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Messages - Heather


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JULIA: (thinking to herself) If I find my underwear drawer pilfered through again when I get back to Collinwood, I'm gonna have some talk for Mrs. Johnson!

[a0d0]  Maybe they all need a nice cup of Mrs. Johnson's special tea to soothe their tattered nerves... whoops, sorry -  wrong story. LOL  :-*

Karl Malden: "And the Oscar goes to...Lila Kedrova for ZORBA THE GREEK!"

LMAO!   ;)

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: January 22, 2005, 08:52:22 AM »
I still cherish my CARLOTTA button - and I shed a tear when I remember my original Carlotta T-shirt that, days before the DS convention, got messed up in the washing machine. She went from "colorful Carlotta" to "Carlotta in kinescope!" 

 Aww...that woulda made me cry too (well, I'm an emotional sort, so go fig..).  :'(   ::)   :-* Gotta love her in full-on Carlotta drag...divinely colorful.  [thumb]

B:, I need you--

J: *What* did you call me?


Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: January 21, 2005, 10:05:14 PM »
Magda. Definitely Magda. I couldn't even recognize the gal at first.

 Finals, Heather? What are you studying? Don't mind me. I ask everyone that b/c I'm fixing to go to college, too, one of these damn days. :) ~DJ

That's okay...not really a secret... Graphic Design (known I've wanted to do art since I was 3 or so... I was a precocious kid, I guess).

I agree - Julia's my fav, but I Love Magda too...sigh.  :-*


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Current Talk '04 II / Re: Ross Novels / Gold Key Comics
« on: January 21, 2005, 05:20:28 AM »
Heather, I'd never visited that site before. Hilarious, nay, Hysterical!

Chuckle... the funniest to me was the secret Julia story--and the one about Count Petofi's *other* appendage...  >:D

Current Talk '05 I / Re: DULL SHADOWS
« on: January 21, 2005, 04:49:09 AM »
As is well known, I'm a fan of the Leviathans story. Despite the nay-sayers, I continue to maintain that it had some of the best episodes of the series--or at least some of the best scenes. Frid's performance is tight as a drum, the character of Julia is better used than she had been since '67, they bring back Nicholas Blair, Leviathan Liz actually brings some zest back to a character that had been reduced to a sham of her former glory, etc. etc.

I'm one of those people that weren't too hot on the Leviathan episodes the first time I saw them, but after I got to see the series from beginning to end a few times...I must say that some of those episodes were quite enthralling.  [thumbleft] Some of it could get a tad tiring now and then, but so does almost every storyline...peaks and valleys. My general opinion is that if it's DS, its all good, ya know (chuckle).  >:D  Now of course, one thing that I loved the most, besides the confrontational and bond-reaffirming B&J moments during that time period, was how Julia became the *super doctor head private eye*...(no pun intended you wenches)...virtually keeping that family and her world together as she helped Quentin, banged heads with Barn., tried to help Chris  :'(, Carolyn--and then when she found out the terrible truth Julia's wits shined the brightest, daring to find the secrets of her friends and foes - standing by her man, so to speak, no matter what. Gotta love her!   [banana]

I hope he did at least mention the Anna Nicole Show. That terrorized me more than 5 years of DS ever did!


My god the blue dresses? I forgot the blue dresses (which got shorter and shorter. . .) Gothick i think i'll need a slap (followed by a tickle please. . )

Uhhhhh...I think we did talk about the blue dresses briefly, dear. I just think that we had sooo many caps to look through we started going delirious... LOL But damnit, it was FUN (laughing hysterically).  I mean, how you could you not when it involves JULIA...oh... ::)

Thanks Connie for the're a sweetheart.

Sigh... so sorry Steve. :(  Glad you liked the variety sweetie, but I deserve a little whipping for that oversight. Please be gentle...  [13]
BTW, I might be able help you with some of those Cassandra moments, if you're interested.   ;)

Okay...Back to Julia/Grayson...cause that's all it's really about, ya know.   ;D

Now, relating to that divine charcoal grey number... c'mon, is it just me, or doesn't it look like Barnabas deep down desperately wants to give her Toches  a little squeeze here? lol

Sigh...Jean Claude, sign me up for Julia/Graysonholic anonymous too...  >:D

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I-I'm just checking his willie, Vitals...

;) , to Heather)

OMG!  ROTFLMAO, Dom!  That's was perfect...snicker.  [banana] Almost reminds me of this one story where Barnabas is getting a massage and...uh...whoops, wrong list. LOL


Burke: Really, Jason...I don't know what your acting so pissy about. I'm entitled to have a little fun now and then, you know. Now if you'll EXCUSE me Mr. can't-keep-it-in-his-trousers, I[/b]  have a dinner date with that *darling* Vicki.  ^-^

Jason: {gasp} Bitch....

Is it just me or isn't a "nightie" one of those short night gowns?  I need a definition check . .

I thought that too, however as it turns out...


n : lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women [syn: nightgown, night-robe, nightdress]

 :P >:D