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Messages - Brandon Collins

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 19, 2007, 04:45:33 AM »
S is for Studies...which Maggie and Vicki were always nagging David to go do.

Lethal injection would be my choice, or being shot in the head...rather than being hanged or beheaded.

I was watching some History Channel program the other day, and what I found quite interesting that I didn't know about hanging, was that hanging is intended to snap your neck and knock you unconscious, and once it does so, then you choke to death. That seems quite humane to me, but then again, your head can come clean off and you can also strangle to death while still conscious. I suppose nothings fullproof...

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:05:25 PM »
L is for the Lunar cycle.....which put the "Wolf" into Quentin and Chris.

Charles Ellis.....ITAWU!!! I can't stand the Sonny/Carly/Jason thing anymore! BOO! And Ric trying to bring down Sonny everytime they need a new storyline. It's getting about as old as Barnabas seeing Josette in every girl that walks in front of him (except Julia, of course).

And I recently read somewhere that GH is ripping off Grey's Anatomy with their new focus on the hospital, and I'll have to agree. I don't know why they infuse those one shot characters and their stories, getting the regular characters involved. Personally, I don't care because I don't care about those characters. BOO.

Maybe they should take a lesson from DCP and realize that the same thing over and over are no good. It's getting really rediculous that they keep doing the same things every two or three years.

The problem with soaps is this:

They run for so long that they inevitably repeat the same storylines over and over again. I mean, there's only so many people who can have a drug addiction, become a stripper, have a miscarriage, have an abortion, be gay, cheat on their husband, murder someone, etc etc. It gets tiring after a whiile. I mean, sure, you could say that soaps run on these same storylines but that the characters are different and their reactions are different. But pretty soon, those become predictable too.

Look at GH currently. Like RaineyPark said, how many times can we watch Sonny marry Carly? I'm GLAD they're apart, and I WANT them to stay THAT WAY. It's quite tiring watching all that. Right now my favorite parts of the show are Sam, Lucky/Liz/Maxie, and sometimes Dillon/Georgie/Lulu, but even that's getting a little tired. I'm also liking this whole Nikolas' kid getting kidnapped.

But I suppose in 20 years, if the show is still on and I'm still watching it, I'll grow tired of seeing these same storylines, and having seen them probably 2 or 3 times by then.

AFAIK, the CDs are not available in stores, but they are available on the website at as well as being available at with some searching.

I've ordered the first two and I'm WAITING on the second two to arrive. I like the first two. They are very well done.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 17, 2007, 04:32:18 PM »

I love most storylines about DS. They all have their good and bad qualities. Albeit, some have BADDER BAD qualities (lol) than others. 1968 started out just fine. The Dream Curse was an inspiried idea (as we have said in another thread appropriately titled "Dream Curse"). But it got old after person AFTER person AFTER person continued to have the dream. Sure, ol' Ang. wanted to have everyone involved, but if you get too many people on a little boat, the boat is bound to sink. The best thing about it was the end when Vicki and Barnabas were fighting about Vicki telling or not telling the dream to him--as others have said elsewhere.

As for Adam. *SIGH* I lilked the story at first. It was nice. Adam was all innocent and mumbly. Couldn't say a word. I even found it humorous when Barnabas would say "You said my name! What a good little boy! Not Aunty Grayson--uh, uh, I mean Julia will come and give you a cigarette!" (OKay, so he didn't really say that, but his babying of Adam was quite a different place for EVIL Barnabas to go, ya know? He's supposed to be all mean and junk). Adam's storyline got dragged down by the not-so-lovely Dr. Lang, and hiis infamous "If both live" tape. However, fun was reinfused into the situation when Angelique returned as Nicholas Blair's play thing. Unfortunately for Adam, again, fun was SUCKED out of the storyline when Nicholas poked and prodded Adam to threaten and kill his way to a mate, only to have her reject him. BOO. And the whole thing with Peter Bradford knowing her, that was just really awful.

As for b.collins' post about DCP wanting to just END somehow, I was under the impression (and my impressions tend to change with the winds) that they were attempting to go into 1840 and later 1841PT because time travel storylines tended to be some of their higher ratings and they were attempting to recover.

I'm not at all surprised that Passions was finally cancelled. I, too, attempted to watch it numerous times, but I absolutely cannot stand anything on NBC, so maybe that was my downfall. It's odd to hear that NBC wants out of soaps. With all that space during the middle of the afternoon, what the hell are they going to air? TALK SHOWS? I'm sorry, but with every celebrity in the world who is washed up wanting a talk show now, it's going to be harder to find a stable one then to have a decent soap with ratings, which is what Days seems to be now.

Not to mention the fact that I'm outraged that ABC is going to cut OLTL down to a half hour show. BOO! I never liked AMC--too goody goody for me--but they should just air Days at 12 for an hour. But hey, at least they're not cutting GH down to a half hour, which, frankly, I'm surprised at as well because I know that they were being heavily criticised in the past for their crappy storylines, and rightly so. So I guess that their ratings are climbing back up again? I guess the critics are swarming back towards it again.

(Really the only thing bad about GH that I've had to say lately is when they brought in the "good" twin to Manny Luis' "bad" twin part. THAT was REALLY uninspired, considering that just did that a couple years ago with Alcazar.)

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 16, 2007, 09:54:13 PM »
E is for Early because those Collinses never seemed to sleep late. (Or go to bed at all)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Petition to Urge SoapNet to Air DS
« on: January 16, 2007, 05:26:04 PM »
If Chiller TV is part of NBC/Universal's channel's, would it not be a stretch to think that the 91 Revival Series could possibly pop up on there? I mean, some DS is better than NO DS at all......

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0211
« on: January 16, 2007, 05:20:58 PM »
ITA w/Lydia about the kinescope episodes! It definitely adds a touch of noir to the show. I used to HATE them because they were all grainy and the sound was bad, but even during such future storylines as 1970PT, they add something to the show. And they DEFINITELY added something to the current storyline.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0210
« on: January 16, 2007, 05:15:45 PM »
I agree that DP and JB were great together on the show. When Jason treated her like crap in these early episodes and then DP came back as Paul and Liz was like "I don't really care if he dies" and had that kind of attitude towards him, I felt like it was a vindication of sorts.

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:14:47 AM »
H is for Happiness...something that not many ever experienced at Collinwood.

B: Woo Carolyn! Those are lookin' awful perky tanight!

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 13, 2007, 05:16:17 AM »
O is for Overly dramatic which many of our actors/characters were at one point or another.....very rarely though, i'm sure.