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Messages - Miss_Winthrop

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: MUSICAL COFFINS
« on: August 28, 2002, 02:28:15 PM »

One my favs is the coffin with Angelique's preserved body in it where she comes back to life courtesy of the warmth of Alexis!  Remember how she suddenly opened her eyes...brrrr!  

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: August 28, 2002, 02:19:00 PM »
I availed myself of the free shipping from Amazon.Com for the DSII DVD so I went to the site on Aug. 27th and changed my pre-order status to 'placing the order'.  I received a return email from A.C. saying that it would be shipping on  Sept. 9th.

Maybe the delay from A.C. is to ship first to those who are paying for shipping and lastly to us who are getting the 'freebee' shipping.

This a.m. I received another email from A.C. advising me that the DVD has been released. ?!?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Angelique:appetite for destruction
« on: August 25, 2002, 06:50:51 PM »

I did feel a little sorry for Angelique in 1970PT as she lay dying in front of the fireplace.  But then I remember how she killed her sister Alexis, practically caused Maggie to have a nervous breakdown, William Loomis to jump to his death and on and on.

I too have to go with the Dell nerdy guy! First of all, I'm disgusted with my Dell PC and that probably adds to my dislike of the commercial.  The PC is as slow as a turtle and our company had a special that gave the employees a $500 credit if we bought one.  Well this generosity on the company's part ended up costing me $125 for the tax deducted out of my paycheck 2 months later.  Which brings up the question, when is a $500 credit not really a $500 dollar credit? ?!?

However, as annoying as Roger Davis is while in character, he is rather nice to look at.  ;)

I get the giggles every time I get over to this board and see the latest count on Roger hair touching.  It really seems like fun and not mean spirited at all. Nice job. ;D

As a matter of fact, Midnite and crew do an excellent job of maintaining this board and I like the little smileys all over the place.  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: TIME TURNS
« on: August 24, 2002, 05:08:59 AM »
Two actors in particular come to mind for me.  First Chris Pennock was pretty unconvincing in the beginning as the Leviathan but he just seemed to get better and better as the story line evolved.  I really began to appreciate him as Gabriel.

But the one actor who brought out the best in everyone was Dennis Patrick.  The man could act. He always seemed so well prepared and I don't recall ever seeing him looking at the teleprompter. Still, he could really 'ham' it up at times but I find that all the more endearing.  He had some terrific scenes with Roger, Liz, Barnabas and Willie.  I also like the confrontation he had with Carolyn when he caught her reading his diary.

« on: August 20, 2002, 03:22:10 PM »
I never had such feelings, fascination, and love for anyone! It's hard being in love with someone who is long gone.  :'( I have many Dark Shadows items, some rare and hard to come by, but the things I mentioned, will always be the most memorable.  :)

Your post has really touched my heart!  Although I'm a relative newbie to DS (been watching for more than 2 yrs now), the show has helped me get through my divorce and has helped to ease the loneliness of watching my two children finally fly from the nest making lives for themselves. Its been great having a focus, something to look forward to if you will.  My brother has been a fan since the show started in 1966 and now the continuing interest in the show has given us a shared joy to talk about and even bring us closer together.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 20, 2002, 02:56:12 PM »
For instance, how about Humbert Allen Astredo's screen test for the part of Prof. Dave Woodard on the 1991 DS series?

This is news to me about HAA!  Although I just couldn't force myself to get past episode 4 in the 1991 revival, if HAA had gotten the part of Woodward. it would've been enough to keep me interested.  How could they pass up someone like Humbert for whomever played him :(

Unfortunately, they selected so many wrong actors for the parts in the 1991 revival.  Ben Cross was all wrong for the part to start with! Argh, I really don't want to go here.  :-X  However, there were some bright spots in the casting, like Barbara Steele, the fellow who played the sheriff, the part of David and Roger. But, once Hollywood gets involved in anything, it usually ends up being too 'high gloss' and just about useless IMO.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: CURTAIN CALL
« on: August 17, 2002, 04:38:31 PM »


Another good one was when Barnabas hid behind the curtains in Charity Trask's room while waiting to sink his fangs into her. [fangs]

That was actually a very sexy scene for the late 60's on TV IMHO.  It was beautifully done.

Come to think of it, some of the scenes with BC ready to bite his victim were quite sexy. I'm also thinking of the scene with Buffie Harrington and the one with Vicki when she is wearing the yellow nightgown just to name a few.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Davis Has Many Fans...All Electric...
« on: August 17, 2002, 04:20:22 PM »
I actually had two occasions to talk (very briefly) with Roger Davis.  Two years ago at the Fest in LA, I bought a T-Shirt from him and had him sign it.  Later that day, he was walking through the hotel with a girl-friend or spouse(?) and he nodded at me in recognition.  Last year in NYC, I was on the elevator with him and he had apparently gotten off the on the wrong floor with his luggage and he hopped back on, I asked him what floor and pushed the button for him. He thanked me and then noticed the DS Fest book I was carrying and smiled at me. I have no idea why I even remember all these details so clearly.  Must be a female thing! ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: PAJAMA PARTY!!
« on: August 15, 2002, 02:52:48 PM »
Whew! Hubba, hubba.  I'm thinking the same thing   ;) (Miss Winthrop needs a cool shower to calm down).

I particularly like the flowery nightgown with matching robe she sometimes wore. I wonder what Barnabas wore to bed when he wasn't under the curse.  :P

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Harry's Hair
« on: August 15, 2002, 02:37:59 PM »
Here is my theory about why Harry's hair has the rooster comb look.  I think that both he and David Henesey decided to play a joke on everyone that day.  ;) If you will notice, both of them have a chunk of hair sticking up! It can't be a coincidence that both were having a bad hair day at the same time.  Perhaps they were poking fun at Barnabas because occasionally when he arose from the coffin, his hair would be sticking up in back.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: FANG IT UP!
« on: August 11, 2002, 03:31:18 PM »
1897 storyline...spoilers....

It would be great to see Minerva Trask as a vampire.   Although I loved seeing Judith extract her revenge on Gregory, Minerva somehow coming back as a vampire, after learning of Gregory's involvement and putting the bite on him...all the terror and denial in his eyes. :o

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows action figures
« on: August 11, 2002, 03:07:52 PM »
Well..I'd like a Barnabas doll with an assortment of changeable suits.  I particularly like him in the grey with a soft white shirt and blood red tie.  My next favorite would be the nice ensemble he was wearing when he practically killed Julia over the 'Sarah' issue. Dark color with matching vest. Of course, I want an Inverness cape and his silver cane and removable fangs to complete the look.  The jacket with tails he wore for the 1840 RT segment would be nice. The man looks so good in suits, tall, slender and handsome...sigh!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIDNITE!
« on: August 11, 2002, 02:55:13 PM »
Happy belated birthday Miss Midnite, moderator par excellance! ;D

I really enjoy your new site, wonderful job you're doing. Has Roger Davis really only touched his hair 70 times thus far?

She will always be my favorite actress from DS!  What an interesting lady she was outside of the show too.  I heard an interview of hers in which she displayed intelligence and wit and I found myself glued to every word.  It is sad that she died so young.  I can only imagine the contributions she would have made to DS fandom at the fests as the other poster had talked about. Fortunately for us, a lot of fans keep her memory alive by writing fan fiction.  So many writers seem to have captured her spirit so aptly.  

Some might say that we need to let DS go and move on.  But, why should we?  We care about the characters so much, I imagine it will be a life long passion for many of us.

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