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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Haha, G.  I knew that it wasn't because he had a regrowth!   [snow_cheesy]  Thanks for making that clearer. 

The campaign for this movie is very good.  It has mainstream press coverage, something I doubt Shadows will get until the weeks directly leading up to the release. 

This is the translated synopsis from the French version of Wikipedia, which was just updated today...

This film chronicles the misadventures of the Collins family fantasy, living in the vast and sinister mansion Collinwood, and one of whose leading members is the dreaded vampire Barnabas.

Angelique Bouchard, his servant also a witch, is in love. Revenge, because if last the regrowth, it made him a vampire and buried alive. Two hundred years later, in 1972, Barnabas is freed from his tomb and try to find Angelique. Transformed, it has become a formidable businesswoman. The vampire is going to get used to his new life in the house where he had lived 200 years earlier, and whose inhabitants are Elizabeth and Roger Collins and their children as well as the mysterious Victoria Winters. But Barnabas will meet with the doctor in the house: Julia. She only knows where Angelique. The vampire reveals his history, and nature and asks for help. Julia will be his faithful accomplice and under the eye of Collins, it will do everything to help him find Angelique so he can take revenge ...

is interesting.

It should also be noted that Sir Christopher Lee is not listed as playing Billy Malloy, but rather the cemetery's caretaker.  So who knows how much of this is accurate.  But it is an interesting take...

New cover art for FMOFL...  Definitely liked the first art better...  (Though this one is pretty cool too.)

This is more film accurate, though.  And it does answer the fang question. 

also do we feel comfortable that there is no "old house" and b is living at collinwood proper? we haven't heard anything about it.

If the family doesn't know his secret, I can see him staying in either the west or east wing.  If they do, well... they're just gonna have him hang out in the basement.

I'd prefer an Old House, but I can see them ditching it for the movie.  So long as Josette has a room, I will be content. 

Illustrated Depp as Barnabas cover,for issue 34 of Horror Hound magazine, on twitter:

That's Fridepp!    [snow_cheesy]  Cool!  A Tim Burton interview is on its way...

and i'm not really seeing the connection between whether the film is a comedy or not and the production values of the sets and costuming. [snow_huh]

Maybe it's just me, but I think the loyalty to the original look, especially for Barnabas, Julia, and Roger and the fact that Burton's team scouted Seaview tells us that they are trying to keep the look of the show true to original form.  They could have gone with radical new designs for these characters, but they chose not to.  HBC's wig, Depp's bangs...  All original elements that are instantly recognizable.  If Burton was going to deviate in tone there would be no reason to be so strict to the original look of the characters - unless it was a downright parody.  If he wanted to create a new tone for the movie, why be so slavish to the original look?  He could just make his own new look to go along with the new tone...  That's how I see it anyway. 

Since March, Burton has stated that he has been wanting to get the tone "right".  That doesn't indicate to me that he is creating a new (different) tone (a la overall comic tone).  That indicates he is trying to set a tone in a similar way to how he designed the looks of the characters and of the sets - a tone that would reflect the look of the film.  I don't really see an out and out comedy doing that, as it deviates from the look.  If it's a parody, I get it.  If it's not, I don't see a point to recreating the original look and then not recreating something akin to the original tone. 

Almost everything we have been told about these trailers would seem to contradict that.  And yet I can't help but remember exactly what MB brought up about what KLS, LP, and JP said at Comic Con...    Plus, we have been told it's a horror film, that the comedic elements are all based around Barnabas and his transition to his new life.

Which leads into this...
That they've done that, and are making a goofy love letter to the original show, without any kind of slavish fanboy loyalty, is kind of what excites me.

I agree 100 percent.  I just hope that it doesn't end up being an outright comedy, that it balances the comic with the dramatic, and that it holds true to what we can all recognize as being Dark Shadows.

And I think we can all agree with MB that the part of the trailer description that deals with Josette is on par with what we are hoping for...  This kind of description has me thrilled.  I just don't want the comedy and "light raunchiness" to detract from that - which is why these trailer descriptions bother me.  But, as has been said before, they may not be reflections of the final product... or even legitimate reflections of the final movie at all. 

Then again, my optimism could be leading me towards disappointment.  The finalized promotional materials will definitely help me in coming to a better conclusion though. 

You're absolutely right. But, I guess I am expecting less attention to the traditional elements of costume and set if this is going to be a huge diversion.  A good chunk of the cast looks like they walked right out of the original series (with certain updates).  If this is a parody, I get it.  If the attention is to mock those looks, it's one thing.  But I don't think any of us were thinking that was the case after seeing the cast photo.  If Burton is going for his own radical spin (that's not parody), I'd think that would extend to set design and costume.  I can't see him staying so true to those elements and then turning the movie into a comedy.   

