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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: A Few Comments
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:46:11 AM »
My daughter who like DS but never seems to have the time to watch anymore.  Play practice, basketball, the phone, all getting in her way, watched with me tonight when I  got home from work.  First of all she cried "Mom, Sarah looks just like Felicity".  For those who don't know and don't have a vested interest she is a doll from the American Girl collection.  Yes, I should own stock in Pleasant company.  The other thing was why does Barnabas look so very bad was her other comment.  The make up was so very heavy.  I hope she won't take lessons from the make up man.  
I thought todays episode was wonderful.  My heart ached for poor Naomi.  My older daughter was very sick when she was very young.  It brought certian memories back into my mind.  

Great acting today.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Laura shure played a great corpse
« on: March 27, 2002, 04:14:11 PM »
The stage hand is seen briefly in the corner when Barnabas and Angelique come around the coffin.  The stage hand quickly moves out of camara range.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Another Frid Q&A/ Talks about DS 1982
« on: March 27, 2002, 02:42:59 AM »
Thank you so very much.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Frid/DS Q&A 11/84 Part 1
« on: March 26, 2002, 05:02:31 PM »
Thanks again Nancy,  

I for one would enjoy reading more.

Birdie--Who is humming "Give My Regards to Broadway".
TCM is playing Yankee Doodle Dandy.   A favorite of mine.  My grandfather knew George M.  when he lived in the Brookfields.  

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS ACADEMY AWARDS
« on: March 26, 2002, 04:57:16 PM »
Too hard for my pointy little head.  That would mean making a decision.  I could change my mind per episode and mood.  The only one I could actually vote for would be a tie

John Karlen and Thayer David for supporting actor.

Have fun with it.


I agree with Robin.  The mausoleum most likely was built into a hill.  Actually, that is not uncommon.  I have seen this done in many old cemeteries.  My sister in law and I were looking up some old ancestors and were in a very old cemetery and we saw a few of those.  That is the only explanation that makes any sense.

Agreed about Josettes dress, the pink panel was terrible.  The dress was gorgeous other than that and she looked beautiful in it.  Than again she looks good in a paper bag.

It is funny in the future Barnabas does not make such a pig out of himself when dinning on the young lovelies.
I am going to be interested today to see him Ben cleaned his cravat and shirt while the B-man slept.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Don Briscoe
« on: March 26, 2002, 06:17:37 AM »
Too funny,
                  I seem to take after my mother's family, more Irish.  My sisters seem to have collected the Italian genes.  I am sure she looks wonderful.  They have the means to keep up there looks.  Speaking of people who look fab.  If what Nancy wrote as birth years is correct, Lara Parker will be 60 this year.  I find that unbelievable.  She looks incredible.  It blows me away.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: WELL??
« on: March 26, 2002, 06:07:01 AM »
        Keep watching DS it helps keep your sanity.  Really, I truly believe that.  A little escape does the world of good.  It seems like the last two years have had so much change in my life that sometimes I don't know if I am coming or going.  Most of it is out of my control. :'(.  My next change is one of jobs.  I am still in shock I have given my notice and will be starting a new job in two weeks.  I have been at the same place for seven years.

Look at it this way it is either DS or Valium and seeing Julia Hoffman isn't near by with her handy seditives we will have to stay with Shadows.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Laura shure played a great corpse
« on: March 26, 2002, 05:56:38 AM »
Agreed Lara did a fabulous job.  Jonathan Frid and Lara Parker play so well off each other.  The scene was very intense.  It is a shame the stage hand was caught in the scene.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Frid/DS Q&A 11/84 Part 1
« on: March 26, 2002, 05:51:13 AM »
Thank you Nancy,
                              I truly enjoyed reading the Q&A with Mr. Frid.  Bravo, thanks for sharing. ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Don Briscoe
« on: March 25, 2002, 11:07:35 PM »
lol.  You poor husbands have to put up with that about so many of the idols we seem to have.  It goes both ways I think. My poor husband has to listen to how gorgeous David Selby is and the saying "Be Still My Heart."

Than again my husband loves Gina Lolabridgeida, know I spelled that wrong,.  Don't know how many times I have sat through "Come September" with her and Rock Hudson.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: More 1795 Comments
« on: March 25, 2002, 10:58:33 PM »
I don't know I think Angie planned to leave Collinwood after she had driven the stake into Barnabas why not have some nice funds to live in the style she could become accustom too.  She really had no friends in town.  If she left town with a nice sum of money she could shed her "once maid thing".   Angelique could have a whole new life and a whole new beginning.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Whine, American Style
« on: March 23, 2002, 01:09:38 AM »
Castlebee, love the Dudley Moore thing.  lmao.

Could not agree more David H. acting was truly fabulous.


Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: March 23, 2002, 01:02:53 AM »
We really did get off topic.  Apologies to all.  One last thing, most of my friends have much yonger children.  No one yet has become a Gram.  Thank goodness it looks like it will be awhile for me.  My daughter is looking into living in Boston this summber.  It is killing me to keep my mouth shut.  

Back to the subject on hand...
The petofi box that shows up in just about every room.
Sort of like the tissue box on the back of the couch that seems to be in every family photo we have.

Birdie--got to pack, I am off to Me. for the weekend with the "girls".    

Games / Re: The Official List of Annoying Anachronisms
« on: March 22, 2002, 08:13:26 PM »
The thing that bothers me the most is that no one is surprised I have children that age. sob....

Somedays I feel younger than my oldest.
Somedays I feel older than my mother
Most days I seem to think I am 11 again and addicted to a certain show that came on at 4;00 p.m. in the afternoon,  One I ran home to watch.

Birdie--who is a little freaked out when woman look at my son and I see them appreciating a good thing.

Raineypack, I also have a 13 year old who is going to put me over the edge and an 11 year old.  What the h*** were we thinking.  Oh ya, it must have been the bunnies

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