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Messages - Pansity

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Wasn't Ford Prefect, the late, lamented Compo's buddy in "Last of the Summer Wine" (otherwise known as "Dark Shadows Comes to Yorkshire")?

Dunno, never saw that show.  However, the one I was thinking of was the one in Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, wherein the answer to life, the universe and everything is said to be FORTY TWO.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Book Info
« on: June 21, 2006, 11:36:20 PM »
This is the cover of the 1897 (part 1) Concordance. I'd be interested in getting more of these myself as this is currently the only one I own.

Ugh, didn't read all the other posts before I posted.   [6184] For anyone interested in the Concordances, Kathy sells them on line through her agent, Waveney Press.  The url for her pages is:

I've met Judith and Richard Proctor, who run this site,  at a few media conventions, and have known OF them since we were all involved in Blake's 7 fandom.  They are good, reputalble people, and I've never heard the rumblings about them that you tend to hear in media fandom when people selling things don't conduct themselves ethically toward other fans.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Book Info
« on: June 21, 2006, 11:14:04 PM »
The Concordances are great.  The artwork alone (by the late, great Warren Oddsson) is worth the price of purchase, not to mention all the detailed synsopses of DS episodes, trivia, photos, essays and other cool stuff.  Unfortunately Kathleen stopped using the slick-looking vanity press binding style she employed a few years back, I'd assume due to cost, but if you can overlook of the ringbound style you'll most certainly enjoy the contents I'm sure.
I would double triple and quadruple all the good words said about the Concordances.  Excellent references when you are writing fanfiction!  And the artwork is up to the best quality standards in any fandom I can think of.

Alas the cost is not the only reason a lot of zine publishers have stopped using the perfect bound method you refer to. What a lot of them have found (especially in this age of cheap copyshops taking the place of offset print shops) is that unless you have a printer who does a good thorough job  with good quality glue, (read $$$)  the perfect bound doesn't hold up too well.  The other one you mention, the GBC binding, tends to be more durable and is more forgiving when you reread zines a lot.  Easier to read, too when you can turn back the pages on themselves without risk of damaging the zine.

I've contributed to a lot of zines (even put one out long ago, as well as a quarterly letterzine) and have nothing but the greatest respect for the product Kathy Resch puts out.

I just wish her WODS came out a LOT more often.  New, high quality DS fanfiction is getting harder and harder to find out here on the net.....

Sounds like a fun dvd Penny Dreadful!
Antiques Roadshow does DS!  Can I have one too please? ;D

I seem to remember that Barnabas once told Carolyn (his new "assistant") that that warlock (or witch doctor?) on one of those Caribbean islands, HAD told Mr. B. the "secret, magic number of the universe."

You can tell its been one of THOSE weeks at work.  I just got the mental image of Ford Prefect whispering "42" in Barnabas' ear.

Just because I messed up and didn't properly credit YOU as the one who let us know about this, I thought I would thank you again here, Retzev!

 [9050] [pyth]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Today's Birthday!
« on: June 18, 2006, 09:42:38 PM »
 [occasion13]   Hope you have a great one!


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Festiva Badgesl
« on: June 18, 2006, 09:40:32 PM »
My guess is a couple hours before the time registration opens, which I think is usually 6Pm or thereabouts.  Line is typical of lines at all cons at registration -- that is LOOONG.  Most people want badges as soon as possible so they don't miss any programming they might be interested in.

However if you have a physical disability, they will make sure you don't have to stand.  They usually work people with physical limitations into the front of the line.

Got one even stranger than that one about your ex coworker, Buzz.

Was talking to a friend of mine on the phone a couple days ago.  This is someone who mostly does Regional SF cons, media cons, SCA events and the occasional Worldcon.  She went to a couple of the Fests when they first started up in Newark, but NOTHING in over 15 years, nor has she ordered anything from MPI. (By the way it didn't surprise me to hear that they probably are using MPIs lists for mailings.  It makes perfect sense to me, given MPIs big presence at the Fests, as a way to contact an audience with a demonstrated interest in DS.)

Bottom line is Toni  got a flyer for the fest.  Makes you wonder whether for the 40th they are culling from every membership list they ever had, or where they are buying their mailing lists.  She and I were scratching our heads trying to figure out how, if not from the old Fest list, they got her name.  (She's seriously considering coming for at least one day, by the way.  IF she's not too dead from Pennsic, which is only a couple weeks before the Fest.  I LOVE contaminating people!  >:D)

Current Talk '06 I / Scenes you know HAD to have happened
« on: June 17, 2006, 10:30:55 PM »
Have you ever been watching DS and you realize that in the storyline you're watching, there is something that is set up, you know the scene HAD to have happened within the reality of the show, but it's never shown or even referred to?  AngeliqueWins/Judy and I compare notes on these a lot, what with our various stories; hers set in 1840 and mine in 1897.  I thought it would be interesting to compare notes and see how many people here have had the same experience.

