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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / ::)Re: Graduation Day
« on: June 25, 2002, 10:39:38 PM »

I just finished checking out all the graduation photos, very nice! Next best thing to being there. It prompted me to dig through a trunk and pull out my now yellowed with age, graduation yearbook, newspaper photo, and school newspaper which were stuck in there from 1982, and look at them once again. ProfStokes, at least you have a class name that you will remember 20 years from now and know what it means. My class name was Mahealanes, don't have a clue as to what it means!  ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Joe/Nathan Forbes
« on: June 25, 2002, 08:52:00 AM »

I like him better as Joe Haskell. He and Maggie make a good couple.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: How to Avoid the Dream Curse
« on: June 25, 2002, 06:30:35 AM »

Maybe a highly narcotic dream suppressant taken with a nightcap would help.  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 25, 2002, 06:06:42 AM »

I wonder how many here got this one!  I have only the vaguest recollection of the show, but I remember that when I was little I loved it!! :)

I remember "Have Gun Will Travel", my dad watched it a lot. My favorite was "Maverick", I have the Collector's Series. When I was 12, I had the biggest crush on Bart Maverick (Jack Kelly). I think he passed away in the 80s.

Enjoyed the tour, lots of great photos! I have never been to Seaview Terrace/Collinwood, so this was the next best thing to being there. I'm picturing myself there with Harry Johnson. I'm in paradise!  :-*

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Montage!!!
« on: June 24, 2002, 09:55:54 PM »
I checked it out. I also looked at some pics on my Cheryl's Craig Slocum Website. Yes, I do think Clarice Blackburn could pass for being Craig Slocum's Mom. That's funny! Never thought about it before.  :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: SLAP tomorrow!
« on: June 24, 2002, 09:30:45 PM »

I like what Vickie said to Cassandra, that she deserves a whole lot more than just a slap.  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Looking For A Detail Summary Of Shows
« on: June 24, 2002, 09:24:19 PM »
I have the Dark Shadows Program Guide. It has summaries of all 1225 episodes, cast list, and original production dates and air dates. I ordered it from Pomegranate Press. You can also go to the Dark Shadows Journal Online:

There is an Episode Guide, an illustrated guide to all five years of Dark Shadows. When you go to the website, look under "Main Pages".

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Weather Forcast
« on: June 24, 2002, 07:44:47 PM »
Yes, I remember the humidity in New York, glad we don't have that here, just the heat. I sure wish you could get here too! It's nice to meet people when they come to Las Vegas for a visit.  :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Today's Episodes.
« on: June 24, 2002, 08:47:37 AM »
Victoria's dream was one of the few that I really liked in the Dream Curse. I'm glad she finally told Cassandra what she thinks of her too, and having been in the past with her, Cassandra/Angelique should know she's not fooling her. Those memories don't fade.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Montage!!!
« on: June 24, 2002, 08:25:59 AM »

I appreciate whatever pics I come across of Craig Slocum, there's just not enough of him, hard to come by! Scout75, I will have to examine whether or not I think Clarice Blackburn and Craig Slocum look like Mother and son. I don't notice her that much because I am fixated on him. My favorite scene of theirs is the one where she accused him of stealing food from the kitchen. That was funny!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Weather Forcast
« on: June 24, 2002, 07:51:22 AM »

Teresa, usually by Halloween, it has cooled down in Las Vegas. From December to February, it can get down to the 30s even 20s. I remember ice in my pool, hard to imagine that now! Midnite, I know what you mean about it getting chilly at the Dark Shadows Festival, however, last year in New York, the central air was not working, and the main room was hot all weekend.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Hello everyone
« on: June 24, 2002, 07:24:03 AM »
Welcome and have fun on the board. I understand these things. When I saw Craig Slocum on Dark Shadows, it was love at first sight! I'm his devoted fan.  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Weather Forcast
« on: June 23, 2002, 08:09:15 PM »

There's usually a 20 to 30 degrees difference between here and there. My little girl's father lives in CA most of the time, we have on the central air here at night, and he says over there  it is in the 60's. It will be a break from the triple digits for me. I've been toasting in the sun here in Las Vegas since April, so I use a 4SPF Moisturizing Suntan Lotion. My daughter is bugging me to go out to the pool, so going out to toast some more today! Come over and we'll barbecue.  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Montage!!!
« on: June 23, 2002, 05:15:53 AM »

Always nice to see Craig again!  :-* Too bad I will miss the 2 eps with him on Friday 6/28, I will be at the Dark Shadows Festival, what a nice way to commemorate him all in one day. I watched the eps on my MPI tape already, so glad I have those! Looking forward to more pics of Craig Slocum on the montage. Like LarasBestBuddy said, he ain't bad!  :-*