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Messages - Birdie

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Games / Re: Zany Music Box Melodies
« on: March 22, 2002, 05:53:58 PM »
Julia to Barnabas "Hopelessly Devoted to You'.


Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: March 22, 2002, 05:48:12 PM »
Neither do my son 20 and daughter 18.  Somethings just never change.  Yes, I have children that old.  Scary huh.  


I don't know but a trip to Boston or Newport doesn't sound like a hardship to me for the actors.  I am sure there are things in those areas they might like to visit or revisit and combining things.  The actors a great deal of time bring their families and it might be nice to show them a different place.

The DisneyWorld thing sounded fun too.  I might even get my family to want to go again if it was there.  Actually, we will be visiting that mouse the end of May.  A last hurrah for the family.  We think the older two children won't want to vacation with the rest of us much longer.  Of course, it might be a joke on us and they will want to go with us until they are our age.  


Current Talk '02 I / Wow---Great episodes today!
« on: March 21, 2002, 07:35:33 AM »
It is a late night for me and I just finished watching todays episodes.  I never saw them on the original run.  I loved them.  It was just a bit disappointing to see the shadow of the string when the bat did his dirty deed.  Angie was great delievering her curse.  When I was watching her tonight she kind of reminded me of Kim Novak in Bell, Book and Candle.  Mr Frid wa in top form,  I am very tired and hope this makes since.  

Went out for a family dinner--in a snow storm.  I won't blame my ramblings on the wine we drank.  On a Wednesday night!  

Birdie--who's brother in law kept pouring more wine into her glass.  

Current Talk '02 I / Re: How Hairlarious!
« on: March 21, 2002, 07:27:47 AM »
How lucky for you to have seen the play.  I would have loved to see A&O.L. with Mr. Frid.   I have always loved the old movie with Cary Grant.  

My dad was very lucky he had a full head of hair until he passed away at 75.  He didn't even gray until he was 70.  My poor brother on the other hand starting losing his hair when he was l9.  We were told it is a gene from the mother's side of the family.

I know Mr. Frid has a good head of hair--but sometimes I wonder if they had him wear a hair piece to acheive a certian hair style.


I have only attended one fest, the one last summer.  Unfortuately I never connected with anyone who takes part in this forum.  I was with my sister, my daughter age 12, son 10, at the time, hubby and other daughter who breezed in and out.  For the most part I found the people in the lines for autographs to be very nice, easy to talk too.  We had nice conversations with these people.  We only ran into one couple who were a bit on the pushy side.  Cutting us in line, it didn't bother me. Everywhere you go you meet some people who are total jerks, just comes with living.  I tend to be a slightly over protective Mom and we felt very comfortable letting the kids leave the line and roam a bit.  I really didn't experience any poor manners.

On a funny note--some woman hit on my husband which my seventeen year old daughter thought was too funny. She is still laughing about it.  He isn't even a DS fan but a great sport to go to the fest and put up with me.


Another thought:  Ask the actors/stars what they would be interested in.  We want them to continue to want to take part.  


It sounds like you had a wonderful eveingin.  When I went to the fest last summer I was so impressed with what a truly wonderful gentleman Mr. Selby is.  Talk about meeting all the criteria for a girl/womans crush.  He is still gorgeous, genuine, and truly talented.

Glad you had a memorable time


Current Talk '02 I / Re: This Space for Rent
« on: March 19, 2002, 11:33:46 PM »
In agreement, Jonathan Frid is in top form in these episodes.  I also think he looks better in period clothing than the wardrobe they gave him for the 1967-1970.  

I wanted to slap Vicki when she started babbling about coming from the future.  Why didn't she claim amnegia?  

The calling the town Collinwood is not as bad as Morgan calling the house Collingwood.  That just about drove me insane.


I am with you Jennifer,  Boston or Newport.  Come to New England.  There is no way I could go to Ca. to the fest this year.  I am sure the fest could come up with all kinds of events given the area.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS hookers
« on: March 19, 2002, 10:40:29 PM »
I have that LP too.  Still have all my vinyl.  The posters sorry to say are long gone. sob.  The album still plays well, I think I mentioned I still have a turntable.  My kids are use to my oddities.  The ablums are stored in a old crate purchased at my favorite antique store and it sits in front of my cd/stero in the family room ;D  I never did get into the eight tracks.  

Funny at times I find my self humming Josettes theme lately.  Believe it or not I remembered all the words to Quentin's theme.  

Birdie--whos kids knows she is nuts

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS hookers
« on: March 18, 2002, 11:18:26 PM »
The first time around it was the Quentin ghost story.  My friends and I would race home to watch.  Even though it scared the daylights out of us.  I was totally hooked.  
It is funny I got rehooked when I started getting sci-fi on our cable.  My daughter was home sick from school and I saw DS listed so I thought I would share this crazy show with her.  She was about the  same age I was when  I started watching.  It was the 1897 story line.  I could not believe I could get so involved once again.  And I was having a great time with it.  

The last year and a half has been a tough one for our family and escaping to the world of DS has been a nice repeal from the stresses of daily living.

Thanks so much to Midnite and the MB for making this such a fun place.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DYNAMIC DUO
« on: March 18, 2002, 03:54:16 AM »
Wouldn't it be great to have an event in Newport!  Just a thought I had.  Maybe someone could put a bug in someone ear about it.

Birdie ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Jason McGuire
« on: March 18, 2002, 03:39:30 AM »
Tonight we also had Corn Beef and Cabbage.  The gray corn beef.  We end the nights festivities with a watching of the movie "The Quiet Man".

There were days when I went to the Irish bars, sang all the Irish songs, and drank a heck of a lot more.  [beer]

I've been a wild rover for many a day,,,,,,


Happy St. Patricks Day!  I shared my favorite Irish saying last year and will again this year.

Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, and Live each day as if it were your last.

Birdie--Irish Catholic--with a touch of Italian.  

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