Here's a couple of mine, both from 1897:

1) After Quentin finds out about his children.  He mentions in the later scene with Edward that he has just come from his son's grave.  Whether it was Magda, or, more likely Beth that took him there , I can't see him not piecing it together and realizing Beth knew and didn't tell him (For all Quentins myriad faults, he's VERY quick on the uptake -- the Lilachead he mutated into in of summer of 70 not withstanding.)  [flower] There had to be one seriously ugly scene between them, maybe even at the baby's grave itself.  And I am wracking my brain on this, but, without going back to the eps to confirm this, I believe that we didn't see her for a good while after that.  And that  sometime in here is when Amanda Harris first turned up.  Such a scene might even explain Beth's going from a strong and interesting character to one who cried all the time.  Guilt can do some really funky things to people. [cryg]

2) We know that Jamison told Q he hated him after the Beth and Angelique business, and that he wasn't able to make things right before the Petofi takeover.  Can't see Petofi bothering.  So, can you just IMAGINE the scene between Jamison and Quentin after the boy is told of Beth's death? (If Trask knew she was dead when he saw her ghost, apparently the whole family knew somehow from someone that she had died.) [Ghost00]

OK, there's some of mine to start the ball rolling.  Anyone else want to play?

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Collins' Fortune
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:39:07 PM »
Just to interject my pet bete-noire about the stories set in "the PAWSSST" (I do adore how Joan pronounced that word)--namely, that a family with the standing of the Collins' in the 1790s, 1840s and 1890s would have had a full staff of servants (in the 1790s and 1840s, this would have been very necessary due to all the hard physical labor necessary to perform simple tasks of household maintenance).  Instead, we get Riggs and Stokes holding down the fort in 1795, and poor Beth (whom Judith keeps trying to fire) the only servant seen onscreen in 1897.  I can't remember any servants in 1840 apart from Hortense the Hapless.

The only time the house seemed to be properly staffed was in the 1940s, judging from the list of people Liz fired in '49.

Nice to see such great responses to this!  ;D

I was wondering whether someone would bring up the servant thing.  Have to admit, it's a pet peeve of mine too.  But -- and I admit being unusual in this -- I tend to think of DS as more of a play than a tv show.  I take it for granted with servants  that there are far more than we see "on stage"; we just don't see them because they aren't essential to the action.

Add to that DC's tendency to use as few actors as possible and you get such weirdnesses as Beth -- who was Jenny's LADIES MAID -- doing everthing from the household dusting to the toting and hauling as well as caring for the kids.  Taking care of Grandmamma as the cover story for caring for Jenny made sense for a ladies maid; the other stuff didn't really.  Not to mention wondering , between the long hours of a Victorian servant, running around on the various adventures   [Wolfie] and then working for Petofi full time, when the HECK the woman got any sleep. [sleepy3] [sleepy5]

Anyway, as to the lack of the proper servant population in the various periods, I just give them the right number and kind of staff for the time in my minds eye.  Just one more thing for that list my friend AngeliqueWins and I often discuss, of scenes that you KNOW had to have happened, but we never saw.  [b003]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Collins' Fortune
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:18:39 PM »
Part of Elizabeth's struggle was that she'd locked up a large part of her assets
in trust for Carolyn and David.

Thanks Julianka.  I forgot about that.  Only saw the series straight through once, and (silly me) was only TIMESHIFTING when I caught them from episode one.  I TAPED over them after watching. [8311] .  Didn't think I was going to get sucked into the fandom you see -- I thought I was only taking the convenient opportunity, on seeing that they were starting from ep 1, to finally see ALL of the show.Only started keeping them after the ep with Carl and Quentin in the mausoleum grabbed me.

But I would like to thank the nice cousin (Arashi, I think) who posted elsewhere about having the sale (which ends as of end of business today) with 20% off their already cheap as it gets prices, PLUS FREE SHIPPING.  At that price, I went and snagged 1795 as I've been intending to for some time.  ME BAD.   [naughty]

Current Talk '06 I / The Collins' Fortune
« on: June 16, 2006, 12:13:58 AM »
I find it interesting how they handled the Collins' wealth through the various RT storylines.  Interestingly enough, being a history wonk, I find that what they show parallels how things progressed in society in the real world.

