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Messages - Gerard

Good question.  I'm not really sure which version I prefer.  Although both utilize the same script, they are different in direction, style, etc.


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Re: Lost my Brother/ot😥
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:42:37 PM »
I'm so sorry for this tremendous loss, Annie!  You and your family are deeply in my thoughts.  You are such a sweet, kind, loving, wonderful person and every time you post here you bring sunshine to all of us.


Caption This! - house of Dark Shadows / Re: house of Dark Shadows
« on: June 06, 2017, 02:29:03 AM »
Barnabas:  "I will have that wedding with Josette, Willie.  It will happen this time.  I'm just not sure about this 1970 thing.  Just what does 'chicken or fish' and 'open bar' mean?"


I'll be interesting to watch.  I loved Darabond's 2007 cinematic version (not too thrilled with the ending) and it stayed pretty faithful to King's novella.  King stated he was inspired by The Outer Limits episode "The Feasibility Study," one of the creepiest episodes of the series.  Of course, many of the performers in Darabond's version moved over to his The Walking Dead.  I'm just wondering how long they can extend the happenings in King's novella into something more than a two-hour movie.


I'm one of the only three people left on Earth that has never seen any of the PotC movies. 


Caption This! - 1840/1841 / Re: Episode #1150
« on: May 21, 2017, 05:21:23 PM »
Roxanne:  "Please, brother dear, I already have a religion!"


Current Talk '17 I / Re: Joan Bennett, the First Lady of Soap Opera
« on: May 21, 2017, 05:17:47 PM »
Growing up watching DS, I had no idea who Joan Bennett was.  I never had heard of her or knew of her Hollywood background.  I was puzzled when my mom kept saying she couldn't believe Joan Bennett was on "that spooky crap" but would sit and watch whenever she was on.  Only later did I learn of her thespian heritage.  In the early seventies, at my first job as a page in our library, I found the book, just published, The Bennett Playbill, that chronicled the family.  It was long and epic and I read it.  Then I finally was able to fully appreciate her.


A truly fantastic list.  Of course, if anyone here still hasn't seen The Innocents, for obvious reasons do so soon.


28 Days Later was one of those rare horror films that actually creeped me out.  The scene in the church turned my blood cold.


I thought it would be dioramas, no matter how primitive, of the scenes.  I did better with my Legos. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Dark Shadows Feud
« on: April 29, 2017, 02:09:48 AM »
Feud:  Bette and Joan, that marvelous mini-series, is now over.  Because of high ratings, the next one is starting in production about Diana and Charles.  What if they made one about the production of Dark Shadows?  It would be a "feud" since it appears that most got along, even when Dan Curtis acted like a tyrant.  That "drama" wouldn't be there.  But, still, wouldn't a miniseries about the most unique soap opera be interesting?

So who would play whom?  I could certainly see Jessica Lange playing Joan Bennett.  And Susan Sarandon playing Grayson Hall.  But who would play the others?


Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 27, 2017, 01:42:28 AM »
For my birthday, friends bought me a new laptop computer (my old one, on it's last legs, is over 15 years old with a tower).  I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure this new gadget out.  The "new" outlook is simply unworkable. 

Anyway, Gothics post reminds me of an episode of one of the latest versions of The Outer Limits.  It's called "Stream of Consciousness."  "Information" gadgetry  has come to its ultimate conclusion:  all humans have a chip implanted in their brains to stream and load "information."  Want to read "War and Peace?"  It streams and downloads in seconds.  You can't "read" it - you "stream" it.  Want to order a home-delivery pizza?  "Think" Domino's with what you want, pay for it with "streaming" and - voila! - your doorbell rings, hot and ready.  The entire world is revolutionized and an apparent Utopia.  Only 3-or-so% can't have the chip because of some brain damage and they are looked down upon.  The hero of the episode is one of them who has to use out-dated books to read (which others can't - there's no longer a need for printed words; to them, is just a bunch of squiggly markings).  To make a long story short, something goes wrong with the streaming and people begin to die.  He has to shutdown the "stream" to save humanity and when he does, suddenly 97% of the human race is illiterate.  The 3% rise to the top to reeducate the populace.  The final seen is of all different people, from waiters to doctors, sitting in schools, reading slowly:  "See John run.  Run, John, run."

I work as a substitute teacher.  Kids are not being taught (with some exceptions) how to write cursive anymore.  Even in kindergarten, computers are used; no need to learn how to spell or compose proper grammar - spell-check and grammar-check will take care of that.  Math?  Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division?  That's what calculators are for, even in advanced high school calculus and trigonometry classes.  Punch in the figures and get the facts.


Current Talk '17 I / Re: He's So Mean
« on: April 23, 2017, 05:50:02 PM »
And don't forget what he did to Carolyn.  "Don't be afraid, my dear.  I wouldn't hurt my own flesh and blood."  Munch!  Crunch!  Screeeaaammm!


Current Talk '17 I / Re: He's So Mean
« on: April 23, 2017, 02:03:49 AM »
Barnabas was originally, indeed, a villain.  Supposedly, it was to be a thirteen-or-so-week arc.  Barnabas was to bring terror and Dr. Julia (originally "Julian" - a man) Hoffman would find out what he was and the battle was on.  At the climax, both characters would die and on to the next monster.  Jonathan Frid, ready to move to the west coast to teach acting as a university, was told by his agent that the gig would be three months and giving him extra cash, so he delayed his move for the ca-ching.  But the ratings kept skyrocketing and the original plot was altered to extend it and the rest, as they say, is history. 


When I was fortunate to be aboard the Queen Mary 2 for a month in her maiden season, Richard Johnson who played the psychiatrist "ghost hunter" in The Haunting gave a lecture on his career, theater, film and The Haunting.  He ended an urban legend once and for all.  The bending doors pushed by the spooks were not rubber.  They were wood.  Stage hands pushed against them.  It was difficult but they did it. 

Of course, after his lecture, we all watched The Haunting on the QM2's massive movie screen.  And there were copies of the DVD of the movie available suitable for signing. 
