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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Current Talk '02 II / Re: First Post/And a bit about me
« on: July 07, 2002, 08:14:26 AM »

Hi Dom, welcome! I was at the Las Vegas Dark Shadows Festival too. I live in Las Vegas. That was my first Fest. I started watching Dark Shadows in the 60s when I was a little girl, now my little girl watches it too. She'll be 6 years old next month. My Mom is a big fan of the show too. I used to watch it with her when I was younger than my daughter. It's incredible that Dark Shadows is still so popular after all these years. I remember watching it 34 years ago. I too have all the MPI videos. Those are sure great to have!  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Hunk alert!
« on: July 07, 2002, 07:52:57 AM »

I like the picture of Don Briscoe on the montage, but like the one to the right of him even better. Craig Slocum is the hunk for me! I like Don Briscoe best in the role of Chris Jennings. My daughter will be glad to see him because her fave is the werewolf. I find that amusing!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How do you get your DS fix?
« on: July 06, 2002, 04:40:32 AM »
I have the MPI videos, so I put on the next episode and watch it and the other episodes on the tape. I keep all the tapes with Craig Slocum's scenes, on top of the big screen. I never get enough of him!


Thanks for posting the great photos Midnite, and I'll just bet that Craig Slocum is sitting in that chair behind me in his spirit form!  :o ProfStokes always photographs so well, I love the one taken with Pluto, how cute! Wish I had known about the group photo, too bad I missed that. Next time!  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Favorite/Lease Favorite Names on DS?
« on: July 04, 2002, 04:51:49 AM »

Now there's a shocker!!!! What, not Harry?
;D And you might like "Ezra" better if Craig Slocum had played that part in 1897 instead of the actor who replaced him. Or maybe not? ?!?

I'm just not crazy about the name "Harry".  It's actually a nickname. It reminds me of Harold too much, the name it derived from. No, I still wouldn't like "Ezra" better even if Craig Slocum had played the role, I find the name unappealing.


I hate those dates, my daughter's birthday is August 7th, just the day before the Dark Shadows Festival.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Favorite/Lease Favorite Names on DS?
« on: July 04, 2002, 01:39:53 AM »

Here's my picks!

Favorite Male Name - Noah  ;)
Favorite Female Name - Millicent  :)
Least Favorite Male Name - Ezra  :(
Least Favorite Female Name - Bathia  :(

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DS Schedule Alert!
« on: July 03, 2002, 04:16:00 AM »

I hope everyone has a terrific 4th too. The fireworks are always spectacular here in Las Vegas. Last 4th of July, we got treated to fireworks displays and lightning from a summer storm all at once. I could handle a Twilight Zone marathon (I too have seen them 100 times probably) but would rather watch my Dark Shadows videos.  ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Some Sundry And Sordid Observations
« on: July 03, 2002, 04:06:45 AM »
Bob, I guess Nicholas is trying to outdo Lt. Forbes record for wearing the same outfit daily.  I keep waiting for Nicholas to show up one day dressed as the Joker from "Batman"!  ;D

That's funny! I thought of the Joker too. I could see him in that role.  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Just When YOu Thought It Was Safe......
« on: July 03, 2002, 03:40:09 AM »

Hi Minja, welcome back! I'm glad I got to meet you at the Fest, looking forward to your report. That's neat that you met David Selby. I had met him before, but this time, after having my pic taken with him, I actually got to sit at the table and talk to him for a couple of minutes. It's unusual to get to do that with any of them. You usually have to move right along, but no one else was waiting for an autograph at that rare moment. Glad you're back safe and sound Minja!  :)

