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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Missing Episode & Kinescopes
« on: July 13, 2006, 02:45:32 AM »
As we are fond of saying over on the Doctor Who forum on Outpost Gallifrey -

Watch it be discovered after the dvd release!!  ;D

Seriously, is there a thread here, or can a kind cousin offer any details on what was done to locate the lost episode.  I am genuinely curious and certainly would love to help any way I can. :)

Current Talk '06 II / Holidays and Birthdays
« on: July 12, 2006, 04:51:29 PM »
I think I may have asked this before...

Were holidays and birthdays ever acknowledged?

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Weather in Collinsport
« on: July 12, 2006, 04:20:23 PM »
IIRC, often on would hear and see thunder and lightning and many comments would be made on storms.  Fans would supply wind as required.  I don't think I ever saw any character not dress in a heavy coat to go out.  Also no matter what the time of year, Collinwood and the Old House must have been very cold as there was always a fire in the fireplace! :)

I don't think I ever saw snow.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Info on Pre-Barnabas DVDs
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:59:30 PM »
I'm very much looking forward to these!

Current Talk '06 I / Re: DVD Volume 26
« on: June 30, 2006, 07:04:42 PM »
Pity the Bloopers are not included (unless that was in a previous edition?)

It is my recollection that ShadowGram has reported that bloopers will be contained on the special Dark Shadows DVD that is scheduled for release in November.
Apologies, I've been out of touch on here for a while.  Thanks for the info!  Where might I find more info on the the Special DVD slated for November?

Current Talk '06 I / Re: DVD Volume 26
« on: June 24, 2006, 05:38:14 PM »
According to the listing on, here are the features on Collection 26:

Special Features ...

Sounds teriffic!  Looking forward to this!  Thanks!

Pity the Bloopers are not included (unless that was in a previous edition?)

Current Talk '05 II / Re: You STILL Know Who You Are...! (3rd in a series)
« on: November 09, 2005, 07:39:30 PM »
While apparently rare in DS, could the be something that DS pioneered, i.e. displaying large hunks of beefcake, or was this a budding trend in early 70s soaps?

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Collinsport 2005
« on: October 10, 2005, 06:35:01 PM »
Oh, I don't know.  By 2005, the cannery is probably closed, due to unions and fishing restrictions, so it moved all operations overseas. And since the canney (and to a lesser extent, tourism) was the backbone of the town, it died as people left for greener pastures.  Even the Collinses left their anscestral seat and while they have staunchly refused to sell their estate, thus preventing greedy developers from turning the ghost town into a resort.

But that happened in a alternate timeline, perhaps the one where Julia and Barn visit 1995?  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 09:33:14 PM »

You know what? This could be an *excellant* fan fiction Nelson!!  Are you up for it!?

I think I might.  I will mull it over this weekend and make some notes.   [hall2_grin] TBH, though, not sure where I would post it.  What FanFic sites are out there?

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 08:26:34 PM »
BTW, Rainey, I love your avatar, where did you find it?

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 08:11:35 PM »
Well, if DS had ever gotten around to a "Mummy" story arc, I'd have been in favor of it.  Especially if it was set (like the original movies) in the early 1930's.  I'm a great fan of Art Deco design, which borrowed liberally from ancient Egyption design.  The tomb discoveries of the 1920's were the inspiration for the 1925 Paris World's Fair "Exposition Internationale Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes"

And from that came the fashions we think of as "flapper" style, which, I'm pretty sure, has already been discussed here.  It would have been a wonderful visual treat to see the DS actors dressed in those debonair suits and the ladies in such stylized gowns.

But we were talking about mummies, weren't we?..... [hall2_wink]

I like that idea a lot!  While I was "gushing" earlier I thought about how it might have been incorporated into 1897 or somesuch, but Depression era Collinsport?? WOW.  I love it.  When were Elizabeth and Roger born?  Could David Henessy and Sharon Smyth or Denise Nickerson have been the right age to play Liz and Roger as children?  [hall2_grin]  Visiting the museum or library where the mummy was on display and Roger teasing and scaring Elizabeth about burying someone in the basement....... hehehehehe

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 07:14:19 PM »
Why do I get the distinct impression you have an entire screenplay of this tale, hidden at the bottom of a desk drawer somewhere, Nelson Collins?.... [hall2_wink]

LOL.  Thanks very much!  [hall2_grin] However, believe it or not, all of that came gushing off the top of my head... (now isn't THAT a vivid image  [hall2_wink] )

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 07:02:55 PM »
The coast of Maine is a cold, damp place.  A Mummy would have rotted faster than fish on the docks.

Not that physical  realities were EVER allowed to interfere with plot devices on DS... [hall_rolleyes]

Oh, there are lots of ways around that.  Even the 1932 version of the The Mummy was set mostly in London, wasn't it.  Hardly the driest of countries  [hall2_smiley]

I imagine they could have a small exhibit visiting the Collinsport Museum or a few artifacts (including a mummy) on loan from a larger museum for display at the local library or something, then have a middle eastern sorcerer come to town looking for the mummy and brings it to life with a spell from an ancient Egyptian scroll.  The living mummy turns on its resurrector killing him, performs additional spells to make itself completely human and takes the identity of the dead sorcerer.  He decides to settle in Collinsport while he makes his plans.  He has a servant, the dead Sorcerer whom the Mummy brought back to life to serve him.  However, the spell  that made him human is only temporary you see, he must do something else, sacrifice a virgin to Anubis and/or find a ancient Egyptian relic that has magic properties to bind the spell permanently.  I do think it would be too much to try to redo the Maggie/Josette story, but maybe instead he falls in love with the woman fated or foretold that he must sacrifice to make himself permanantly human.  So he puts off the big spell as long as he can, killing others to prolong he temporary human existance.  If he goes too long without sacrificing someone he begins to revert to his true age and appearence.  In the end, he must choose his life or the life of his true love and he ends up choosing his own life, but the woman he loves is saved and the mummy reverts to being a mummy again, and the servent/sorcerer/zombie keels over dead......

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Rumored Mummy Storyline
« on: October 07, 2005, 06:32:32 PM »
I think a mummy storyline might have worked well, if they had taken a page or two from Universal's 1932 version.  In other words, the mummy awakes and performs a spell to bring him back to full life, the way Karloff's Imhotep did.  After all, since DC picked up the reincarnated love storyline from that film to form the basis of the early Barnabas/Maggie story, I think it's only fair they ought to have done a mummy story and tried to twist it another way.  [hall_wink]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: barnabas and rachel drummond
« on: October 01, 2005, 09:23:29 PM »
I'll admit I have not seen that part of th 1897 storyline, but aren't soaps littered with couples that started out less than friends?  Even for (arguably) the most famous soap couple of all, Luke and Laura from General Hospital.  Didn't their relationship start with him raping her?  And yet they eventually became lovers and married and etc....