her, Grandmother left you with the money. I knew that was bothering you, says Judith. And after you, it goes to my son, Edward continues. When he's twenty-one, Judith says. What if you die before Jamison is twenty-one? Edward asks. Then dear Gregory will administer the estate, Judith replies. [One wonders how many murders "dear Gregory" would commit to make sure the money ends up with him alone.]

Minerva is at work again, tearing up Judith's revised will and stabbing--yes, stabbing!--the family Bible with a wicked-looking letter opener. She really wants Judith to notice a particular verse: She reads, The righteous perish, and no man taketh it to heart. None considering that the righteous are taken away, but the evil is still to come. [Isaiah 57:1-2]. Maybe Minerva added the (self?) portrait to make sure Judith knows who is haunting her.

In the study, Edward tries to enlist Quentin's help in getting Judith's marriage annulled, but Quentin is too busy clock-watching and stomps out.

A few moments later Judith answers the front door and Magda comes in. Ah, the happy bride, Magda comments. Congratulations, lady. But Judith isn’t in the mood for Magda’s flattery. She asks flatly, What do you want? To see Quentin, Magda replies. Judith huffs, I’m astonished you dare come here, considering that you’re still working for Barnabas. He is a Collins like you, Magda shrugs--all Collinses are hard to work for. Quentin comes to the foyer and tells his sister, Leave us alone, Judith. Judith glares at him, then leaves. I had to know, Magda says, troubled. I had this feeling.... If you don't try tonight, I feel you'll never be able to try again--and I trust my feelings. I'll be there at dusk, Quentin promises. Just then Edward comes out of the study. Ah, Mr. Edward, Magda says, you must be so happy to have a _man_ in the family at last! With a laugh, she turns on her heel and leaves. Edward asks angrily, What are you doing at dusk with _her_? Are you turning down Evan Hanley for _her_? You’d never understand, Edward--never, Quentin answers as he goes upstairs again.

Judith tells Edward she has no regrets about marrying "dear Gregory." I will see that you do, Edward fumes and stomps out.

Quentin returns to the Old House at dusk and finds MFE again. This time, MFE manages to ID himself to Quentin, who is horrified at this example of the hand's doings. Magda enters with the casket containing the hand. The nearly hysterical Quentin shrills, Is this really Evan? She nods silently. Evan confirms it by gasping out, The hand! Quentin grabs the casket and shows it to Evan, who recoils even though the little box is still shut. Magda leads Evan away. Quentin holds the box, looking down at it with dread and terror. Once Magda returns from putting Evan down in the cellar, Quentin opens it and stares down at the contents. The moon is rising, Magda warns him. You had better decide. It disfigured Evan's face, Quentin says, changed it so completely. If it did that to him, what will it do to me? No! he shouts. I don’t want any part of it! He is about to turn tail and run when he doubles over in pain as the change begins. It isn't too late to use the hand, Magda pleads. It won't help, Quentin insists as his body contorts in agony. Whatever it does couldn't be worse than what you're going through now, Magda insists. Let me try! All right--try, Quentin gasps desperately. Magda takes the hand from the box and raises it high as she intones, I ask you to invoke the powers granted in the forest of Aujedon, the powers that took the curse from Count Petofi! Use these powers now to reach into this man's heart and remove the curse from him forever! Then she place the hand over Quentin’s heart....

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:07:42 AM »
Sure thing! But now I'm going to feel like I have to throw in a strange word every day!  [ghost_grin]

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:12:43 PM »
Yes, nice scene with Barn and Evan, surely The Most Evil Lawyer Who Ever Lived. He leaves Barnabas to retire to a no doubt restless slumber.

The proposal scene is one of the funniest ones ever, not far behind Mr. Collins's proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, who had far more sense than Judith.

Gregory reveals to Judith that Barnabas is the vampire! Then in the next breath, he starts his proposal strategy, with poor Minerva scarcely cold in her grave. I love it when Judith asks him why he's decided to close Worthington Hall forever. She asks whether it's on account of  everything that's happened to the Collinses. Only one of the Collinses has made me come to this decision, Trask answers coyly. Judith asks if it’s Edward or Quentin. I can’t confess, Trask replies, then with feigned reluctance he tells her, _You_ are the one. Judith is amazed. Have I done something to offend you? she asks. No, he replies. You’ve been here, and that is the reason I must leave. Judith is even more astonished as Trask continues, You are in this house, and I am no more than ten minutes away. I have been thinking of you day and night, wondering what you are doing, contemplating your goodness, your faith, your hold on the virtues of life. Oh, Judith, I cannot bear it any longer! You would never consider marrying me? 