In Barnabas' time, Joshua is a wealthy shipbuilder, apparently with shipping interests in various parts of the world.  The connection with the West Indies makes me think of the song Molassses to Rum to Slaves from 1776 (in which Virginia Vestoff -- Samantha  in 1840 -- starred on Broadway).  The song WAS based on a truism of the time, and that trade was the basis of a LOT of the extreme wealth of the time.

1840s we have Quentin the head of the household as the Captain of what sounds like a Clipper Trade Ship, and the implication is that the family has a large fleet, and, though my memory is rusty on this, it sounds like they also have a major shipbuilding business.

The 1897 family is implied to have vast wealth.  They show Gilded age extravagance and its inferred even more by Edward being good friends with British nobility  - and you needed SERIOUS money to run in those circles in Victorian times.  This fits with a time when shipping and trade were at its height and anyone involved with them could increase even the biggest fortune many times over.

But then we come to 1966. This is a time when shipping is dying, planes are taking away most of the passenger trade and a lot of the cargo trade.  There has not been a big call for shipbuilding for many decades. The family business seems to consist mostly of a cannery.  We see Elizabeth is trying to keep Collins Enterprises afloat, and negotiating with the town to lower her property taxes on teh grounds that most of the property is unused.   A far cry from the family who had enough spare assets that Naomi';s jewels disappearing didn't even rate a hiccup on the family's style of living.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Parallel Time
« on: June 15, 2006, 11:46:55 PM »
Jeannie... the Rebecca plagiarism is my main complaint about PT, that and the Jeckyl/Hyde pilfering, but I decided that everyone must be sick of my going on about it by now.

I can understand your point of view, even though I rather enjoy that aspect.  Two reasons I think.  Not only am I an English Lit major (the other major was History, big shock I know to those who know me. [rofl10] ) but I also spent a lot of time in the fandoms for Star Wars and Indiana Jones, where the steals from books, old movies (and just about everything not nailed down) were a big part of the fun.  Spot the in joke and figure out which movie THAT came from were the big sports. [nerd] [naughty]

PT and 1897 are the storylines that did it the most -- and the most obviously -- I think. But then again there IS 1841 and "The Lottery" not to mention the Jane Eyre steals in EVERY storyline....  And, as you say, the interesting stuff is really in the additions, twists and turns that change the "known" plot into DS.

Now this is making me wonder: Did they do it ONLY as a quick and dirty way to come up with stories under the unreal pressures of writing for daytime TV? Or, as with the Lucas films, was it also the nudge nudge wink wink  acknowledgement of the material that inspired it all?  [9050]

Seemed to me that it was better than average Sciffi fare -- watchable, with a standard SF -plot with some inspiration from Forbidden Planet and various and sundry disaster movies.

Oh, I agree that it wasn't the worst premise of a SF channel movie, and actually I thought it showed some originality, even though the creature itself seemed like a composite of familiar monsters.  What I was ridiculing was the script, which was predictable (can you say "redshirts"?) and trite.  The scientific explanations showed promise but were abruptly dropped.  I also mentioned the SFX; SciFi has done much, much better.  And as for Kristy Swanson's performance, well, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that she studied Rachel Hunter's acting in SF's "Larva."   [cat]

I do look forward to reading your review when it's available, Pansity.  :D

I think we're really on the same page with opinions . Its just that I have such a low opinion of so much of what I've seen of their in house productions  - especially the insulting to the point of infuriating Sci Fi Buzz most thankfully of late memory! (I posted somewhere else about the bad experiences of years past and general contempt with which the SciFI Channel types treated fans even when they wanted to woo them) that anything even adequate looks really good to me.  The actors of course do the best they can with what they're given (and how many DS eps can we rationalize with THAT comment <G>), but wouldn't plausible, coherent scripts be NICE?

The creature itself reminded me somewhat of the ID monster from Forbidden Planet, with bits and pieces from various Alfred Hitchcocks and Twilight Zones.

Again I only saw not quite to the middle due to a phone call (and I do feel a bit cheated - I realized that means I only got HALF my birthday present [greed] ). So, I will have to watch the whole thing to have a better idea how they handled the whole thing. Last thing I remember was when the place imploded and of course the geeky guy bought the farm; as you said, typical redshirt.  NO clue yet what happened after that.

Hopefully I can shake this cold and have enough brain cells to do a review after a rewatch.  (Thanks for the kind words on the potential review, btw.  It's been downright embarrassing how long the site has gone without updates. Before the thing I put up in April, I'd not been able to shake REAL LIFE long enough to do anything since SEPTEMBER.   [redface]).

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