Hi Everyone,

Here's what I have to report about the Dark Shadows Festival 2002, held at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, CA. I really liked the location, very nice place! I didn't go to Disneyland on Friday, I went out to the swimming pool and spent a relaxing time over there. It was a fun weekend, nice seeing the Dark Shadows stars, and my friends again, plus meeting new people. I met Minja, Julia99, Teresa, Midnite, Henry, and others who I can't remember their names, sorry! ProfStokes was the first person I met up with, and later on, Bobubas. Good to see you again! I bought some neat stuff from the dealers' room. I'm wearing a t-shirt I bought. I talked with Jay Nass who sells Dark Shadows Photos. He was one of those lucky fans who went to the studio while Dark Shadows was being filmed, and took lots of great photos, and got autographs, including Craig Slocum's. I have photos that I bought from him. He told me about the times he saw Craig at the studio. I enjoyed hearing about it. At the Festival, I was lucky to get autographs and pics taken with all the Dark Shadows stars in attendance. I don't have my pics yet, but will update my Cheryl's Dark Shadows Website soon, and you all can see them there, hopefully the pics will turn out good! Some of the stars who were scheduled to attend, were unable to be there. Lara Parker's son got married on the weekend, so she of course was at the wedding instead. It was announced that Diana Millay couldn't attend because of weather conditions in New York. Her plane was struck by lightning while still on the ground (luckily), so that fouled up her travel plans, glad she is okay! It was nice to see Kathryn Leigh Scott, Marie Wallace, Roger Davis, David Selby, John Karlen, Christopher Pennock, and Dennis Patrick again, and also meeting Robert Rodan for the first time. I am not good at remembering things in detail, so I will just share what I liked most. Friday 6/28 - My Favorite DS Bloopers with Kathryn Leigh Scott, The Best Of Willie Loomis with John Karlen, Sat. 6/29 - Remembering Louis Edmonds, Guests: Roger Davis, Jeanne Avery, David Selby, DS Cast Reunion, Sun. 6/30 - DS Fan Videos (these were hilarious!), DS 35th Anniversary Tribute video with Dan Curtis & Cast, DS Video Vault (I provided a video of a film of Craig Slocum's called, "Is This Love?" (1957) he was 17 years old), Guests: Robert Rodan, Chris Pennock, Marie Wallace, Dennis Patrick, DS Dramatic Showcase with John Karlen and Kathryn Leigh Scott. I lucked out in the autograph sessions, I got em all and didn't have to wait in long lines, can't wait to see and share the pics! The Banquet With The Stars on Sunday evening was a delicious dinner, door prizes, videos, and a nice farewell. There was no star at my table, but I sat with ProfStokes, which was nice. Midnite was at the table behind us. On Sunday morning, Richard Halpern of the Collinsport Players was on stage and asked the fans who were wearing special t- shirts to go up so everyone could see them. I wore Craig Slocum t-shirts all weekend, special shirts that I had made for the Festival, so I went up and showed off the one I was wearing of Craig as Harry Johnson. I don't remember what Richard Halpern said other than something about Craig Slocum as Harry Johnson. I was laughing so hard. I never thought I would ever go on stage! Midnite snapped a picture of it. That was my moment of fame with Craig Slocum at the Dark Shadows Festival. He lives on in memory! It was a fun weekend but went by so quick as always. I plan on and hope to make it to New York next year, and I hope that those of you who didn't get to go can make it there next year as well. I had a great time. I'm looking forward to reading others reports too and seeing their pics!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 26, 2002, 06:23:55 AM »

It's been a number of years since Jack Kelly passed away. I remember my Mom telling me she heard about it on the news, she knew I liked him so much.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Flubbing common?
« on: June 25, 2002, 11:24:34 PM »

LOL, I just bet Mrs. Johnson was tougher than her. My money would be on her!  8)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Nicknames for the actors/actresses
« on: June 25, 2002, 11:16:46 PM »

I don't know of any official nicknames for Craig Slocum. I like to refer to him as Cute Craig, note my avatar.  ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "just gives me the willies"
« on: June 25, 2002, 11:02:00 PM »

Yes, and better off to have a job there too! Jason McGuire would be impressed.  ;D