Judith looks angry at first, but before she can respond, Trask forges on, Forgive me--I thought I had learned to control my natural impetuosity. You’re insulted by my presumption. That isn’t true! Judith interrupts, but he is determined to finish his carefully prepared monologue. He resumes, But believe me, Judith, even in my innermost thoughts, in my wildest dreams, I know there is no hope for my suit-- There is, Judith insists, but he goes on as if she hasn’t spoken. But at least now you know the real reason I must leave Collinsport--it is impossible! I can’t let you leave! Judith cries, interrupting again. I know I have affronted you, he says. I apologize. Stop it! Judith orders him at last. She walks toward him and says, No one has ever proposed to me before. It’s something I’ve never admitted to anyone. I can’t believe it, Trask says fulsomely. Grandmother thought I would never marry, Judith reminisces. She said I frightened men away. She thought I was too strong. You were forced to be strong, Trask assures her, as if being a strong woman was a failing. It was not your doing. Your family position made you assume a burden you didn't want. It's my fondest dream to share that burden [no doubt he means that money!] with you. Judith hesitates, and Trask supplies the reason: I realize we are both thinking of Minerva--the circumstances of her death, the short time that has elapsed. It's all I can think of. I'll say nothing unkind about the dead, but the thought of a new life here, with you.... At last Judith smiles faintly. I can't deny myself the opportunity, Trask says. If you knew the hours I've spent in prayer and contemplation! I know, she assures him. We could marry, he says, but you haven’t said-- Yes? Judith finishes. Is that what I haven’t said?. Then I must say it. I will marry you. It will be an understanding between us--and after a proper period of time, we'll announce it. Undoubtedly overjoyed at his stunning success, Trask says, We can't worry about what others think. Do as your conscience guides you, and you will not offend Leviticus. Judith still hesitates, so Trask presses her again. I know you are thinking of Edward and Quentin, he says, but don't you owe yourself happiness? Yes, she says, but we must be cautious. We are being so, Trask insists. We're living according to a _spiritual_ need for each other. We must marry today, before someone comes between us--because they will try, he warns her passionately. Oh, no, Judith exclaims. Your brothers will not be happy about our union, Trask observes. They are too used to this home you have made for them. Do you trust me? Completely, she says. Then come with me now, he urges her, and when we return we will be man and wife, united by God. I can't be married this way, Judith protests. You don't trust my judgment, Trask says, acting crestfallen. Yes, I do, Judith assures him. If you did, he says, you'd come with me. It can't happen this way, Judith repeats. It will be such a shock to everyone! They will learn to accept it, he says smoothly. And as for the people who talk, we won't hear them, for we shall be together. He takes both her hands and kisses them. As they embrace rather distantly, he enthuses, Oh, Judith, he says, the impermanence of life! We've seen so many examples of it lately! Dare we waste this hour? No, she replies, convinced at last. He smiles. Come, let's go into the village now, he says. Yes, Gregory, she agrees. They leave the house.

Nice touch when Barn awakens for the night: In the evening, Barnabas waits outside the cave for Magda. The wind is blowing hard. Although he cannot perceive wind or rain, he enters the cave, pacing its close confines. He and Magda have an interesting conversation about the hand, its provenance, and its possible uses.

Not only does Barn dare Evan to touch the hand, he dares him to do it after taking off his protective cross. Barn must have a lot of faith in Magda's powers, since he leaves the cave when Evan is about to behold the hand.

In the foyer at Collinwood, Judith gazes down at her wide gold wedding band almost as if it were on another woman’s hand. I can’t believe it, she tells her newly wedded husband. You will, Trask assures her. It’s wrong to feel the way I do, Judith frets. You will become accustomed to happiness, Trask promises her. As they enter the drawing room, Trask gazes around with satisfaction. Already proprietary, he comments, We must make some changes in this room, get rid of its frivolous air. You don’t want anyone to think us frivolous. Judith says faintly, Many of the things in here are family keepsakes. Trask backpedals and says, We won’t make changes quickly. Did we do the right thing? Judith asks a little fearfully. Of course, Trask assures her, adding, I know you’re afraid of the family. I am afraid, she admits--of how the family will react. Leave everything to me, Trask suggests, giving her another distant embrace. You are going to be a proper wife. Suddenly Judith, who is facing the windows, gives a little scream as she sees something over Trask’s shoulder. Minerva! I saw her! she shrieks, but Trask sees nothing.

