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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The Divine Tongue :O
« on: January 13, 2005, 06:13:04 AM »
Grayson on the beach - in a bathing suit - lusting after Stacy Keach. I still blame Barnabas for pushing her to this low level....

Omg, Sandor! Lmaoooooo... ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The Divine Tongue :O
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:52:26 AM »
She's in it for about 5 minutes. I find her sequences so intriguing that I bought the commercial video on eBay just to have it. It was adapted from a novel by John Barth (I think?) that was popular on the lit crit scene in the Sixties, and someone was kind enough to send me the passages from the novel that were the other two scenes with G's character that were cut.

Is it too blunt for me to ask what the scenes were generally about (the ones that were cut)? Yes, my curiosity is dementedly insatiable...   :-[
Pleeeeaaassseee...I'll make you a Briscoe-popping out of a cake card, or something...   :-*

The most she ever really said about it in interviews, apart from her displeasure at the cuts, was something along the lines of "Nobody's gonna mistake me for some crazy dyke after they see THIS!" (I apologise for anybody who takes offense--GH was often brusquely anglo-saxon in the way she expressed herself).

Judith: {GASP}

P: Phhht...we prefer ECCENTRIC, darling. Honestly... ;)
Now enough of this *maudlin* talk. I have everything planned for the ceremony, food, whips, and the hall is just Deevine. Now let us discuss the detailssss... {Deep chuckle}

[Sorry, sorry... You just can't keep that woman down!  ;)  Sigh - LOL]  xo

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: The Divine Tongue :O
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:45:20 AM »
I'll give you a hug, Heather. Sorry, can't find an appropriate smiley, though there must be one somewhere.

Thanks Bette...sniff. Here's a smiley of her in that scene:  [cool9]  LOL general, I agree. Now I was startled at the Grayson scene at first, but overall I must admit that I liked it (wouldn't  that've been interesting on an adult version of DS - chuckle... Just kidding.) Only referring to her scene though--in case I wasn't clear about that before. I wrote that in the wee melancholy hours of the mourn, if ya can't tell (snort).

And yes MB...I think that   [9341]  is a bit beyond hugging (in fact, I always thought of that as the make-out smiley - LOL)

Well, here's a kind of enthusiastic-hug smiley:


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / The Divine Tongue :O
« on: January 12, 2005, 07:55:18 AM »
Hi again kids   >:D

Oh... J99 warned me and warned me and WARNED me, but I would_not listen...

I just caught glimpse of the infamous Grayson moment in "End Of The Road"    :o

My goofball reactions as I'm watching it for the first time:

Okay...beach scene...what the hell... throaty laugh - cute, okay, okay...

{eyes widening} Alright, bedroom in some seedy hotel...LOL...private lives or brief encounters...snort...funny...WHOA - what in the $#@%?!

Holy s***...yeah, I'd say he's in a hurry...

Grayson/Peggy  reasoning this oddball (snort) situation out...okay...groper backs off...

Whoa - where did her top go...jeeze, I'm gonna have to rewind that  a few times...oh...OH....dear...

Veddy Nice back though  ;D... cute freckles....oh, now the TONGUE...   [10]

Sweet goddess I'm scarred for life.  Steve, J99, Sandor...someone - hold me.  LOL

But seriously  :D  --  in a way that only someone like me can reason, I thought it was intriguing...  :-*  I got a kick outta the dialogue, and that I got to see a glimpse of her in something totally different from what I've seen thus far. Too bad most of the scenes she did for this were cut. {Sigh....damn them all LOL}   :'(   I don't know -- I think It'd be nice to have a compilation tape of the best clips from movies/shows, etc. that she was in... [happy1]

Wistful thinking in W PA,

Heather   [homework] (I just love that homework smiley...snort)

B: I'm sorry, Julia...
J: There's nothing to be embarassed about, Barnabas. Many men have this...problem. You'll be UP and about in no time, trust me.  {wink}



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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: DS EMMY awards prenominations
« on: January 12, 2005, 12:07:20 AM »
MB, I read a report from Mac Expo that Steve Jobs has developed a search engine capable of locating even the few RD fans out there in webland. When he said "insanely great," he meant it, emphasis on "insane"!

Gothick who is about to purchase his very first iBook... is the world ready???

LOL - Yeah...another Mac convert!  {wringing hands together}   :-*

Welcome to the board, Countess... too much is not enough, as far as Grayson is concerned.  >:D

-Heather (who, just for the record, voted in the prenominations as per DStoDA's instructions, of course) xo 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Favorite Music of Dark Shadows?
« on: January 11, 2005, 11:37:55 PM »
Well, this isn't on any of the Dark Shadows albums or anything, but I always got a demented thrill outta the various tunes featured on the Blue Whale being an interesting version of the Beatles "Michelle"   ;D

 LOL, J99... [91a2] 

Jean-Claude, it's not even our wedding night, and you're already fulfilling one of my most deeply cherished secret fantasies!

Keep. It. Up!!!!

 [13] [zzwhip]    [laughing_devil]

PSĀ  Heather, the filename of your capture stands for peanut butter and jelly.

I's a joke from a webpage/story I did a while back...

PB&J is my abbreviation for Peter Bradford/Jeff...    >:D


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Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0799
« on: January 09, 2005, 12:59:32 PM »
[Connie - you nut - LOL]

Aristede: I have a proposition to make, Mr. Shaw.

Tim: W-what? I...

Aristede: Oh come on, darlin'...over there, in the back room. NO one will hear us in there...

Tim: {gulp}

