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Messages - Birdie

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I hope everyone had a Happy Easter or Passover.  Another holiday behind us.  Once again I got to host.  We had 14 for dinner.  The food was great!  We break with tradition and have shiskabob.  At this time of year we are ready for something other than ham or turkey.  This is also the first year no one believes in the "bunny".  My little guy finally knows the truth.  It is sad.  Of course, I forsed them to color eggs.  Let me tell you the 20 year old was thrilled.  He was so happy to go back to college with the loot from his basket.  The two oldest were happy last night raiding the house for food/drinks to bring back to school.

Spring is here soon it will be garden time.


Current Talk '02 I / Re:  What's in Julia's Bag?
« on: April 01, 2002, 11:28:24 PM »
Love the addition of the fold up rain bonnet.  I had forgotten about those.  Too funny.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst Dressed Characters
« on: April 01, 2002, 08:27:12 PM »
My vote is for Grayson's charactors as well.  I have a feeling the wardrobe woman/man didn't like her.  They picked the worst costumes and the least flattering for her.  Only dress I can think of that really looked good on her was a blue dress and she only got to wear it mayble once.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Suki Madness!!!
« on: March 31, 2002, 03:51:47 AM »
PLEASE..... it has been on the T.V. every night this week.  My hubby is one who will watch just about all the sports and now the olderst is home for the weekend so I will never get a shot at watching anythiing I want.  

Birdie-Sherman--not that I could see anything if I wanted to watch anything.  This eye thing is driving me nuts.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Tell me a story......
« on: March 31, 2002, 03:37:28 AM »
                     I went to my first festival last summer.  Let me tell you it took a lot of begging on my part for my hubby to concent to the trip.  I had a blast.  We only went Sat., our family stayed in Jersey with my sister.  We made it a family affair.  My sister, my hubby, daughter l8, who could have cared less, daughter 12, son l0, and me.  Hubby and older daughter came and went through out the day.  My younger two are DS fans so they were thrilled to go.  TLS was so very wonderful, my than 12 year old had written her a letter before the fest and she had replied.  When we met her she commemted to my daughter that her name sounded so familiar.  She told her about the letter.  I laughed with her and told her this was my mid-life crisis.  She thought that was funny and harmless.  We totally enjoyed the poetry reading by David Selby.  My sister and I almost fainted when we saw him walk in.  I was totally impressed with how wonderful they were with the children attending.  David wrote a wonderful little note in my daughters program, very sweet.  It felt very safe for kids.  I was a kid of course meeting all the stars.  Denise N. was very interested in my son, having a boy about the same age.  Donna W. was so very sweet she told me how great my kids were and hoped we would come again.  John K. offered me a sip of his wine.  It was a blast.  My only regret was that I never met any of the other fans from this forum.  My sister who is not a real fan had so much fun too.  She is more than willing to go again.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Relationship Between Joshua and Barnabas
« on: March 31, 2002, 03:17:03 AM »
If the curse was true, Julia should have been dead a long time ago.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: HANDY MAN OF THE YEAR AWARD
« on: March 31, 2002, 03:13:11 AM »
Willie.  He really got stuck with the worst jobs.  

Birdie-Sherman---or Birdie the blind.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: It's HERE! - new for fans of Big Willie!!!!
« on: March 31, 2002, 03:10:26 AM »
Thanks so much for the laughs.  Enjoy and have a safe trip.  

Happy Anniversary!

Birdie-Sherman( for a few more days}

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Question from the other day
« on: March 29, 2002, 11:54:05 PM »
My theory is all families are dysfunctional.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Natalie's Premonition
« on: March 29, 2002, 05:52:36 AM »
I think Natalie was lying to Josette.  After her seeing Barnabas she would have used any ploy to get Josette out of Collinwood.  Josette does not fear enough for her own life so she thought she would convince her that  Natalie herself needed protecting.  Seeing Barnabas scared the pants off her.  

What was with that beauty mark x thing?  It reelly bugged me.  It also reminded me of a story. Oh no, not again,  My friend and I were at a bar, when I was a SYT and we were talking to this guy.  My friend told him he had something on his face and went to wipe it away, only it was a mole. hehe.  The next time we saw him he had had it removed.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Unusual Chores
« on: March 29, 2002, 05:43:53 AM »
        A white kitchen floor!  We had our house built 8 years ago and we had a light floor.  last year I put tile in brick red to hide the dirt.hehe.  Now I claim  the kitchen floor is dirty and no one can tell.hehe.  My kitchen is huge too. But the computer is in the family room right next door..So while I cook, bake, clean, it is right there... I bet Willie washed the floors...

Birdie--who dreams of tall dark and handsome men with blue eyes.  Don't tell my husband.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: OT:  Picture this....
« on: March 29, 2002, 04:23:10 AM »
Thanks Ringo,
                       That is the picture my good friend e-mailed me.  I had forgotten his name was Sherman, not Simon.  I was close though.  Sad to say that is what I look like right now.  At least I can laugh.  She had me doing the little saying thing and going around in circles like he did in the cartoon.  Hey, what are good friends for.  I will miss her when I start me new job the 8th.  We are the kind of co-workers they have to seperate when we have meetings.   I am not kiddling, we tend to cause trouble and stir the pot.

My Dr. says lazer won't work on my eyes.  I think he said that because he likes to have a good laugh when I come in with those on.  

I like the fact Sherman has Mr. P. and I have my little white pooch.  

Birdie--or lately know as Sherman

Current Talk '02 I / OT:  Picture this....
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:30:18 PM »
I thought I would share this with all you mature posters.  I have worn hard contact lens since 1975.  Yes, hard lens, an allmost unheard of thing.  Anyway I have a eye infection and can't wear them.  My glasses are the same ones I wore in 1975.  When I went to the eye Dr.  My eye dr. is just one year olere than me and remembered the style very well. I didn't think he would stop laughing.  My co-workers were just about ready to fall on the floor.  One of they is now calling me Simon and Peebody.  Remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?  She even sent me a e-mail with a picture of the charactors.  Wish I could send it on.  But I am compurter challenged.
I keep asking for a new glasses perscription but the dr. says don't fill it, you will just waste your money.

Birdie--or Simon for the next few days.   Maybe you all will laugh just thinking about it

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Unusual Chores
« on: March 28, 2002, 05:18:06 PM »
I would give my right arm to have Willie working around my house.  He did a great job of keeping the old house in good order.  He even dusted the light fixtures.

Birdie ( who's motto is a clean house is a sign of a mispent life,  A clean house is a sign of a dull woman, and weren't children sent to help do housework, oh ya and my house was clean yesterday too bad you missed it,  maybe if I spent less time on the computer,.......

I am one of the non-believers.  I think there are too many really scary things out there.  Horrid illnesses, maniacs who choose violence,  natural disasters, I don't think that the super natural has a chance against these things.  True evil.


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