Evan has opened the casket containing the hand. He watches in amazement as the hand slowly rises from the box of its own free will--and reaches straight for him. He screams as it covers his face, then he falls to the ground. Magda watches helplessly, her own face twisted into a mask of horror. She covers her mouth with her hand to stifle the scream that is about to burst from her. Barnabas hurries back in. Magda points to the recumbent figure with horror. He’s dead! she cries. I know it! We can’t take the chance of using the hand on Quentin, Barnabas insists. No, she agrees. She looks into the casket and sees that the hand has returned, its ghastly work done. Barnabas takes a lantern and holds it over Evan’s face. My god! Barnabas breathes. The clothes prove that it’s Evan Hanley, but his face is disfigured beyond recognition....

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0783
« on: September 05, 2014, 08:37:56 PM »
Thanks, MT!

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0783
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:26:33 PM »
Barnabas hypnotizes Nora into forgetting him in the gentlest way possible. He must feel that somehow Sarah is watching him. (I know, I know, sentimental!)

Is that how "Azhden" is spelled??

I also love the cave, MT. Your crumpled-black-paper hypothesis works for me. The overwhelmingly green interior sets are a bit tacky, but I've always loved the trees, which look very real and beautifully made.

I guess now that Barnabas is safe in his bat cave, he can afford not to have Charity as a host. I'm sure he had fun fooling her father, but even Barn now realizes that Worthington Hall is too hot to hold him--although of course the end of the ep. tells us that he realizes this much too late. His motives for trying out the hand on Charity seem highly questionable to me.

Everyone in the Collins universe should realize that letting any character played by HAA get the last word is never a good idea. Barnabas has had to return to the cave and is opening his coffin when he hears a sudden noise. Magda? he calls, then exclaims, It is you! he exclaims. Before him stands Evan Hanley. He is wearing a large gold cross on a chain around his neck, and he holds the cross in front of him. Good evening, Mr. Collins! he says with taunting politeness. Or should I say, Good morning?

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0782
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:07:42 PM »
Bitey bitey indeed! There's plenty of garlic in HoDS, but that wasn't being filmed yet.

And you're right about "outsmart," MT. According to Merriam Webster on line, the first known use was in 1924. Maybe Edward has done some private time traveling.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0782
« on: September 03, 2014, 05:32:06 PM »
A bravura performance by NB!

Edward sees the bite marks on Charity's neck. She admits that she's under Barnabas's power. Reluctantly Charity admits that Barnabas sent her. Why? demands Edward. I can't tell you that, she wails. He'll kill me! I promise he will never get near you again, Edward vows. I feel so ashamed, Charity moans. It's been so degrading for me! Don't blame yourself, Edward tells her--you couldn't help it. I feel I should have been strong enough to resist him, Charity wails. I've gone against everything my father ever taught me. I can never face him again! She bursts into sobs. Holding her rather awkwardly, Edward comforts her, assuring her that everything will be all right. No, I'll never be the same again, Charity wails. I’ll never live through the humiliation of it all! Edward repeats, I must know why he sent you here. Charity manages to look both innocent and cunning as her eyes dart back and forth. She replies, I don't know. I find that odd, Edward comments. He makes me do things against my will, Charity says in her most helpless, childlike voice. And I don't even know why I'm doing them! It's all so terrible, she says, wrapping her arms around him. Mr. Collins, you must help me--please! Edward agrees to help her and says, I'm taking you to your father, at once. He helps her up the stairs. [He seems to have forgotten all about poor Carl.]

The clock in Charity's room has very 20th-century glow-in-the-dark hands. (Charity's room, with its green walls and fake Delft tiles around the fireplace, is a dead ringer for Vicki's room at the Old House in 1795.) Barnabas is waiting anxiously for Charity when he hears someone coming. As he ducks behind the window drapes, we can see that it's Nora. Not finding Charity, she sits to wait for her.