They actually went to Seaview to photograph and survey for goodness sake.  I can't imagine Tim Burton's crew going to all that trouble just so he could have a script that diverts from the original tone.  But who knows?  Maybe the beauty of the original series is only skin deep for Burton and Co...  Time will tell.

If what we're being told about these trailers is true, and I'm hoping it isn't, this has to be a parody. Nothing of what has been reported has the feel of the original IMHO. We won't know until we see the trailer.

You're right.  It sounds that way based on this info.  But taking into consideration what others have told us (That it isn't), I am hoping it turns out to be very different from this purported trailer.  So, yes, we will see what the final trailer looks like and what the final film looks like.  I am really hoping for something true to the original...  maybe against the odds.   [snow_sad]

"Young Frankenstein" had great sets and costumes, it even has some of the original labs props, and it was completely out of line from the original Universal Frankenstein.

That was meant to be a parody from the beginning, borgosi.  We have been told this is not.

Yeah, they don't allocate budgets to how serious a movie is.

Yes, because that is clearly what I meant...

What I was saying is that I find it hard to believe that Burton and Co. would go to such lengths to recreate the look of the original and then not recreate the feel.  It's possible.  We'll see.

Thanks for that, MB! Fantastic!  Like I said, the sets and costumes are stunning, which is why I have my doubts that they would allow a script that was so out of line with the original series.  But, time will tell...   [snow_smiley]

Just watched episode 214.  Barnabas has quite a fitting line that ties into the current situation. 

"Nothing that ever happened here was... funny."   [snow_cheesy]

Thought that was appropriate for the discussion at hand.   [snow_wink]   And, MB, btw, great new background!

Of course, Nancy.  That being said, I respect LP and KLS a great deal, but I know how financial matters can sometimes sway opinions.  Note, I don't necessarily believe this is the case here.  It's just that I want comment from Frid and Selby who are coming from a more neutral position. 

And, yes, MB.  My feelings exactly.  And I think that we do a great job of it here.  When we get positive news, everyone is happy.  When we hear negative rumors, people get worried.  So it all balances out in the end.  Nonetheless, we all love Dark Shadows and have become accustomed to a specific presentation of it.  I am sure that everyone has the best interest of DS in mind when they post - even negative responses.  It's something very near and dear to us.  If it weren't, we wouldn't be so active in our discussions.  That being said, however, the only real indicator we have to judge the film will be the final cut.  And, until then, it's a grand journey of speculative ups and downs, all of which I am enjoying thoroughly (some more than others  [snow_wink]).   

CB, I am surprised at your statement here because I usually agree with everything you post. [snow_huh] So I have to ask you: Why is KLS and LP's opinion less valid than Selby and Frid who have not commented any more on the film?  Why not accept a stated opinion but feel the unstated one might be more true?  Maybe they want fans to decide for themselves on the film.  I find it difficult to believe that any of them would be in a film that would make them, and what they are known for, look silly or idiotic.  I know each of these actors enough to know they would have questions before agreeing to do a cameo.  There isn't big money in doing cameos and going to the trouble of flying to England for a small check, AND to be in a lousy movie, doesn't make any sense at all.

That is very true.  But for me it comes down to a matter of finances.  I don't see Frid or Selby profiting from the film like I see KLS and LP.  Both have books to sell, and the new movie will boost those sales, thus I am "suspicious" of their statements, because I see the other motive here.  Though I am sure that neither KLS nor LP would support a film that they thought was terrible, they stand to gain from it.  That is why I am interested in hearing from the other two original actors, who may be more objective on the matter.   

and this conversation is starting to get hysterical.

michael c, we are a bunch of Grayson-loving folks.  Of course we are going to break into Julia hysterics.  We have not seen any official publicity (and are two months away from release) and we are being taunted by rumors.  We need sedatives... badly.  And the only one who can provide them is Warner Bros.   

As for the descriptions of the new trailer, they could be completely true or they could be complete fabrications - but even if they are true, as I said before, that in no way means that humor is all there is to the film... Plus there's also the possibility that Warner Brothers will release several trailers - ones emphasizing the humor in the film and others emphasizing other aspects of the film. But whatever develops down the road, right now the main issue is that none of us have actually seen any trailer for ourselves to judge it for ourselves.... If and when we do, that could possibly make a big difference in how we interpret the situations.

All very true.  And I definitely agree.  But it's just too hard not to speculate about this.  It's fascinating, and if true and an actual reflection of the film, it's gonna be one heck of a ride!  And I don't know how I feel about it...   [snow_wink]

That's an interesting tidbit about Cross, VictoriaWinters1991.  When did he say this?

I take comfort in knowing that I am not the only one feeling the need to be consoled after thinking about this.

BUT, KLS said she read the script... so I assumed the others had seen it as well.