My own daughter, in league with the devil's agent! exclaims the shocked Gregory Trask. He, his daughter and Edward are in the dining room at Worthington Hall. [Has Trask forgotten she was discovered with fang marks a few weeks ago?] Charity pleads that she was weak, that she fell into the path of temptation and that her father is the only one who can save her. rask agrees condescendingly. Yes, Charity, he says, I will help you. Raising her to her feet, he tells her, But you must also help us. I promise to do anything I can, she says. Where is Barnabas? he asks promptly. Charity says she doesn't know--he summoned her to meet him in the woods, but she can't remember why. Annoyed, Trask glances at Edward, then asks his daughter, How can you have forgotten something that happened just a few hours ago? He has that power, to make one forget, Charity replies as she rubs the little black bag between her hands. Trask asks, What did Barnabas send you to get in the Old House basement? And stop playing with the purse! he barks angrily. I want an answer. It's no use, Charity replies. He's made me forget. Edward points out, If Barnabas sent you to get something for him, he'll have to communicate with you before dawn, so the next move is up to Barnabas. All we must do is stay by Charity and be ready for his appearance. Edward brandishes the pistol in triumph. Charity, who has played her part to the utmost to protect Barnabas, is privately horrified.

The mantel clock in Charity's room still reads 5:20. Still hiding behind the curtain, Barnabas peeks out at Nora, who is just sitting there quietly. Charity’s little room resembles the Crowded Stateroom Scene when she, her father and Edward join Nora. Trask asks Nora why she’s there. Having already lost her favorite teacher, Nora is worried about Charity. You look sick, she says, but Charity assures her she's fine. Edward takes Nora back to her room. Trask asks _his_ daughter, Are you frightened? Not as long as you’re here with me, she replies. Pray now, he urges her. Pray for the deliverance of your soul.

At last Charity puts the bag on her dresser and dutifully kneels--then bends her head forward and stifles a gasp with her hand as she spots Barnabas behind the curtain, only a foot or two away from her. He puts a warning finger to his lips. She is dismayed when her father announces that he's going to wait with her for the vampire--it's nearly dawn now. Charity says she wants to pray again--with the Book of Meditations that was her mother's favorite--and she wants it NOW. Trask suspects that she wants to get rid of him. He's trying to communicate with you, isn't he? No, Charity replies innocently. Barnabas can't come to you, Trask says, so he's trying to urge you to come to him! Behind the curtains, Barnabas looks perturbed. Charity says, I'm not going to leave, I promise. You have not been able to free yourself! Trask thunders. You are still under his spell! Get down on your knees and pray again for your deliverance! I shall pray with you. They both kneel--and suddenly hear a scream. [DS Wiki has a great frame grab of NB and JL kneeling together!] They both quickly rise. Edward rushes in and reports, I was sitting beside Nora on her bed. Her window was open. A large bat appeared outside, terrifying the poor child! Trask declares, A bat! The vampire is nearby. We only have a few moments to find him! He and Edward race off, leaving Charity alone in her room. Charity shuts the door and leans against it in relief, then smiles as Barnabas emerges. He opens the bag and lets the earth run through his fingers.

The clock on Charity’s mantel _still_ reads 5:20. But maybe it’s exactly twelve hours later. Trask looks with satisfaction at the large cross he has affixed to the window frame. He orders Charity to stay in her room. There are garlic flowers on the door, so he's sure Barn can't get to her. [Presumably the garlic flowers are on the outside, since we can’t see them. Strangely, this is the first time since Barnabas’s arrival way back in Ep. 211 that anyone in the Collinwood universe has mentioned garlic as a vampire deterrent.] Charity asks, Will you stay with me? No, he replies. It's nearly time for evening devotions. I will pray for you to be forgiven. Thank you, Father, she says meekly. Trask adds, I suggest that you also hold a small cross in your hand as an extra precaution. He goes to look for one in her purse, which he saw on her dresser this morning--but now it's gone. What did you do with your purse? he asks. I must have put it away somewhere, she says. Go do what you must do--I'll find it. Finally he leaves, and Charity locks the door behind him. She shuts her eyes in relief at having cleared yet another hurdle.

In the dining room, Nora asks her father why Charity has been in her room all day, when she isn't sick. He promises to ask Trask about letting her see Charity and chases her off just as Trask arrives. Edward reports that the coffin behind the bookcase hasn't been disturbed. Then we know Barnabas didn't spend the day there, says Trask. Yes, Edward agrees, but that's all we know. I have a feeling he's outsmarted us. I don't know how, but it's obvious his powers are more formidable than we thought. Trask assures him, Barnabas' days are numbered. What concerns me most right now is the possibility that someone else might learn this dreadful secret, Edward frets, and my family's reputation will be ruined. Trask agrees solemnly, The Collins name must be protected. Edward remarks, It will be dark in another hour. We will have another opportunity to get him. We must make the most of it!

At dusk, Barn calls to Charity from-- somewhere and commands her to remove the cross. With delighted anticipation, she takes down the cross. The instant she shuts it in a dresser drawer, Barnabas appears. Hurrying toward him with relief, she confides, I thought about you all day. There was so little time before the dawn. I was so afraid for you! I didn't know if you had found safety or perished. [Actually, she would have been released from his spell, but the suspense makes this scene all the steamier.] I am safe now, thanks to you, he says with an approving smile. I have pleased you? she asks, overjoyed. Very much, he replies. It's too dangerous for you to come back here, Charity warns him. Your father believed it would be impossible for me to come back here, Barnabas replies, but he has underestimated my powers. You must not stay long, Charity warns him again. You must make other plans, find a permanent hiding place, and then take me there with you. I want to be with you, she pleads as she moves her shawl aside from her white throat. All I want is to be with you forever! This is more than enough inducement for Barnabas to sink his fangs into her compliant neck--but just then Nora opens the door (even though Charity had locked it!) and is rooted to the spot in shock....

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« on: September 02, 2014, 09:33:23 PM »
I think that like Barnabas, the crate with the melted candle has moved throught time and space. I first remember seeing it when David is in the fishing shack and nearly gets incinerated with his mother. Then it was in the fishing shack in 1795/6. I'm sure I've missed a few instances, and I'm sure we'll see it again.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:33:03 PM »
I LOVE the idea of Barn throwing things at the cross, but I guess some viewers might have taken that as sacrilege. It would have been smart of Edward and Trask to chain the cross down, but it's simply resting on top of the lid, at least in the DS Wiki frame grab. And of course Magda could have removed the cross (unless Edward and Trask used epoxy) and taken bolt cutters to the chains, but that would put a serious crimp in the plot developments in the next few eps.

I guess writers had to get Magda permanently on Barn's side somehow. But by having Barn bite Sandor way back when, they (the writers) started painting themselves into a corner and now they have to get out of it.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:47:58 PM »
Are you getting nervous, Mr. Collins? Trask inquires hopefully. Barnabas replies, This is your moment. You might as well make the most of it. But we will meet again, _Mister_ Trask, and I will deal with you then as I dealt with your ancestor before you. [This is the closest he ever gets to confessing!] Then he vanishes before Trask’s astonished eyes. Hardly able to believe what he’s just seen, Trask whirls around as if looking for Barnabas. He declares, I was right! You _are_ a disciple of the devil! But I know your secret now, Barnabas Collins! he gloats. I know you are vulnerable during the daytime, and I will destroy you!

Barnabas can surely hear him, because he has rematerialized behind the bookcase (though his cloak is now on the coat tree near the door). He is climbing into his coffin--just on the other side of the wall from his enemy!

Edward phones the police to tell them about Carl's death. Edward shows no trace of emotion except when he says irritably that his brother (Q.) has been no help at all. Trask walks into the house without even knocking, and Edward chides him for going to the Old House. Trask is bursting with the news that Barnabas is the vampire! Edward can't believe this of a Collins, but Trask reports his first-hand experience. I believe you, Edward says after a moment’s thought--perhaps he remembers how close he and Barnabas have become, even if Barnabas had to make up a back story out of whole cloth. Edward continues, A great many things are beginning to make sense now. It's imperative to find and destroy Barnabas Collins, Trask insists. It won't be easy to find him, Edward points out. I believe we'll find his coffin at the Old House, Trask says confidently. No, Edward says and points out, Now that he knows he's been exposed, he wouldn't leave it there. He was there until dawn, says Trask, and couldn't possibly have moved it since then. [Trask makes no mention of the marks he saw on Charity’s throat. Probably he connects that evidence too but may be too mortified to admit that his own daughter has been debauched by a vampire.] I think we should send the police to the Old House, Trask urges. That’s impossible, Edward declares. At last he reveals emotion as he declares, For the sake of this family's peace of mind, no one else must ever know this terrible secret! We must go to the Old House now and do what must be done. Accordingly they depart, presumably leaving poor Carl still lying dead on the drawing-room floor.

Just as his father did with Victoria in 1795, Trask shows what a bully he is when he threatens and then slaps Magda, trying to get her to show him and Edward Barnabas's coffin. When she refuses, he promises that she'll burn in hell. Drawing herself up, she warns him coldly, You have made a mistake, mixing yourself up with the Almighty. I will remember this. There is an old gypsy saying: Walk fast, and misfortune will overtake you; walk slow, and misfortune will _catch_ you. You’d better not walk slow--because I will never be far behind you.

Later, at Collinwood, Trask is poring over the architectural plans of the OH when Edward returns with six silver bullets that he had "old" Braithwaite (presumably the father of "old" Ezra of 1969) make. Trask says he's found four possible hiding places for the coffin and says they'll start with the one behind the bookcase. (But Gregory Trask never discovers where Barnabas sealed up his father.)

That evening, Barn emerges from behind the bookcase to find Magda waiting--and now eager to help him. I find your sympathy somewhat disturbing, Barnabas observes. Why aren’t you helping Edward and Trask? After all, you have something to gain if I am destroyed: Your Sandor will be free again. I would rather help you than that _Meester_ Trask, Magda snarls. He's an animal! We can't stand here talking, we have to get you out. But before they can do anything, they hear a knock at the door. I'll get myself out, Barnabas says. Stall them as long as you can. Where will you go? Magda asks. I will find you, he vows. Once again he slips behind the bookcase, leaving Magda to face Trask and Edward, who trains the gun on her. She watches helplessly as Trask--who knows exactly how to do it--operates the hidden lever, causing the bookcase to swing open. The coffin is still there, and the two men take a moment to gloat over their success. But in that moment, Magda runs out, as they discover when they turn to face the drawing room. The two aren't too disappointed, though--without the coffin, Barnabas can't exist.

Closing the bookcase, Trask asks Edward, Are you sure you don't want me to remain here with you? No, I've got this, Edward replies as he brandishes the pistol. (No doubt he is still hoping to keep it strictly a family affair.) I'll return at dawn, Trask promises and leaves. Edward sits down on the strange round purple settee and takes up his solitary vigil, pistol in hand.

Barnabas rematerializes behind the bookcase. Edward hears a sound and gets up to listen through the bookcase, but decides he imagined it. He resumes his vigil, still holding the pistol. Barnabas is dismayed when he sees that the coffin is chained shut. The chains would be a trifle to his unhuman strength--if he didn’t first have to deal with the large silver cross on the lid.

Charity is preparing for bed in her bright green room at Worthington Hall when Barnabas materializes. She's dismayed that he's at the school, but Barnabas tells her that's the last place her father will look for him. He has to use his vampire gaze to get her to do what he needs: She has to go to the Old House basement and get a little bit of earth for him to rest in, once he gets a new coffin. He promises to show her how to get into the OH without Edward's seeing her.

At 4:20 a.m., Edward is still on watch in the drawing room at the Old House. He paces the room, then sits on the sofa.

In the cellar, Charity--still wearing her nightgown under a shawl--scoops some earth into a little beaded black reticule that looks rather ornate for a reverend’s daughter. She straightens up--and promptly knocks over a crate with a candle on it. Edward hears the noise and calls out, Who’s there? Instead of sensibly running back the way she came, Charity freezes in panic. When she hears Edward coming down, she ducks into an alcove. Edward arrives and calls out, Come out of there! I can see your shadow! I have a gun--and I’m prepared to use it! He is amazed when Charity, looking terrified, emerges....

Current Talk '14 II / Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
« on: September 01, 2014, 08:43:33 PM »
Thanks, MB, for all your research! Now I remember there was a weird chronology, in terms of calendar years. Angelique and Julia's paths interesected three times. Only in the DS universe would this happen:

1967: First meeting for Julia, last meeting for Angelique

1897: Second meeting for both

1840: First meeting for Angelique, last meeting for Julia

And yes, we do need DS back on TV somewhere.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: 1890's storyline scene question.
« on: September 01, 2014, 03:54:54 PM »
Welcome, Vickis Ghost! I actually remember a scene like this happening in the 1840 portion of the show. I don't remember all the details, but I'm sure some of our more expert fans will have a more precise answer.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: September 01, 2014, 03:52:16 PM »
I finally saw the movie on TV and hated it. Rarely have I been so glad that I didn't pay money to see a film. Sorry, guys, but it was just awful.

Current Talk '14 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0780
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:57:40 PM »
Once again, I have to wonder who was responsible for the emphatic anti-clerical thread that runs throughout the series. Jerry Lacy is outstanding.